SWC Owner Arrested!

cristy jones's Avatar
thanks for the heads up by the way!!
im no internet detective nor did i hire a private detective to expose ny of my previous partners but just looking at all of this do any of you think it is possible that this bust is in some way a retaliation to this bust? makes for intriguing discussion doesn't it? share your thoughts.

im no internet detective nor did i hire a private detective to expose ny of my previous partners but just looking at all of this do any of you think it is possible that this bust is in some way a retaliation to this bust? makes for intriguing discussion doesn't it? share your thoughts.

http://www.kob.com/article/stories/s2261131.shtml Originally Posted by Angel VIP
SWC went down in May, linked article is from August. SWC was done by APD, linked article is state police. So no, as far as I can tell the two are totally unrelated.
I have work experience with ISP's can an IP be traced to an account and what it was doing? Sure.. the catch is they have to prove who was on the account. Most ISP accounts are set up as 1 primary and the sub accounts. Sub Accounts are usually email only.. the primary one is the one that authenticates and connects. One a broadband connection the primary account is the one that makes the connection but the sub accounts are allowed to use the connection once it is made.

Ergo your kids can do something illegal and it traces back to the parent.

How do you protect yourself? TOR is one way of doing it.. destroying the hard drive might not cut the mustard since if the have your traffic monitored at the ISP level, then they already HAVE the info..

Question is, what did you do to get the microscope aimed at you?
I have work experience with ISP's can an IP be traced to an account and what it was doing? Sure.. the catch is they have to prove who was on the account. Most ISP accounts are set up as 1 primary and the sub accounts. Sub Accounts are usually email only.. the primary one is the one that authenticates and connects. One a broadband connection the primary account is the one that makes the connection but the sub accounts are allowed to use the connection once it is made.

Ergo your kids can do something illegal and it traces back to the parent.

How do you protect yourself? TOR is one way of doing it.. destroying the hard drive might not cut the mustard since if the have your traffic monitored at the ISP level, then they already HAVE the info..

Question is, what did you do to get the microscope aimed at you? Originally Posted by Spirit13
I always figured that while they have ISP records, the computers are siezed to ensure that the correct people are in custody. Should they fail to be able to match ISP records with the records on the PC, they might not be able to make the electronic part of the case. TOR is mighty helpful, but it is slow as mollasses in winter. Other options include a secure VPN session. As this prevents the ISP from seeing the packet content. Then all you would need is a vpn provider who doesn't keep traffic logs. TOR is free, and slow. L2TP VPN connections (on mobile devices) or OpenVPN protocols on PCs effectively hide the DNS and packet content and are much faster than TOR, however they are not free.

As with all electronic security, and life in general, trade offs and opportunity costs are what you will suffer. The best you can do is have an informed decision.
The thing is that most ISP's do not keep alot of logs since broadband can gen a ton of it requiring a huge amount of storage.. we talking cabinets and cabinets of storage arrays..

The quick and dirty way to hide is TOR... otherwise scan your area for an open wifi and let THEM take the hit
Nolle's Filed!

http://www.abqjournal.com/main/2011/...osecution.html Originally Posted by ErectionDemolitionSpclst
As I do not have an active subscription to the Journal, and I'm pretty sure most here don't, what is in the article? Anything that can't be found on krqe and kob's respective websites?

Those websites show that charges have been dropped against Chris Garcia (no mention of the alledged owner, David Flory) as the 60 mark was approaching fast. Now, with no formal charges, they can take as much time as they need to gather electronic evidence and then later charge them.

In the mean time they have successfully ruined a man's life and reputation. And he gets to be "under investigation" for quite some time.
ck1942's Avatar
For those with a need to know, here's a copy off the newspaper's website... and I've highlighted what I think is the more important portion. Remember, the cops made their bust in June 2011 after a month-long investigation. The prosecutor notes this is a "complex" case. My gut says she hasn't yet figured out where the supposed crime happened...much less if a crime did happen.

Computer Forensics Slows Prostitution Prosecution

By Jeff Proctor / Journal Staff Writer on Fri, Sep 30, 2011

APD detectives and federal agents are still trying to sort through the computer labyrinth that was “Southwest Companions,” the Internet prostitution ring allegedly run by former University of New Mexico President F. Chris Garcia and others that served as many as 1,400 johns, police officials said Thursday.

“This is still a very active, ongoing investigation,” Albuquerque Police Department Chief Ray Schultz said in a telephone interview. “Anytime you’re dealing with forensic computer analysis, it’s going to take time.”

Meanwhile, District Attorney Kari Brandenburg’s office has temporarily dismissed promoting prostitution and other charges against Garcia and his co-defendants.

Those arrested in the case in June are: the site’s owner, David C. Flory, a 68-year-old physics professor at Fairleigh Dickinson University in New Jersey; 36-year-old Brian M. Dorsey, a former owner of the site; and 40-year-old Douglas Plummer of Albuquerque. All four are out of jail on bond.

Brandenburg said temporary dismissals are common in complex cases such as the one against the Southwest Companions proprietors. The dismissal takes prosecutors off the clock that gives them 60 days from the time of an arraignment to secure an indictment.

“We anticipate moving forward in this case sometime in the next few months, hopefully by presenting the case to a grand jury,” she said. “Of course, we don’t have control over the computer portion of the investigation. And sometimes, you end up getting more and more information as an investigation continues.”

Schultz would not comment on what detectives have found so far. He has said in the past that a list of johns who used the site to arrange encounters with prostitutes is a priority for police.

The June arrests culminated a monthslong investigation. Flory was the first taken into custody; the others followed soon thereafter.

Detectives who raided Garcia’s UNM campus office found a briefcase full of sex toys, a cabinet containing more sex toys, 21 pornographic videos, nine sex books and a folder containing criminal statutes on prostitution, according to search warrant affidavits.

Albuquerque police officers also seized a computer, numerous electronic storage devices and three note pads containing information about prostitutes and Southwest Companions, according to the warrants.

Garcia’s attorney, David Serna, has raised questions about the legality of the search. Serna has also said the case against Garcia and the others might be flimsy, because it’s unclear whether any of them was making a profit off the site.

— This article appeared on page C1 of the Albuquerque Journal
Thank you for the article CK. Much appreciated. And it wasn't a "month long" but a "months long" investigation. 6 months they investigated the site.
Thanks CK, EDS was not aware that posting the actual article would be okay to do here at ECCIE, so it was linked.
simpleton's Avatar
Hey Ck. good to see you posting.
Chica Chaser's Avatar
Thank you for the article CK. Much appreciated. And it wasn't a "month long" but a "months long" investigation. 6 months they investigated the site. Originally Posted by daratu1
Sounds like they cannot come up with shit for evidence to bring charges.
  • Kloie
  • 10-11-2011, 11:41 PM
That is a CRAZY bond for such a little crime!
That is a CRAZY bond for such a little crime! Originally Posted by Kloie
They counted it as 40 crimes.