The Hobby Pad

bodilly's Avatar
Ok just pick one you want! lol, Bodilly would be an awesome partner, could stay drunk and piss everyone off all the time. I love that guy! Originally Posted by CiaoBitchezz!
I could go for that Hell we already upset the gizzard man!
I ain't even drinking or trying and he has already started stalking me with his paranoid conspiracy theories. And his harassment of both you and London are well known.

It seems he is throwing my name around a lot so just think if we actually ever met and started drinking and playing a game like the hobby pad.
He is already on the brink and we ain't even playing the game.

10 mins locked in a house with either you or London and he would be in the corner mumbling

Im THE GIZ!!! and nobody beats me!!!
I'm THE GIZ !!! and nobody beats me!!
Bodilly in DA HOUSE! Now the Party is gettin STARTED!
shorty's Avatar
Chica Chaser's Avatar
Bodilly, lets please remember that we are on the national forum here and a lot of folks have absolutely no idea about some of these local personality issues (Pretty sure most of them don't care about them either)
shorty's Avatar
Your such a party pooper, Chica. We haven't had a entertaining thread in awhile and we got all the players back to get the party started again.
jughead1171's Avatar
Some possible activities for the competition???

Marathon Fuk
Marathon kiss
In and out in 60 seconds or less
Distance (use your imagination)
Accuracy (again use your imagination)
Amateur piercings
Amateur tattoos
Hot wax contest
Ass egg relay contest
burkalini's Avatar
Lol Some look fun and some look a little scary. I really don't want an egg and my ass together. Is the 60 second one for premature type dudes? Accuracy, would that be not getting it in her eye? Amatuer piercings and tattoos as compared the the real pro type. Just fucking with ya Jughead. They all sound fun.
Still Looking's Avatar
Some possible activities for the competition???

Marathon Fuk
Marathon kiss
In and out in 60 seconds or less
Distance (use your imagination)
Accuracy (again use your imagination)
Amateur piercings
Amateur tattoos
Hot wax contest
Ass egg relay contest Originally Posted by jughead1171
No boner ring toss? LOL
Ya cant be nice to anyone or give a shout out in a positive manner, especially some of those local losers who insist on stalking you, seeking personal info, looking for you in many cities, making ASSumptions about who you are blah blah blah. See those are the kind of jerks that would be perfect for the hobby pad. They can get out from behind the keyboard and show people how less than badass they really are. Amazing how a keyboard makes a cock grow. I would totally love the opportunity to box them or compete in some form then shake hands afterwards, all in good fun, nothing personal. Oh that would be the BEST, as I know for a fact according to what I have heard from many ladies that those lil wabbits talk big to compensate for many many shortcomings. But then again, some of those pussies would go home running to the keyboard to bitch about losing, swearing up and down that Chella did them wrong. haha, would deff be entertaining, and I would need to stock up on some PINK paint.

At least Bodilly cant take what he dishes out. Hes a Good Guy. We havent always liked each other, but he is a straight up guy, no guessing if a knife is going to be stuck in your back. And from what I hear he is DAMN good in Bed lol

Bodilly, lets please remember that we are on the national forum here and a lot of folks have absolutely no idea about some of these local personality issues (Pretty sure most of them don't care about them either) Originally Posted by Chica Chaser
Naomi4u's Avatar
And from what I hear he is DAMN good in Bed lol Originally Posted by CiaoBitchezz!
This is the only part I got.

Hey bodilly, I'll be in Nola soon. Hit me up LOL
Naomi....its about competing against those in the Hobby Pad to win, and enjoying kicking the ass of someone you may or may not get along with on the board. Thats all. Those who are the target of my post know exactly what I am talking about.

But to elaborate more

Ya See...I have this lil PSYCHO LOSER fan club who spends way too much time worrying about my activities. Even when Im on a break, or gone, they seek me out, and come to many many dumbass conclusions, and other women and men call me to tell me. It makes for a great laugh, and I really do feel pity for the pathetic souls. Odd thing is, Ive never met them, they just dont like the way I post. And apparently my comments dig deep which is an indicator of them having some very deep seeded mental issues. I mean really Id love to kickbox a few, then send them home with their tails between the legs.

I say lets just battle it out on the Hobby Pad, that is if ya aint skeered!
Still Looking's Avatar
There is a fine line between being a fan and a stalker! LOL
I call them my Fan club, its a combo of stalkers and a few who just have no fucking life, or cant keep reality and fantasy separate. Who knows, who cares. They should probably spend their hobby money on therapy.

Just sayn...

So SL you need to be my partner and we can kick ass!
Still Looking's Avatar
I call them my Fan club, its a combo of stalkers and a few who just have no fucking life, or cant keep reality and fantasy separate. Who knows, who cares. They should probably spend their hobby money on therapy.

Just sayn...

So SL you need to be my partner and we can kick ass! Originally Posted by CiaoBitchezz!
Hobbying is my Therapy! Oh, and guess what all my therapist suck! ( I love this Hobby!) LOL I just love sassy bitches!