Who Put Classified Docs in Trump’s Desk

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  • 09-05-2022, 04:04 PM
... uh... any charges... where are they??

#### Salty Originally Posted by Salty Again
You haven't a clue about the process, have you.
lustylad's Avatar
That is not even close to what he meant. Originally Posted by WTF
Mind-reading again?

Why don't you let Mr. Rules-for-Thee-But-Not-For-Me answer the question himself?
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  • 09-05-2022, 04:12 PM
Mind-reading again?

Why don't you let Mr. Rules-for-Thee-But-Not-For-Me answer the question himself? Originally Posted by lustylad
You aren't going to understand it if you couldn't understand the last....

If you need help , just ask.
lustylad's Avatar
You haven't a clue about the process, have you. Originally Posted by WTF
And you do have a clue?

Please walk us through the history of the DOJ convicting anyone under the Espionage Act.
lustylad's Avatar
If you need help, just ask. Originally Posted by WTF
Like you always do?

Oh wait, I forgot - you're beyond help.
You haven't a clue about the process, have you. Originally Posted by WTF
... What process is that?
The one where the Special Master decides what stays
and what goes?

### Salty
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  • 09-05-2022, 04:33 PM
And you do have a clue?

Please walk us through the history of the DOJ convicting anyone under the Espionage Act. Originally Posted by lustylad
I'll let 1b1 explain exactly what he meant ....and it wasn't wtf you assumed.
  • Tiny
  • 09-05-2022, 04:33 PM
Did he break the law when the 4 corners of the law are read?
If he did, then he should be indicted. If not, then he didn’t evidently break the law.

If he is indicted they should move forward with a prosecution and proves beyond a reasonable doubt his guilt. A jury will decide whether they’ve been successful in doing so.

The fact that he was a former president shouldn’t make any difference. We’re 2 years away from an election that he will be part of. Being afraid to prosecute him now would be silly. If the prosecutors believe he is guilty they should proceed.

The fact that he has nut bag followers that will riot if he’s prosecuted doesn’t and shouldn’t matter either. That’s how a nation of laws knows it’s doing the right thing. When we start letting people walk because people will be mad that a criminal is prosecuted we may as well stop having a justice system we claim is fair.

Trump can defend himself in court like everyone else that gets prosecuted. Originally Posted by 1blackman1
Well argued. Basically "no one is above the law." If not for my anarcho capitalist tendencies (lol) I'd probably agree with you.

I wouldn't send Donald Trump or Hillary Clinton to jail for violating statutes related to confidential records. But I could see the poetic justice, given the "Lock her Up" chants he encouraged.
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  • WTF
  • 09-05-2022, 04:36 PM
... What process is that?
The one where the Special Master decides what stays
and what goes?

### Salty Originally Posted by Salty Again
Actually the SM is just going to eliminate attorney/client material.
Not sure why....they've already seen it.

I think there will be a trial after the midterm election....or Trump will plead out.
lustylad's Avatar
I wouldn't send Donald Trump or Hillary Clinton to jail for violating statutes related to confidential records. But I could see the poetic justice, given the "Lock her Up" chants he encouraged. Originally Posted by Tiny
I'm inclined to agree with your first sentence but not the second.

There's a difference between over-heated campaign rhetoric and actually prosecuting someone.

Two weeks after he was elected in 2016, Trump said he wouldn't push for Hillary's prosecution.

He even said "I think it would be very very divisive for the country" and "I don't want to hurt" her. Those are direct quotes, however un-trumpy-like they may sound.
lustylad's Avatar
I'll let 1b1 explain exactly what he meant .... Originally Posted by WTF
So you admit you haven't a clue about the process, yet you're arrogant enough to accuse Salty of being as clueless as you are.

Got it!
  • Tiny
  • 09-05-2022, 04:56 PM
Two weeks after he was elected in 2016, Trump said he wouldn't push for Hillary's prosecution.

He even said "I think it would be very very divisive for the country" and "I don't want to hurt" her. Those are direct quotes, however un-trumpy-like they may sound. Originally Posted by lustylad
I didn't know that. Yes, I think Trump sometimes does try to push the "tough guy" image, but doesn't follow through when he realizes it's not the wise course of action.

This is a little off topic, but I wonder if something similar were going on when he recalled the jets that were sent to bomb Iran. I don't think he ever intended to attack Iran. He just wanted the Iranians to think he was crazy enough to do it. Same with the Little Rocket Man. So was this inspired foreign policy or reckless? I suspect the former.
WTF's Avatar
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  • 09-05-2022, 05:08 PM
So you admit you haven't a clue about the process, yet you're arrogant enough to accuse Salty of being as clueless as you are.

Got it! Originally Posted by lustylad
I briefly explained to Salty and I bowed out to let 1b1 explain what he meant to you. Two different things but I'm not suprised you're confused again.
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  • 09-05-2022, 05:17 PM
You two do understand that Trump is not the one who makes that decision....nor does Biden.
adav8s28's Avatar
Well argued. Basically "no one is above the law." If not for my anarcho capitalist tendencies (lol) I'd probably agree with you.

I wouldn't send Donald Trump or Hillary Clinton to jail for violating statutes related to confidential records. But I could see the poetic justice, given the "Lock her Up" chants he encouraged. Originally Posted by Tiny
Trump's case is significantly different than HRC's.

1. Out of 150,000 plus emails, only two paragraphs had a sentence marked with a "C" for classified.

2. The other documents that did contain classified information were not marked classified. The burden is on the sender to properly mark classified information. It's not on the recipient to figure out if a document that is not marked classified has classified material. This is what Comey based his ruling on. It was reckless for HRC to not realize she had classified material, but it was not properly marked. So, there was no intent to illegally possess classified material.

3. Even former Atty General Barr has said Trump had no business hording classified material at the MAR A lago.

4. General Petraus got into trouble for giving top secret information to his mistress so she could write a book. He did not have to go to jail.