Rittenhouse says he fired former attorney Lin Wood because of his support for QAnon and election-fraud conspiracy theories

The_Waco_Kid's Avatar
Rittenhouse is the new Benghazi Originally Posted by WTF
if you say so
LexusLover's Avatar
if you say so Originally Posted by The_Waco_Kid
What did Hillary have to do with the Rittenhouse righteous shooting?

WTF is a true flake.
WTF's Avatar
  • WTF
  • 11-27-2021, 06:51 AM
What did Hillary have to do with the Rittenhouse righteous shooting?
Originally Posted by LexusLover
You'd have to ask Winn Dixie, he brought her up.

WTF is a true flake. Originally Posted by LexusLover
Speaking of flakes....which one of us lied about hearing Alan Dershowitz? Then lied about what Alan Dershowitz said on NewsMax?

And AFTER a verdict....post as if he knew what the verdict would be and starts bragging about his legal prowess even though he would not venture a guess prior to the verdict.

Has no understanding that betting/predicting a verdict is exactly like betting on a football game.

There can be 3 outcome in both

Guilty - Lose
Innocent - Win
Hung jury. - Tie

What numbnut can not see the similarity? I suppose a flaky AF one.
LexusLover's Avatar
Didn't you vote for Bitten & Kumola? He prefers liars. He feels at home.
LexusLover's Avatar
What a joke you are, WTF. Did you get a GED or just let it go?
  • oeb11
  • 11-27-2021, 07:35 AM
wtf - buyers Remorse!!!
LexusLover's Avatar
WTF has no "remorse"! That requires qualities he lacks.

Today when someone wishes to lecture me or otherwise ... the question is:

Did you vote for Bitten and Kumola?

If they don't lie about it, there ability to evaluate people is revealed.

If they lie about it, their character is revealed.

I heard LIVE what the real Harvard Law professor said about the outcome BEFORE the trial was over. As I said my paraphrase of his statement was (and is) that he had been trying cases too long to offer an opinion as to the outcome. Since WTF has never tried a jury trial of any kind he DOES offer his opinion.

Just like I've never seen a film critic who made a film.

But WTF has to earn his "reputation" on a hooker board, where he can hide his lack of credentials to even remotely comprehend what is involved in trying a murder case (or even a traffic ticket for that matter) to a jury. That's why he "outs" people on the board ... to discourage them from revealing his ineptness and ignorance. If he were funny he'd be a joke.
WTF's Avatar
  • WTF
  • 11-27-2021, 09:29 AM

Today when someone wishes to lecture me or otherwise ... the question is:

Did you vote for Bitten and Kumola?

If they don't lie about it, there ability to evaluate people is revealed.

If they lie about it, their character is revealed.

. Originally Posted by LexusLover
How would one know if another is lying about how they voted?

Pray do tell counselor. Can you hack the voting booth?

You could be lying about not voting for Biden for all we know. Similar to how gay men in your day got married to conceal their gayness.

I heard LIVE what the real Harvard Law professor said about the outcome BEFORE the trial was over. As I said my paraphrase of his statement was (and is) that he had been trying cases too long to offer an opinion as to the outcome.
Originally Posted by LexusLover
Well he sure provided his opinion on NewsMax.

I provided a link backing up exactly wtf I said.

Care to provide a link backing up your claims.

Since WTF has never tried a jury trial of any kind he DOES offer his opinion.
Originally Posted by LexusLover
Yes Einstein, I offered an opinion on a thread where everyone was offering their opinion.

We were all offering our opinion BEFORE the verdict....not waiting like you to offer your opinion AFTER the fact.

Just like I've never seen a film critic who made a film.

. Originally Posted by LexusLover
Are you a Hooker? Because you sure seem to have no problem commenting on hookers on a hooker board!

You hypocrisy knows no bounds....under your logic , only attorneys can give their opinion about the outcome of a trial on a hooker board.

You must be the shittest lawyer in Harris County.

That's why he "outs" people on the board ... to discourage them from revealing his ineptness and ignorance. . Originally Posted by LexusLover
You are outing yourself counselor and at least my ineptness and ignorance is not topped off with hypocrisy and lies like yours.

Now move along ...unless of course you'd like to provide the link where Dershowitz declined to make a guess on this case. If not your just another person making a baseless claim. I have provided the link where Dershowitz acknowledged that anyone with objective reasoning knew the trial was over after the prosecution's own witness testimony.
Yssup Rider's Avatar
That was one of the best beat downs I’ve seen in a long time. Kudos, good sir!

LexusLover's Avatar

Pray do tell counselor. Originally Posted by WTF

You need one to retake the GED.

As I provided another goofball over in the Houston forum...

If you know me, then you are a liar.
If you don't know me, then you are a liar.

You pick. I don't really care. It wasn't too many years ago that you were trying to "out" me as a "cop"! Now you've "moved on"! You still overweight junior?

As for your cheerleader, YR, is he still in Canada?
LexusLover's Avatar
Predicting the outcome is exactly like predicting a football game. Originally Posted by WTF

Passing the GED probably won't help that issue!

Now back to reality ... I missed your answers to the below questions:

And while you're attempting to support your opinion (BTW meteorologists "predict" weather based on SCIENCE!) POST the answers to the following questions (just a short list):

1. when did you learn the identity and background of the jurors?
2. when did you review ALL of the video of State & Defense?
3. when did you interview Rittenhouse before he testified?
4. when did you review ALL of the offense reports and witness satements?
5. when did you graduate from law school?
6. How many murder cases have you tried?
7. How many hours do you have of teaching criminal law in Wisconsin?
8. How many murder trials had his attorneys tried before this one?
9. How many murder trials did they win before this one?
10. How many murder trials had the ADA tried.
11. How many of those trials involved "self-defense" of both sides?


Now go out in the playground and try to impress someone else. You fucking failed!

How many murder trials have you handled?
Keep cutting and pasting junior.
WTF's Avatar
  • WTF
  • 11-27-2021, 12:03 PM
". It wasn't too many years ago that you were trying to "out" me as a "cop"! Now you've "moved on"! Originally Posted by LexusLover
Wasn't too many years ago you were posting like an undercover cop!

Either quit implying you're something you're not or quit implying you're something you are.

That outta fix your problem with folks thinking you are a Cop, Lawyer or in many cases a lying asshole.
WTF's Avatar
  • WTF
  • 11-27-2021, 12:11 PM

Passing the GED probably won't help that issue!

Now back to reality ... I missed your answers to the below questions:

1. when did you learn the identity and background of the jurors?
2. when did you review ALL of the video of State & Defense?
3. when did you interview Rittenhouse before he testified?
4. when did you review ALL of the offense reports and witness satements?
5. when did you graduate from law school?
6. How many murder cases have you tried?
7. How many hours do you have of teaching criminal law in Wisconsin?
8. How many murder trials had his attorneys tried before this one?
9. How many murder trials did they win before this one?
10. How many murder trials had the ADA tried.
11. How many of those trials involved "self-defense" of both sides?

. Originally Posted by LexusLover
You missed nothing there Sherlock because I didn't answer any of those questions and still got the verdict right.

You and Trump should try and go out on a limb and make a prediction from time to time. I doubt people like you will ever do so. We could then show you were wrong....something people like you never own up to.

I kinda feel sorry for you in that regard although I bet it is your spouse be it man or woman that needs more sympathy than you.
WTF's Avatar
  • WTF
  • 11-27-2021, 12:16 PM

Keep cutting and pasting junior. Originally Posted by LexusLover
You you even realize you "cut and pasted" on a post where you were degenerating cutting and pasting! Unbelievable.

You can't be a lawyer or undercover cop with your intelligence though there is a good chance you are the third thing I mentioned in my previous post
LexusLover's Avatar
Predicting the outcome is exactly like predicting a football game. Originally Posted by WTF

Keep cutting and pasting junior. Originally Posted by LexusLover