Trump is Guilty of Being Dumb... Any Takers?

I B Hankering's Avatar
WTF went 3 months without being humiliated here. He misses the daily shame and embarrassment. That's why he's back. Originally Posted by lustylad

I'm not wrong....I'm not going to believe that something 90 years ago is relevant. If you want to make your case, you're welcome too.

Originally Posted by WTF
The fundamental truth about "precedents" is that they are always set in the past: that's why they are called "precedents". Your refusal to acknowledge that fact doesn't change the relevancy of "precedents".
WTF's Avatar
  • WTF
  • 09-27-2019, 12:18 AM

The fundamental truth about "precedents" is that they are always set in the past: that's why they are called "precedents". Your refusal to acknowledge that fact doesn't change the relevancy of "precedents".
Originally Posted by I B Hankering

let's see if Trumps Defense is "FDR did it!"
I B Hankering's Avatar
+1=let's see if Trumps Defense is "FDR did it!" Originally Posted by WTF
Trump doesn't need a defense. Trump did nothing wrong, and intelligent and informed people know that.
lustylad's Avatar
This should make wtf feel at home again...

themystic's Avatar
Who is the person in charge of officially getting Trump impeached? ( That would be The Master of the Universe The Honorable Nancy Pelosi HNTBIC), Trump is ready for this right? He asked for it to happen so I'm not sure why they are so ill prepared. What happen to make this move so quickly? Got to be my girl

Donald: "What can I do to make this go away?"

Nancy " FOLLOW THE LAW BITCH BOY"!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! !!!!!!
The_Waco_Kid's Avatar
Who is the person in charge of officially getting Trump impeached? ( That would be The Master of the Universe The Honorable Nancy Pelosi HNTBIC), Trump is ready for this right? He asked for it to happen so I'm not sure why they are so ill prepared. What happen to make this move so quickly? Got to be my girl

Donald: "What can I do to make this go away?"

Nancy " FOLLOW THE LAW BITCH BOY"!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! !!!!!! Originally Posted by themystic

who says they are ill-prepared? maybe they are more prepared than Nancy?
themystic's Avatar
wow. That's pretty embarrassing. Only 3 presidents impeached in US History. I'm so proud of Nancy Pelosi, Adam Schiff, Chuck Schumer and Jerry Nadler. These are the worst charges ever against a president. Let me help sum this up, Its a Giant Fuck You Donnie John. Btw Obama never got impeached. You know why? Trump said you cant impeach a president whos doing a great job. I guess according to Trump, Obama was doing a great job. Thank you for saving the country President Obama. I wonder if President Obama would go fix the border, since Trump failed and couldn't get the job done? Pay him as a consultant fee like Rudy G. Obama can donate the money to charity, Him and Nichelle are killing it on books and Netflix,. They also stay free at all Trump properties when they are on tour, Thanks for having our Military there Donnie
Solemate62's Avatar
+10 Mystic. Keep telling the facts about the corrupt pink pig. Pig’s trumptard ass eaters on Eccie abhor the fact a black man was a popular, smart and effective President, in comparison to this slime mold with an IQ in negative numbers and the ethics of Joe Stalin! Fear not Trumptards, pink pig and Rudy are concocting a plan now to “make America Great Again” - that will start when the two of them are hauled off to prison with Barr. “Lock Them Up, Lock Them Up!
gfejunkie's Avatar
Bring it. I'm ready for President Pence.

What are you waiting for?
SpeedRacerXXX's Avatar
Even if impeached, we all know that Trump will not be convicted by the Senate.

In my opinion, there is no way this turns out to be a positive for the Democrats.
Even if impeached, we all know that Trump will not be convicted by the Senate.

In my opinion, there is no way this turns out to be a positive for the Democrats. Originally Posted by SpeedRacerXXX

I think you and Trump agree.
themystic's Avatar
Bring it. I'm ready for President Pence.

What are you waiting for? Originally Posted by gfejunkie
already giving up on Trump? That is a smart move. Hes a sellout gfe. go pick whoever you want. he will be better than trump traitor. after Helsinki we all knew this day was coming. why not take a look at his taxes while we are at it. asking for a friend? no im asking as an american
themystic's Avatar
Even if impeached, we all know that Trump will not be convicted by the Senate.

In my opinion, there is no way this turns out to be a positive for the Democrats. Originally Posted by SpeedRacerXXX
ill take some of that action. letting that thief run rough shot over the country for another 15 months was not the answer. if we put trump in office in 2020 we deserve every bad thing that's going to happen. His first three rears has been a fucking disaster
already giving up on Trump? That is a smart move. Hes a sellout gfe. go pick whoever you want. he will be better than trump traitor. after Helsinki we all knew this day was coming. why not take a look at his taxes while we are at it. asking for a friend? no im asking as an american Originally Posted by themystic
It's funny you took his comment that way. Most of us good conservative Americans really don't care whether it is Trump or not.

Trump is a lot of fun in that watching him make the left's head explode in continued hatred with almost every action or move he makes. He seems to be able to pull the left's triggers in a heartbeat and has so far not been shown to be guilty of anything sensational.

But in the end, I've said the same thing many a time. Bring on the charges, prove them, and throw Trump the hell out if you CAN. I don't think it'll happen, and Nancy is not sure either,
but currently grasping at a single point today. But you guys can keep your hopes and dreams up all day by calling him dumb, traitorous, etc.

It's most likely going to be up to the voters in 2020 to decide and at this point the Dem field looks pretty weak and not gaining much on Trump.
SpeedRacerXXX's Avatar
ill take some of that action. letting that thief run rough shot over the country for another 15 months was not the answer. if we put trump in office in 2020 we deserve every bad thing that's going to happen. His first three rears has been a fucking disaster Originally Posted by themystic
I detest Donald Trump's character. I think he has done very little for the average person in this country during his time in office. But I don't think the impeachment proceedings, whether they lead to actual impeachment or not, will benefit the Democrats.