Zoo Forcd To Kill Gorilla........opinions


Originally Posted by i'va biggen
Yep they are a lot of experts on these animals this guy, Hanna, the zoo administrators. They know all about Gorilla breeding habits, their diet, health and behavior. All that knowledge but they couldn't figure out a plan to rescue the boy without using lethal means. All because of one minor detail, that was one big motherfucker. Well at least they had the sense to collect and preserve some DNA. I wonder who the lucky gorilla gal will be.

LexusLover's Avatar
All that knowledge but they couldn't figure out a plan to rescue the boy without using lethal means.

Jiml Originally Posted by Mr MojoRisin
You are ignoring the fact that Hanna concluded the nonlethal alternatives left the boy in danger of being maimed or killed because they were not "fast enough" and/or would further agitate the animal, who might have thought the nonlethal alternative was from the boy...and the boy was already being injured by the animal.
Old-T's Avatar
  • Old-T
  • 06-03-2016, 04:23 AM
I have no issue with the decision to shoot the gorilla. Sad, but it was a decision that had no perfect option.

That is a totally different issue than holding the parents negligently responsible. For a board filled with people that scream "personal responsibility" at so many things, I am surprised at the perspectives on here.
LexusLover's Avatar
That is a totally different issue than holding the parents negligently responsible. For a board filled with people that scream "personal responsibility" at so many things, I am surprised at the perspectives on here. Originally Posted by Old-T
There are always at least two questions when evaluating whether to establish a viable cause of action to recover from parents for either the actions of their children or their failure to control their children .....

.. one is the generally accepted concept of proving prior knowledge ... burden of proof!

.. the other is where that "path" leads as each case is pursued... social philosophy!

People seem to be quick at determining what "ought to be," but that implies a "perfectly orderly" world. And others seem to be quick to determine what "should have been," after they have had hours, days, even weeks, to evaluate all the after-the-event disclosures .... when the actual event took seconds for a decision based upon an extremely narrow viewpoint of another human being compelled to make a split second decision.

I just call it "Monday Morning Quarterbacking"!

And 99% of those "pundits" never stepped onto a playing field.
LexusLover's Avatar

Originally Posted by i'va biggen
Why does Iva-Little-One keep dragging out his family album and posting pics?
Why does Iva-Little-One keep dragging out his family album and posting pics? Originally Posted by LexusLover
Why do you post such stupid shit daily? Are you trying to out stupid gay rey?
LexusLover's Avatar
Why does Iva-Little-One keep dragging out his family album and posting pics? Originally Posted by LexusLover
Because that's all he's got!
You are ignoring the fact that Hanna concluded the nonlethal alternatives left the boy in danger of being maimed or killed because they were not "fast enough" and/or would further agitate the animal, who might have thought the nonlethal alternative was from the boy...and the boy was already being injured by the animal. Originally Posted by LexusLover
The bottom line is they couldn't find a way to lure this particular Gorilla from the kid. This was a big animal and they didn't know what else to do. Since their decision to bring down the big ape brought so much controversy they are naturally going to paint a picture that it was a hopeless case, and lethal means was their only option.

LexusLover's Avatar
The bottom line is they couldn't find a way to lure this particular Gorilla from the kid. This was a big animal and they didn't know what else to do. Since their decision to bring down the big ape brought so much controversy they are naturally going to paint a picture that it was a hopeless case, and lethal means was their only option.

Jim Originally Posted by Mr MojoRisin
That decision was made before any "controversy" in the media ...

.. that's why the "team" was trained and present for such a quick response.

Again, IMO, that's what's wrong with all of these "after-the-event" dissections and evaluations .... whether it's a gorilla or a gunman in a mall.

It's one thing to have the participants discussing afterwards in a "debriefing" environment with close supervisors present to determine from that specific scenario what could have been done differently, if anything, so that in the event they are faced with a similar (it's never identical) situation they might implement a different approach. That's appropriate and good procedure.

But it's another to criticize and look for a scapegoat based on after-facts and opinions.
Because that's all he's got! Originally Posted by LexusLover
Why do you post such stupid shit daily? Are you trying to out stupid gay rey? Originally Posted by i'va biggen
CuteOldGuy's Avatar
If the gorilla killed the kid, this would be a one day story. Our society is bizarre.
LexusLover's Avatar
The bottom line is they couldn't find a way to lure this particular Gorilla from the kid.

Jim Originally Posted by Mr MojoRisin
They called* the gorillas back to their secure location. He didn't respond.

*apparently they have a signalling device to which they respond.
LexusLover's Avatar
If the gorilla killed the kid, this would be a one day story. Our society is bizarre. Originally Posted by CuteOldGuy
I saw a release in which it is reported the mother will not be charged criminally.

Now it's another week of hand-wringing and fretting by the pundits.
LexusLover's Avatar
[SIZE="2"]Why do you post such stupid shit daily? Originally Posted by i'va biggen
Because it's easier for you to comprehend ... and I see you did.

Do I need to stick with your "gayness" admissions and adventures?
Because it's easier for you to comprehend ... and I see you did.

Do I need to stick with your "gayness" admissions and adventures? Originally Posted by LexusLover
No, it would be a stretch to think you could post something relevant.