Don't shoot the messenger..!

boobs mcgee's Avatar
K lovve, M!NT has said it all. anything you could have possibly said to validate the existence of Risque BB as a safety/verification tool for providers was derailed by the comments made by M!NT in this thread.

i think most of the potential clients who made up their minds not to use Risque BB have not been made any more comfortable as to what Risque BB may be designed for and what its true intent is - to collect information about clients, that goes above and beyond a screening tool. that has NOTHING to do with the layout of the website. it has EVERYTHING to do with the person who designed it (his intent) and continues, by his own admission, to play, and will continue to play, a major role in Risque BB. so long as M!NT plays a role in Risque BB, and it appears very plainly that it does, and will continue to, the person(s) who is/are attempting to collect that information are the true issue. NOT THE WEBPAGE.

anything you can say from here on out to salvage that website as a safe and viable resource for clients to find escorts, will most likely be completely in contradiction everything that has been said here.

i believe anyone who is associated with that webpage is going to see a decline in their business. nobody wants a guy like M!NT to garner all that information, because you have to ask yourself what his true motivation is. and very little people here believe it is to protect the women.
In my opinion, this has gone beyond klovve's (if in fact it is the klovve we all know) original intention and has become just another large pissing match. Per the following:
#27 - ECCIE policy regarding the discussion of competing websites is intended to exhibit a straight-forward and simple approach. We do not disallow mention of other sites here at ECCIE, however we ask that you limit those discussions to the "Other Hobby Sites" thread located in the Member Suggestions and Feedback forum. This is the area that we have designated as being an appropriate outlet for these types of discussions. Posts of this nature made in other forums throughout the board will be merged into this location. If you find these types of posts in your local forums, please use the RTM function to report them to staff.

This will now be moved to the appropriate forum.

Rand Al'Thor's Avatar
It is not easy to read and appears to be angry. I read much on this wepsite and only see what you rite. Why dos it matter to anybody on the ECCIE? There are many more worrysome things in this world, no? Originally Posted by LaredoZeta
I gather that you have difficulty reading anything on this board. That's OK. I'm sure it's also difficult to discern anger or lack of anger over text in what appears to be second language for you.

Why does it matter to anyone on ECCIE since there seems to be much bigger things to worry about? There are plenty of things people should worry about, and I'm sure there are plenty of other boards that are tailored for those topics. This board, ECCIE, is about pay for play. As RBB is a board that is trying to to carve a new image from the one they trashed before, it is a concern to many people here.

Again, by your own attitude, what does it matter to you who cares and posts to this topic enough that you would come out of the woodwork and dedicate 10% of your posting history to this topic?
Rand Al'Thor's Avatar
What. A. Disaster this has become. Marco should have stayed in his hovel.

I am going to be brief, I have had a very long day and I am exhausted. Corporate America has been unkind today

From what I gather, the main concern is the matter of privacy regarding profiles and their exposure to public search engines. Now, I am completely illiterate on these savvy Internet tricks so bear with me. If, in fact, an established handle/description/what have you is hidden from the public view, would that alleviate some tension? If the male members that had said feedback were only accessible by providers, not Joe the Internet Schmoe, would that solve this issue of security? Help me out here. Originally Posted by K lovve
I can't speak for others, but I will say it does not satisfy my concern for security.

I've brought this up with Marco, and apparently, either you got your leash on him or he isn't capable of answering the question.

I can understand needing to keep a consistent tab on problematic clients who can change numbers, handles, and names. However, RBB seems to be aiming a little higher than that. The housing of descriptions matched to contact info or handles is a problem for me. Even if said information were "Secured", we have seen the security expertise of the RBB crew to date, and as you mentioned, even ECCIE has been compromised. With problem clients constantly changing handles, matching of handles to descriptions seems like it's designed to punish those of us who have a persistent presence in the hobby. If RBB's security measures were equal to ECCIE's, it would still be a problem because you are housing unpublished contact and descriptions on RBB.

While you and Marco have made the argument that providers are subject to reviews and having their descriptions posted, neither of you have addressed the fact that providers post ads as a business while we are private parties who have never posted our contact info or advertised our description.

I will close with this: I do not believe that RBB has been designed with malicious intent. I would never have agreed to facilitate conversation if I thought I would be representing a completely corrupt system. Whispers, while I consider you a friend, I think your proposition to impose a warning to every female associate with RBB is not only crass and unnecessary, but it is completely out of line. While I agree that there are kinks to be ironed out, I also believe that women need a board that will cater to their needs. We deal with nonsense and unethical behavior more often than most think. There are many girls in this world that would benefit from a structured community offering both information and support. I DO believe that is the sole intent the RISQUÉ Blackbook came to be. Please keep in mind that while organization within the hobby may come easy to some, it is not the case for everyone.

Let's keep this civil, guys, and I will do my best to keep Marco on his leash.
I don't think it's that easy to sum up RBB's design intent. Even though Marco denies it, I think it's common knowledge that RBB was M!NT's web presence for quite a few years before he began denying it. Girls like Taylor, Celeste, and Ariel are known M!NT providers who have been a staple on RBB. While I cannot recall with accuracy if there was a time when RBB exclusively listed M!NT girls, I can tell you that there have been months, if not years, when M!NT girls were greater than 80% of those listed on RBB. There is no question that RBB has been closely tied to M!NT and Marco. If RBB's current purpose is to provide support for providers, then it has changed. Perhaps with ownership change, perhaps it just evolved over time. I can't say that even then, intent of design was malicious. I will say that Marco has shown a remackable lack of ethics in some of his dealings. RBB is a tool of its owners, and as such, we can judge the effectiveness of the tool. Intent is up to the owners.

As for kinks being ironed out, that is something that should have been prepped before launch of the system. To launch a project that holds user and other people's data expecting to work out the kinks during operation is pure folly.

I don't have a problem with women having a board that caters to them, if you feel the need for one, I am in no position to dispute your needs.

I think you and I are at odds with RBB's history and current intent of the owners and probably who the owners are. Marco's posts in this very thread shows that his role in RBB isn't as small as you were lead to believe by Paprika. Even if I were to take your word for truth (not because I think you lied, but because you may have been misled), the fact that Marco has a Moderator and Developer account on the site and server makes me not want to have anything to do with that site.

If I ever find my handle, contact information, or description ends up on that site without justifiable proof that I treated someone unfairly, it will lead to problems for the site.
Althor, you must think you are very brilliante to poke fun at other members of ECCIE worldwide. I do not post muchly. I read. And I note. And you are funny and also tragic. I do not wish harm on anybody. The world has to much of that. But it is people who rite as you do that make me understand why everyone is laughing at EUA.

You must be more light. And do not throw stones. They will return.
Guest092815's Avatar
Rand Al'Thor's Avatar
Althor, you must think you are very brilliante to poke fun at other members of ECCIE worldwide. I do not post muchly. I read. And I note. And you are funny and also tragic. I do not wish harm on anybody. The world has to much of that. But it is people who rite as you do that make me understand why everyone is laughing at EUA.

You must be more light. And do not throw stones. They will return. Originally Posted by LaredoZeta
You must think you are very intelligente to poke sad at other members of ECCIE worldwide. We all know you do not post muchly, yet you care enough about me being so angry to post. Why do you care so much, O Wise One?

You can drop the Old Wise Don act. Especially if you're going to be dropping gems like "do not throw stones. they will return." I can get that much "wisdom" from a fortune cookie that comes with my lunch special.
Guest092815's Avatar
So, then can I assume "Someone" handled text/email on my behalf, or maybe they said "Crystal is unavailable, how about _____?"

It chills me to think that anyone, anywhere would stoop to USE my persona (which I worked hard to establish) to profit themselves, or re-direct contacts.

I am speechless, because at this moment, that is what it appears to be. No answers, only questions.

Why??? I have a heart of gold, even I possess none in this material world.
Rand Al'Thor's Avatar

I think it would be unfair to ask Kelli, since she has only joined this outfit recently, and I get the feeling that she may not have been told everything.

On the other hand, if Marco has used your pictures and name to redirect business to his girls, I don't think that's something he will fess up to in public.

Best thing might be to ask if anyone contacted RBB or M!NT to ask for you and got talked into seeing another girl.

Do you remember if your direct contact information was listed?
You have huevos, Althor. But not many brains. Change your face picture. It is not the foto of a puneta. And you, sr., are a puneta.
Rand Al'Thor's Avatar
You have huevos, Althor. But not many brains. Change your face picture. It is not the foto of a puneta. And you, sr., are a puneta. Originally Posted by LaredoZeta
and who is showing much anger, and who is insulting and calling names?

Sorry about the huevos, I'll return them to your mother. If you're suggesting avatar pictures for me, might I return the favor and suggest one for you?

Still Looking's Avatar
So, then can I assume "Someone" handled text/email on my behalf, or maybe they said "Crystal is unavailable, how about _____?"

It chills me to think that anyone, anywhere would stoop to USE my persona (which I worked hard to establish) to profit themselves, or re-direct contacts.

I am speechless, because at this moment, that is what it appears to be. No answers, only questions.

Why??? I have a heart of gold, even I possess none in this material world. Originally Posted by Crystalkitty
Hummmmm... now where have I heard this before??? Oh yes, I remember. It was ME who started this "Train wreck" who claimed someone other than the provider(s) were texting me! It’s all coming back to me now! Hasn't this been denied several times?

One thing is for sure. I don't think this young lady is working for the agency in question. And I'm will to bet pretty much everything I have Marco didn't put her up to posting in this thread.

It is hard to believe that a concept web site in the planning stages has no one that can make judgment decisions to best serve its self and the providers it claims to support.
WyldemanATX's Avatar
RBB should just close up shop at this point....
Guest092815's Avatar
Whatever, I am assured that the scenario did not happen. I hope that everyone will just leave me out of all of it.

WyldemanATX's Avatar
Run away from the RBB... RUN run away far away....