Continued Bad Economic News...

TheDaliLama's Avatar
I laugh at you left-wing nuts "helping" the Republican party by trying to pick who Obama will be beaten by in 2012. . Originally Posted by gnadfly
And some of them are still hanging on to Hillary as their "Great White Hope"

CuteOldGuy's Avatar
TTH, you are a self important, self righteous twit. Anything that doesn't condescend and pander to people who are a different color than us is racist.

We all have the same ancestor, whether it is Adam and Eve, an electrified cell in an ocean of primordial ooze, or the Annunaki from Niburu, we are all the same. Our skin color is an adaptive trait developed in response to the climate our ancestors chose to live in.

It's impossible to remediate. When will you know it's been enough? How do you keep those being "helped" by the generous white bosses from becoming dependent again? It's just a new form of slavery. The most gratifying statement a person can say is "I did it myself." You are taking that satisfaction away from them. Because they needed your "help."

These idiots that throw around the word "racist" like t-shirts at a ball game piss me off. It's the last line of attack when you are out of ideas. Grow up. Go flash your money somewhere else. You bore me.
TexTushHog's Avatar

It's impossible to remediate. Originally Posted by CuteOldGuy
There's a generous attitude. We've fucked you and your relatives for 300 years. You're free now, lotsa luck!! How enlightened an attitude that is. What's 300 years, let's shoot for keeping them fucked for 600 while we're at it. Because that's exactly what your attitude will do.
CuteOldGuy's Avatar
Ok, tell me when we will know it is enough. My attitude will recognize their individual worth, regardless of skin color. You want to help "those poor folks." Which attitude is more empowering? I think it was Winston Churchill who said "He has so much to be modest about."

Damn, you are so condescending!

Let's have a date, or an amount, or something when we can tell when the remediation can stop and we can all go our way as individuals, not as ethnicities.

I think you claim it would keep them fucked up for another 600 years because that is what you would do. I don't, and never have. What? The poor folk cannot possibly recover without our help? No one will ever respect them unless we tell them to? Like I said, you are practicing the most subtle and dangerous form of racism.
CuteOldGuy's Avatar
You've had a week. When will we know it it is enough?
TexTushHog's Avatar
Didn't see your post. I'd say the date would be when the invidious effects of the past discrimination are eliminated. What's wrong with that?
CuteOldGuy's Avatar
How will we know? What are the benchmarks?
TexTushHog's Avatar
Salary, educational attainment, socioeconomic status, etc. All the typical measures of economic and social welfare that are typically measured by social scientists and demographers.
CuteOldGuy's Avatar
So, you don't really know. The fact is it will never end. It will never be enough. That's why it is irrational. We all have obstacles to overcome, we simply need to treat people as individuals, not as groups.

Do you really think the social scientists and demographers will ever reach a consensus that "equality" has been attained? They're worse than economists. And I find the condescension toward certain groups based on ethnicity to be particularly repugnant.

The truth is that these programs were initiated solely to gain votes, and secure control. If they were actually helping, we would have won the war on poverty years ago. But we don't want to win the war, because then our dependent base of voters may start thinking for themselves and not realize they need us in order to succeed. If government were truly interested in "helping" we'd be seeing dramatic improvement in ethnic communities. Instead, it is getting worse. "We" have helped "them" enough. I pray they survive our "help".
TexTushHog's Avatar
You're saying that blacks will never catch up? Doesn't that necessarily imply genetic inferiority? Surely you don't mean that?

Or is your argument that the experience of slavery were so horrible that they will forever doom blacks to an inferior position in society, and that even 1,000 years from now that will still be the case? Certainly if that is true, we need to do more, not less to ameliorate the horrible effects of past discrimination.

Which is it?
BigLouie's Avatar
CuteOldGuy's Avatar
Good God, TTH (or for you, Good Whatever) read the fucking post before you respond. Don't try to pass off your latent racism on me. Your the one who thinks the "poor little person of color" can't possibly get ahead without your help. I think they can, and am willing to treat them as individuals, with their own unique talents and capabilities, just as Dr. King hoped. You want to divide people into groups. I want to see people as individuals. Slavery ended 150 years ago. It's time to move on.

You're saying that blacks will never catch up? Doesn't that necessarily imply genetic inferiority? Surely you don't mean that?

Or is your argument that the experience of slavery were so horrible that they will forever doom blacks to an inferior position in society, and that even 1,000 years from now that will still be the case? Certainly if that is true, we need to do more, not less to ameliorate the horrible effects of past discrimination.

Which is it? Originally Posted by TexTushHog