Signed, sealed, delivered! Who else has a new health insurance policy?

I B Hankering's Avatar
From the Chicago Tribune 10/13/2013 page 17 section 1 for Cook County

The premium for a 27 year old non smoker before the subsidy is

Plan Name Deductible Premium
Blue Choice Bronze PPO 006 (Blue Cross& Blue Shield) $6,000 $124.84

If this 27 year old makes less than $65,000 he will qualify for the subsidy,
which will lower the premium to around $90.00 per month which is affordable. If this person needs his appendix to come out he will be covered, instead of leaving the hospital with a $80,000 bill. When an uninsured person gets a procedure done in the emergency room and can't pay for it, who pays for this? The republicans will not answer the question. IBH you are from Chicago area right? I am sure you could verify the information. This 27 year old will have money left over to invest from his monthly budget, his premium will be just $90 per MONTH. Originally Posted by flghtr65
You've just illustrated how Odumbocare is a gimmick. You bald-faced claim that the policy is subsidized, and you know the subsidies are from taxes. So to claim that the policy only costs "$90" when Uncle Sam is also taking other money out of the kid's wallet in taxes to cover the subsidies is bogus.
BigLouie's Avatar
Guest123018-4's Avatar
Interesting, Texas has or had insurance available for people that wanted it. Now instead of , so WTF thinks, people going to ERs(note: these are way over 90% illegals) they will buy insurance that will be paid for by the taxpayer in a subsidy or an outright gift like Earned Income Tax Credit.

Let me know when your hospital district taxes are eliminated and Ben Taub and LBJ are closed or sold to private companies. Same with a lot of the taxpayer funded clinics.
Well, I dunno....everybody that is posting here seems like they are having a positive experience. As evidenced not only by the posts from the folks who are getting health insurance....but by the absolute horror the naysayers are posting up in a desperate attempt to try to support all the predictions of gloom and doom about the Healthcare Act that they have been throwing up for years.

It's gonna work. And, it's gonna spell, along with the idiot Tea Partiers, the end of the Republican Party. I just hope the Democrats are up to it.....and....I doubt they are.

Fuck you guys. Originally Posted by timpage
You obviously drank the kool aid............the truth from the liberal left at Daily Kos:
Obamacare will double my monthly premium
My wife and I just got our updates from Kaiser telling us what our 2014 rates will be. Her monthly has been $168 this year, mine $150. We have a high deductible. We are generally healthy people who don’t go to the doctor often. I barely ever go. The insurance is in case of a major catastrophe.

Well, now, because of Obamacare, my wife’s rate is gong to $302 per month and mine is jumping to $284.

I am canceling insurance for us and I am not paying any fucking penalty. What the hell kind of reform is this?

Good question!

Oh, ok, if we qualify, we can get some government assistance. Great. So now I have to jump through another hoop to just chisel some of this off. And we don’t qualify, anyway, so what’s the point?

I never felt too good about how this was passed and what it entailed, but I figured if it saved Americans money, I could go along with it.

I don’t know what to think now. This appears, in my experience, to not be a reform for the people.

What am I missing?
The experience by this liberal at the Daily Kos, is my own experience...a near doubling of my premium with less coverage, higher deductible and reduced doctor network !
Yssup Rider's Avatar
Aren't you covered by your employer Girly? Or we're you carrying only catastrophic before? Because unless you're a kid, your story sounds pretty shaky, as does this one -- he seems to be a family of three not two...

and where does he say he has a reduced doctor network?

You're embellishing again. maybe if you told the truth you'd get people to believe you.
I am self employed and purchase individual policy thru BCBS..............but I would love to get the Obama know, the one he gave to his Wall Street buddies...........

I had a moderate deductible policy with no copays; not a catastrophic plan...the same plan under the new Obamacare will be almost double, with a higher deductible, and reduced doctor network.............

FACT JACK..............

Aren't you covered by your employer Girly? Originally Posted by Yssup Rider
Yssup Rider's Avatar
Interesting, Texas has or had insurance available for people that wanted it. Now instead of , so WTF thinks, people going to ERs(note: these are way over 90% illegals) they will buy insurance that will be paid for by the taxpayer in a subsidy or an outright gift like Earned Income Tax Credit.

Let me know when your hospital district taxes are eliminated and Ben Taub and LBJ are closed or sold to private companies. Same with a lot of the taxpayer funded clinics. Originally Posted by The2Dogs
Another post out if touch with reality.

Memorial hermann tried to sell southwest to the county a few years ago. It'll be he other way around. The private hospitals are looking to pawn off their minority patient heavy hospitals on the HC Hospital district. That might change when more people are insured.

Also, I'd like!you to prove that "way over 90% illegals) use the ERs. That's utter bullshit.

And Texas Offered ONE plan for self employed people with pre-existing conditions. ONE. and it cost more per month than your education.

Your post is such bullshit on so many levels.

A little early to be hitting the sauce.
Yssup Rider's Avatar
I am self employed and purchase individual policy thru BCBS..............but I would love to get the Obama know, the one he gave to his Wall Street buddies...........

I had a moderate deductible policy with no copays; not a catastrophic plan...the same plan under the new Obamacare will be almost double, with a higher deductible, and reduced doctor network.............

FACT JACK.............. Originally Posted by Whirlaway
Well obviously you and I are living in different worlds, JACK.

Self-employed. No copays? Moderate deductible. WHATS THE NAME OF THAT PLAN, WHIRLY? Fantasy Island?

You obviously have signed up for an HMO or are simply lying. Because the PPO networks in Texas haven't been finalized yet.

sucks to be you.

You are lying to us..........You don't know what you are talking about...................

Go to

There are multiple PPO plans at all levels available.

My current plan is a PPO with BCBSTX...............that is the plan that will almost double under the new Obamacare guidelines !

Even the Daily Kos Diarist found out what is going to happen to premiums !

Well obviously you and I are living in different worlds, JACK.

Self-employed. No copays? Moderate deductible. WHATS THE NAME OF THAT PLAN, WHIRLY? Fantasy Island?

You obviously have signed up for an HMO or are simply lying. Because the PPO networks in Texas haven't been finalized yet.

sucks to be you.

LMAO! Originally Posted by Yssup Rider
Yssup Rider's Avatar
I was talking about previous plan, numbnuts. The DailyKos is just another blog. The diarists are nothing more than commenters. Much like here. so your cherry picked reader comment ISNT THE TRUTH FROM THE LEFT AT THE DAILY KOS...JUST ANOTHER TEAWIPE COMMENTER SHITBOMBINGTHE SITE. You didn't think that was going to stand did you?

I enrolled in a BCBS PPO that was 800+ a month less UNSUBSIDIZED than what I am paying now with a fraction of the deductible. I don't give a fuck if you don't believe it. of course my premium has been around 2000 a month for a long time. I'm still paying more than you. But getting coverage, you big crybaby.

Cigna had a bunch of good plans too.

I used the marketplace. did you? In fact did you buy this policy online or through your BCBS agent? You've left so many details out that it's hard to believe anything you say.

Guess you don't know how to shop...
Just received my medical insurance packet from my company for the upcoming year. For employee + spouse + children it went up approximately $300 a month. That was company and employee contribution combination.

Looks like yearly deductibles are up, co-pay are same, although co-pays have gone up the last two years in a row.
flghtr65's Avatar
You've just illustrated how Odumbocare is a gimmick. You bald-faced claim that the policy is subsidized, and you know the subsidies are from taxes. So to claim that the policy only costs "$90" when Uncle Sam is also taking other money out of the kid's wallet in taxes to cover the subsidies is bogus. Originally Posted by I B Hankering
In the tax code, there are 7 tax brackets. The Bush Tax cuts were extended for the six lowest brackets. The Bush Tax cut for highest bracket expired 12/31/12 and the tax percentage went from 35.5 to 39 per cent. The same percentage that it was under Clinton. People like Buffett, Gates, Trump, Mitt, A list actors, Quarterbacks Peyton Manning, Tom Brady and Yankee 3rd baseman Alex Rodriguez are in this bracket. Under Obama the taxes for the middle class did not go up. There was a tax on medical devices to help pay for the ACA. There is no gimmick. BTW, do you have a plan to insure an extra 30 million people? According to Newt Gringich, the GOP has no plan. He said so on his CNN Crossfire show four weeks ago. With you everything Bush did was right and everything that Obama did was wrong except the surge in AG and the green light to get Bin Laden. There are policy options in the ACA that are affordable, you just won't admit it.
LexusLover's Avatar
Aren't you covered by your employer Girly? Originally Posted by Yssup Rider
Blue Choice Select is an employer plan, which means the employer #1 will have to continue carrying insurance for its employees and will be paying most of the premium ..

to the $124 is fictitious for someone "shopping" for insurance .....

So someone is proposing or suggesting ...

...................that an employee gets a "subsidy" if he/she gets employer provided insurance?
LexusLover's Avatar
Obama is trying to make YOUNG folks buy insurance. Originally Posted by WTF
Fixed it. (Favorable underwriting from a cost/benefit perspective.)