Have you ever been really scared?

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  • WTF
  • 02-11-2011, 04:04 PM

Now I'm too old and lazy to get myself into such positions. I'm more scared of a stroke these days than I am of death by stupidity.

Mazo. Originally Posted by Mazomaniac

I think your over estimating one Maz and under estimating the other!
I like a good scary movie, but being scared in real life to the point where you cant speak or are frantic to escape is not fun.

I was abducted when I was a young teenager and again while a provider. I was held against my will for hours by a drugged out client that an agency sent me to see. Both times ended with police coming to my rescue, guns drawn.

I sometimes think I have "Kidnapp Me" written on my forehead. I hope those days are behind me.

I will never forget that guy or the dead look on his face as I begged to be let go,he didnt even see me as a person. I will never forget his name either.

Sorry for the horror story. Im ok
I've been in a 7.0 earthquake that flattened half my town, a sandstorm that blasted the paint off my truck and nearly choked me, a tornado that blew out my rear car window while I was stuck on a bridge, a flood that took my house and everything I owned (jeez, Mother Nature must not like me much), and a bad wreck that totaled my car and left a streetlight poking through my passenger seat. Each time I had a few seconds to actually ask myself if I was going to die, but I always jumped past that to assessing the possibilities and what to do to get out intact and how to help anyone around me. Originally Posted by Fancyinheels
Note to self: Don't go driving with Fancy and do outcall to my hotel with her.

Awww. Been there C & G and it's awful. I was very very young the first time I saw "Alien" and for some reason that film scared the shit out of me.C xxxxx Originally Posted by Camille
For a college film class in 2005, we as a class went over Alien. One very scary movie no matter what. I dissected the scene when the android ("Ash") gets pounded with the fire extinguisher. Of note there's a girlie calendar on the wall. Guess who picked that up? http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Alien_(film)

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rVpCh__Xzg8 Originally Posted by DFW5Traveler
New flight suit please!

Love this clip of the Eurofighter from 2007...Roooooooooooooar.http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7NZ9X9A2efA&feature=re lated Originally Posted by Camille
Can't go wrong with UK Top Gear (US version I hear sux).

I sometimes think I have "Kidnap Me" written on my forehead. I hope those days are behind me. Originally Posted by CRISTY-CUPPS
Now it says "date me!"

I will never forget that guy or the dead look on his face as I begged to be let go, he didn’t even see me as a person. I will never forget his name either. Sorry for the horror story. I’m ok Originally Posted by CRISTY-CUPPS
Glad you've pulled through.

Have you ever been scared? Really scared? Originally Posted by Marcus Aurelius
Great thread MA! They should make you a mod. Oh, wait. Never mind.

About 30 years ago I was post-op surgery that required me to be on crutches (I think I posted this before sorry if it's a repeat). I was on the Upper West Side in Manhattan heading to my car. I caught a glimpse of a guy who was crossing the street. I was about to get mugged. Then a car turned into the street. The guy took off and I scooted (ok gimped) to my car as fast as I could and got out of there. heart pumping and everything. I knew I was in trouble in that I could not run nor defend myself.
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  • FK
  • 02-11-2011, 08:21 PM
Yes, when I still lived in Tampa, my best friends daughter wanted to do a canoe trip for her birthday. I think she was 9. So we ended up doing the 7 mile canoe run at Juniper Springs National Forest which is not a beginners course. We had 4 fifteen feet canoes with about 6 kids and 5 adults in the group. I had my daughter in my canoe and my son was in a canoe with a friend. We came around a bend and there was a 16 foot alligator sunning himself on the bank. Of course my canoe wedges in the bank placing me about 3-4 feet directly in front of him with my back to him. I was petrified to try to push away from the bank because I didn't want to attract him with movement and I didn't want to stay within his reach either! I panicked and began to scream and he picked his head up and looked me right in the eye. There is nothing in those eyes. Cold hard nothing there.

My canoe then miraculously starts to drift very slowly away but it turns swinging my daughter around towards him. I panick worse and try to paddle to swing her end of the canoe away from him. It doesn't work and all my friends scream at me to just sit still and be quiet and let the canoe drift away. That worked but that was the most fear I've ever felt in my life. I have to equate it with someone holding a gun to my head and cocking it with their finger on the trigger and just waiting.

For weeks after, every night when I tried to sleep I would visualize the gator lunging across the bank, grabbing me with his mouth around the head and shoulders and diving in the water with me right in front of my kids, my friends, and all the other kids there. If you are in FL and you see water, believe there is a gator in it. Ahhh the joys of living in Florida.
3 times total. Two of us sailed from Louisiana to the keys towing a wave runner. I decided to get on the wave runner out in the rolling gulf as you can figure I lost sight of the sailboat
EJunkie's Avatar
I’ve been in many close calls, but I don’t think I’ve been (more than momentarily) scared; terrified for a nano-second then working out the best next move.

I’ve been in a two engine plane when an engine blew up 8 seconds into the take off, been in several car wrecks, been in a commercial plane that had to do a “touch and go” to avoid another plane on the runway, been in a car that spun across several lanes of traffic (I remember seeing cars on the left then again on the right as we spun trough traffic), been in a sub-station when the emergency cut offs blew, was once in a car that lost traction cresting a hill (ice and snow) only to meet another car coming the other way which we clipped drivers side mirrors with, etc.

All sort of scary, certainly life threatening, but oddly didn’t have big impact on me. I was always focussed on what’s the thing to do now that this is over.
I have to admit - I still like to be scared now and again - to feel that rush of adrenaline.

But those moments of true terror, I could have done without – like seeing a car sliding down an icy interstate right for me (as many have mentioned here, the slowing of time as the car hits you head on), or taking a very bad fall rock climbing and waking up at the bottom wondering if I in fact was dead…and more….

However, the most terrifying was something that happened shortly after my father passed away. I had truly excellent parents. However, I always thought our house was haunted. I don’t even really believe in such things – but something always unnerved me about that house. A couple of day’s after my father’s funeral, my family had scattered for the day and a freak snowstorm came up and I got trapped in that house – alone. Intermittent power, no phones – just me in that empty unnerving house…with the wind howling outside and branches banging into the house and roof all night long... It was completely irrational and quite definitively the scariest day of my life…

Schrödinger's cat
Have you ever been scared? Really scared?
I don't mean.....”A spider AAAAAH!”
I mean your knees actually go weak and your mind/soul is detached and it looks down in awe.
Fuck man! The rush. Have you seen things? You do things and you see death's face. Feel it's warm, stale breath on your neck. Time slows to a crawl and your mind is swimming in glue. Life is warm and sticky, very gooey. Thank God for muscle memory.
Later you try to take a drink but you need your other hand to steady the cup less it spills. You smile.
Damn. Originally Posted by Marcus Aurelius
Yes.... I got kidnapped/carjacked exactly 10 years ago. I escaped him by jumping out of MY moving car...... This all happened while ordering food at taco bell.... I'm still not over it..... And a few other times after that. But this was the worst...
This all happened while ordering food at taco bell.... Originally Posted by Megan Love
This confirms my fears -- eating at Taco bell is dangerous to your health.
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  • WTF
  • 02-13-2011, 09:38 AM
This confirms my fears -- eating at Taco bell is dangerous to your health. Originally Posted by pjorourke
"¡Yo quiero Taco Bell!"
Bluntman's Avatar
Two times and they occurred less than a year from one another. The first being my initial time to "stand in the door" of an aircraft knowing I must jump. Yes, I was scared but in hindsight I now believe I was more scared of the unknown! Does that make sense? Once I had jumped, the euphoria of looking up and seeing a full canopy overhead for the first time was one of the greatest sensations that I have experienced in my entire lifetime. That brief moment of euphoria was quickly replaced by fear once again as I got closer to the ground. LOL
Originally Posted by bigtex
I went Skydiving once with some friends and standing in the door for the first time waiting to jump out is probably one of the scariest things I have had to do but once you are out its amazing the view is something everyone should see. I would do it again if I had a group since its a cool thing to do but not something I would do regularly. I still one day hope to do a shark cage to see a great white if I can get myself to do it.

I have had onetime where I had a fear for my life and a friends when I was living with two friends that were married and the husband thought the wife was cheating on him and pulled a gun and we were trying to talk him down and he was waving the gun at everyone. Luckily no one was hurt and in the end it turned out that he was cheating on her and she wasnt cheating on him. I am still friends with the wife to this day and if I ever see the ex husband I expect it to involve Cops or violence so I do everything I can to cut him out of my life.

I have to admit - I still like to be scared now and again - to feel that rush of adrenaline. Originally Posted by Schrödinger's cat
I do like the rush of adrenaline, I am not a person who does this type of thing on a regular basis but if I have a fear I like to do something to face it. things like diving with a shark or skydiving, the true near death experiences are not something I crave or hope to have to deal with and they are something that hopefully most people dont have to experience.
DFW5Traveler's Avatar
I went Skydiving once with some friends and standing in the door for the first time waiting to jump out is probably one of the scariest things I have had to do but once you are out its amazing the view is something everyone should see. I would do it again if I had a group since its a cool thing to do but not something I would do regularly. I still one day hope to do a shark cage to see a great white if I can get myself to do it.... Originally Posted by Bluntman
I wasn't scared when I was standing in the open door of the airplane. My jump was in the middle of a Navy Seals jump team training session. I couldn't let a bunch of sailors show up a Marine. I got up and jumped. It wasn't until I was in mid air that I felt a wave of panic. Then the adreniline rush kicked in and the lessons I had just learned earlier got me back in the right frame of mind to start my altitude checks and to begin breathing again. Accelerated Free Fall is the only way to jump
"¡Yo quiero Taco Bell!" Originally Posted by WTF
Wow..... that isn't even funny.....
The past 10 years or so, with Afghanistan & Iraq....I thought I'd see more replies involving those conflicts.

Two IED's (roadside bombs)....not really scared until the next day when I had time to think about it.....at the time, it's more like "holy shit"...then the shakes shortly after from the adrenaline dump.

Getting shot at just pisses me off.

IDF or Indirect Fire....as in rockets & mortars.....pretty scary. Worst is when you hear the distant, dull boom of the launch, followed by the whistling scream of the rocket....mixed in with the siren of the counter-battery radar that hopefully picked up the launch to at least give you a couple of seconds warning. Run or drop? Usually drop, unless there is a bunker or structure really close.....even then, there is no certainty you are going to get there before it hits. It's the utter randomness of where they impact that is most scary...it doesn't help being so close to the structure they are always aiming at. Their aim isn't that good....which increases the fear that wherever you are is a bad spot. Unfortunately, I've been through well over 100 IDF attacks.....anywhere from 1-5 per day for several months straight. Had a 107mm rocket impact 12 yards away....no cover, completely out in the open....I got low, but not quite low enough....still have a piece of shrapnel in my calf....not a very big piece luckily, but it still hurt like hell. Could have been so much worse.

My hats off to anyone who has ever served, past or present.
I still one day hope to do a shark cage to see a great white if I can get myself to do it. Originally Posted by Bluntman
Or more commonly known as: Bait.