The NRA, REPUBLICANS, DEPLORABLES, TRUMP, all have Florida blood on their hands!

Watching tv this morning they had a lady screaming on the microphone " What are you going to do Mr. Trump to stop this ? " The first thing that popped into my mind is , What are you parents going to do to stop this ? Democrats are obstructionist against anything good republicans try to do . They are liberal on everything else . Guns freed America , guns protected America time and time again . Don't ask what Mr. Trump can do for your kids but what You can do for your kids .

I'm neither republican nor democrat but I tend to vote and side with Republicans because they are about all that stands between America and Hillary's America . You guys need to watch the movie Hillary's America and see who really freed the slaves , and yes , they had to use guns to free the slaves from the democrats .

Mr Trump has more things on his plate than to try and form laws for sorry parents that fuck , have unwanted kids ( future democratic votes via welfare system ) and then fuck and have another when they don't have a clue where the first one is . Just my 2 cents worth . If the gov. would just legalize prostitution the birth rate would drop , std's would drop ( our ladies on ECCIE for the most part are much cleaner and safer than whores at a bar ) and the price of pussy would plummet . They could tax it and help the national debt .

So the shooters parents were dead , so be it . Were all the other shooters parents dead ? And I was not singling out this shooter . My post is generalized to include ever trashy inbred punk kid running around out there who do have parents . Obviously if the kid doesn't have parents it's a mute point .
LexusLover's Avatar
This shooter's parents were dead.
Nobody is trying to take your guns away. However everyone should try to take away the right of a 18 year old to buy a assult rifle. It’s a no brainer for any educated person but deplorables seem to have a problem with it. Originally Posted by StandinStraight
Do you even bother to read any legislation proposed and passed by Democrats? They are doing their best to ban all types of guns and will do it little by little if necessary until they succeed in banning all guns.

Here's an example. I live in NY State and wanted to purchase a Ruger Mark IV recently for target shooting and teaching my kids gun safety. Here are two models that I was looking at:

Both of these are the exact same gun and only differ in appearance. I personally liked the style of the 22/45 model better, but because of the NY SAFE Act, I was unable to purchase because it is classified as an assault weapon. Know why that is? Because it has a scary threaded barrel on it.

Want to know what kind of ammo it shoots? A .22 long rifle (LR). Here's a picture. You can see that it is slightly bigger than your micro penis.

You guys in Texas are lucky you don't have to put up with this bullshit.
LexusLover's Avatar
You can see that it is slightly bigger than your micro penis.

You guys in Texas are lucky you don't have to put up with this bullshit. Originally Posted by SeekingFun69
Well, we have some "carpetbaggers" who are nurturing their own "micro penis" by insisting on making this state the way they had it "back home," which makes one wonder why the fuck they left in the first place .... Speedo is one of them who posts on here!

But he doesn't need a firearm! He can kick anyone's ass he wants!
Well, we have some "carpetbaggers" who are nurturing their own "micro penis" by insisting on making this state the way they had it "back home," which makes one wonder why the fuck they left in the first place .... Speedo is one of them who posts on here!

But he doesn't need a firearm! He can kick anyone's ass he wants! Originally Posted by LexusLover
So true , same way here in Mississippi .
Do you even bother to read any legislation proposed and passed by Democrats? They are doing their best to ban all types of guns and will do it little by little if necessary until they succeed in banning all guns.

Here's an example. I live in NY State and wanted to purchase a Ruger Mark IV recently for target shooting and teaching my kids gun safety. Here are two models that I was looking at:

Both of these are the exact same gun and only differ in appearance. I personally liked the style of the 22/45 model better, but because of the NY SAFE Act, I was unable to purchase because it is classified as an assault weapon. Know why that is? Because it has a scary threaded barrel on it.

Want to know what kind of ammo it shoots? A .22 long rifle (LR). Here's a picture. You can see that it is slightly bigger than your micro penis.

You guys in Texas are lucky you don't have to put up with this bullshit. Originally Posted by SeekingFun69
Does New York require a FOID(Firearm Owners Identification0 Card to buy a firearm like they do in Illinois?

Back in the 70s they lowered the drinking age to 18 in Texas. The “experiment “ didn’t work out very well and the drinking age was returned to 21 a few years later. Originally Posted by TheDaliLama
I remember that QUITE well!

I was managing a nightclub in Austin (and then in El Paso) during those years....the "under 21" kids were the ones we had to keep our eyes on the most. Every Fri / Sat night it was Groundhog Day...dumb kids coming in and inevitably doing dumb stuff....yeah, the experiment was a total disaster...
Does New York require a FOID(Firearm Owners Identification0 Card to buy a firearm like they do in Illinois?

Jim Originally Posted by Mr MojoRisin
Yes (handguns only though), and each and every handgun I own/purchase needs to have its make and serial # recorded at the Sheriff's office and added to my ID card prior to me taking possession of it from the dealer. For a small fee of course.

Now I just need to work on getting my concealed carry permit prior to the Republican judge in my county retiring.
SpeedRacerXXX's Avatar
Well, we have some "carpetbaggers" who are nurturing their own "micro penis" by insisting on making this state the way they had it "back home," which makes one wonder why the fuck they left in the first place .... Speedo is one of them who posts on here!

But he doesn't need a firearm! He can kick anyone's ass he wants! Originally Posted by LexusLover
You most certainly have a man-crush on me. Out of nowhere you deem it necessary to bring me into a thread.

No I don't need a firearm. I've done perfectly well without one in this state, in the other 30+ states I've visited, and countless countries I've visited. And I can most certainly kick your ass!

The gun laws in Texas don't bother me at all. I don't agree with all of them but none of the gun laws, or lack of laws, bother me as I go through my day.

Lying, ignorant, redneck, hillbilly.

Still waiting for you to tell me what lies I've told on this forum. Or was that just another lie by you?
StandinStraight's Avatar
Do you even bother to read any legislation proposed and passed by Democrats? They are doing their best to ban all types of guns and will do it little by little if necessary until they succeed in banning all guns.

Here's an example. I live in NY State and wanted to purchase a Ruger Mark IV recently for target shooting and teaching my kids gun safety. Originally Posted by SeekingFun69
Hey a hole if you didn’t give your kids guns you wouldn’t need to teach them gun safety. All your doing is making it more likely that you will shoot them or they will shoot themselves or someone else. Do your kids a favor and get rid of your guns , unless of course you love your guns more than your kids, in that case keep them and teach them safety!
Does New York require a FOID(Firearm Owners Identification0 Card to buy a firearm like they do in Illinois?

Jim Originally Posted by Mr MojoRisin
That is something i keep bringing up to liberals. WHY IS IT ok for them to demand and push for all sorts of restrictions on gun ownership, when its a right, but WHINE, cry and sue when anyone talks about trying to restrict another right (VOTING) when how one votes can impact a WHOLE LOT MORE PEOPLE than just those who may get shot by killers with guns....
  • grean
  • 02-16-2018, 01:05 PM
Are smoke grenades illegal?
LexusLover's Avatar
You most certainly have a man-crush on me. Originally Posted by SpeedRacerXXX
Another lie. You responded to my statement about your threat directed at me!

How ignorant can you get? It's too bad you don't get enough attention at home.

Do you keep count of the State's you've visited? Really?
Hey a hole if you didn’t give your kids guns you wouldn’t need to teach them gun safety. All your doing is making it more likely that you will shoot them or they will shoot themselves or someone else. Do your kids a favor and get rid of your guns , unless of course you love your guns more than your kids, in that case keep them and teach them safety! Originally Posted by StandinStraight
Do you have any idea how stupid you sound? It's obvious that your reading comprehension is on par with your spelling, grammar and intellect.

My kids will be just fine thank you. Now get back to responding to your assertion how Democrats don't want to ban guns when I've given a clear example of a target pistol falling under the banned list for NY State.
Are smoke grenades illegal? Originally Posted by grean
Don't know. A very quick google search didn't find anything for me. However as I'm not interested in purchasing any I'm not going to spend any more time researching it