The final tally for Obamacare: 2013

How many times has the GOP plan been posted here? And still Eva can't seem to remember or he just doesn't want you to remember. If that doesn't work then they say that Obamacare was actually an idea from either the Heritage Foundation or Mitt Romney. People like Eva want to have it both ways. Originally Posted by JD Barleycorn

Yep I remember them well waving blank sheets of paper during the speech. Blanks like you JD..
Yssup Rider's Avatar
Louie Gohmert had a 12 page alternative.
lustylad's Avatar
The repubtard plan to bring health insurance to the 30 million that don't have it is to continue to let them remain uninsured. Lame, lame, lame again. And unbelievably arrogant. Originally Posted by flghtr65
Funny how you pull out the 30 million figure. That's how many people the non-partisan Congressional Budget Office estimates will still be uninsured over the next decade EVEN WITH FULL IMPLEMENTATION OF OBAMACARE.

In other words, the plan you keep blindly defending won't even fix the problem it was ostensibly designed to take care of. Even ten years from now, two out of three uninsured people will STILL be without insurance.

How do you defend that, asshole? The whole thing is a huge WHITE ELEPHANT that according to the non-partisan experts at the CBO won't do what it's supposed to do - yet you nevertheless expect the majority of already insured Americans to underwrite this disaster by paying higher premiums and taxes and letting libtard bureaucrats in Washington dictate details of their coverage? And if anyone complains, all you can say is STFU, at least we have a plan?

Tell me again, who is being lame, lame, lame and unbelievably arrogant?
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  • CJ7
  • 01-06-2014, 12:57 PM
Funny how you pull out the 30 million figure. That's how many people the non-partisan Congressional Budget Office estimates will still be uninsured over the next decade EVEN WITH FULL IMPLEMENTATION OF OBAMACARE.

In other words, the plan you keep blindly defending won't even fix the problem it was ostensibly designed to take care of. Even ten years from now, two out of three uninsured people will STILL be without insurance.

How do you defend that, asshole? The whole thing is a huge WHITE ELEPHANT that according to the non-partisan experts at the CBO won't do what it's supposed to do - yet you nevertheless expect the majority of already insured Americans to underwrite this disaster by paying higher premiums and taxes and letting libtard bureaucrats in Washington dictate details of their coverage? And if anyone complains, all you can say is STFU, at least we have a plan?

still confused? doesn't look like anyone is defending anything on the stat side ... you've continually made your white elephant point ... over and over and over, day in, day out ... either you're senile or like repeating yourself ..

Tell me again, who is being lame, lame, lame and unbelievably arrogant? Originally Posted by lustylad

lustylad's Avatar
YOU! Originally Posted by CJ7
Another lame, one-word post by CBJ7 underscoring his utter inability to address substance or to contribute quality or depth to any discussion on this board.
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  • CJ7
  • 01-06-2014, 02:06 PM
Another lame, one-word post by CBJ7 underscoring his utter inability to address substance or to contribute quality or depth to any discussion on this board. Originally Posted by lustylad
read the entire post ... I also said

still confused? doesn't look like anyone is defending anything on the stat side ... you've continually made your white elephant point ... over and over and over, day in, day out ... either you're senile or like repeating yourself ..

deep ain't it?
LexusLover's Avatar
//// the plan you keep blindly defending won't even fix the problem it was ostensibly designed to take care of. Originally Posted by lustylad
Not in defense of him, but merely by way of explanation, he has a lot of company in that endeavor ... number crunching .. the likes of which the BLS has never seen. The ACA was not "designed to take care of" any problem ... it was "designed" to create a problem so that "Big Brother" could come in and bail out the health care and health insurance industry, and thereby take over them both with "government insurance."

Kill off private enterprise to make way for "national health care" .. the wet dream of all liberals.

Problem is Obaminable can't run a one-car funeral.... much less a national health care program.
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  • CJ7
  • 01-06-2014, 02:13 PM
Not in defense of him, but merely by way of explanation, he has a lot of company in that endeavor ... number crunching .. the likes of which the BLS has never seen. The ACA was not "designed to take care of" any problem ... it was "designed" to create a problem so that "Big Brother" could come in and bail out the health care and health insurance industry, and thereby take over them both with "government insurance."

Kill off private enterprise to make way for "national health care" .. the wet dream of all liberals.

Problem is Obaminable can't run a one-car funeral.... much less a national health care program. Originally Posted by LexusLover

problem being Obie isn't a one man show running ACA ... as much as you wish he was.
lustylad's Avatar
read the entire post ... I also said

still confused? doesn't look like anyone is defending anything on the stat side ... you've continually made your white elephant point ... over and over and over, day in, day out ... either you're senile or like repeating yourself ..

deep ain't it? Originally Posted by CJ7
Ok, my bad...

The reason I keep repeating myself is because I never get an answer. You can go one of two ways here.

Either: 1) Admit Obamacare is a white elephant. Then you need to explain why we shouldn't just mothball it and start over,

or 2) Pretend Obamacare is NOT a white elephant. Then you need to explain by what metrics you consider a plan that leaves 30 million people uninsured to be smart and successful policy and superior to anything else we could have done.
lustylad's Avatar
problem being Obie isn't a one man show running ACA ... as much as you wish he was. Originally Posted by CJ7
So what are you saying? That ACA would be running smoothly if it was a one-man Odumbo show? Or ACA sucks because too many other people are running it?

P.S. All those "other people" report to Odumbo.
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  • CJ7
  • 01-06-2014, 02:55 PM
Ok, my bad...

The reason I keep repeating myself is because I never get an answer. You can go one of two ways here.

Either: 1) Admit Obamacare is a white elephant. Then you need to explain why we shouldn't just mothball it and start over,

or 2) Pretend Obamacare is NOT a white elephant. Then you need to explain by what metrics you consider a plan that leaves 30 million people uninsured to be smart and successful policy and superior to anything else we could have done. Originally Posted by lustylad
actually, you can go another way too ... let it play itself out and form your judgment from the results .. the end goal is 20 - 30 million people signed up by 2020 ... call me in 2020 if you want an answer from me.
I know the truth is hard to hear, even tougher to remember, but so easily ignored by some. Originally Posted by JD Barleycorn

JD, about flighty: I learned to never argue with a woman, especially a woman on her period. Facts and logic just make them more irritable. JMHO.
lustylad's Avatar
The reason I keep repeating myself is because I never get an answer. You can go one of two ways here.

Either: 1) Admit Obamacare is a white elephant. Then you need to explain why we shouldn't just mothball it and start over,

or 2) Pretend Obamacare is NOT a white elephant. Then you need to explain by what metrics you consider a plan that leaves 30 million people uninsured to be smart and successful policy and superior to anything else we could have done. Originally Posted by lustylad
actually, you can go another way too ... let it play itself out and form your judgment from the results... Originally Posted by CJ7
If Odumbocare is a white elephant, it makes no sense to "let it play itself out". So you are implicitly choosing (2) to pretend it's not a white elephant.

Or let's use a different metaphor. If your house catches on fire, would you tell everyone to "let it play itself out" before deciding whether or not to call the firefighters?
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  • CJ7
  • 01-06-2014, 11:11 PM
If Odumbocare is a white elephant, it makes no sense to "let it play itself out". So you are implicitly choosing (2) to pretend it's not a white elephant.

Or let's use a different metaphor. If your house catches on fire, would you tell everyone to "let it play itself out" before deciding whether or not to call the firefighters? Originally Posted by lustylad

that's some dumb shit right there

lets play out this metaphor ... bitch, piss and moan day after day, and you can't do anything about a LAW ... however, you can make yourself look as relevant as a fart in a wind storm.
lustylad's Avatar
... bitch, piss and moan day after day, and you can't do anything about a LAW ... Originally Posted by CJ7
That's all you got left? Nyah, nyah, it's the law and you can't do anything about it? How pathetic. Run up the debate surrender flag again. You know the ACA is an indefensible POS law but you're too much of a libtard coward to admit it.

ACA is the worst piece of legislation since the 1930 Smoot Hawley Tariff Act. Like Smoot Hawley, it will be dismantled as the damage it inflicts becomes overwhelming and obvious to all.