Still Looking's Avatar
I brag to the gals ALL the time! I tell them mine is NOT very wide but it sure IS short! LOL
I brag to the gals ALL the time! I tell them mine is NOT very wide but it sure IS short! LOL Originally Posted by Still Looking
Ha! Don't be so modest!! I'm sure you're okay down there, SL
  • hd
  • 08-17-2011, 09:25 AM
it made my pussy meow louder!!!
Samatha, I'm hurt, your pussy didn't make a noise with me!

I once went in to pee and wet my pant leg, I had grabbed a loose thread by mistake!
Still Looking's Avatar
Ha! Don't be so modest!! I'm sure you're okay down there, SL Originally Posted by Casanova69
I'm hug like a bear if your comparing me to a field mouse! LOL But I do have a quality some of the gals like!
yaddayadda's Avatar
Ok, there I was taking a shower. The shower curtain is ripped open and there stands an elephant.....he says: "How do you breath through that thing?"
Still Looking's Avatar
Ok, there I was taking a shower. The shower curtain is ripped open and there stands an elephant.....he says: "How do you breath through that thing?" Originally Posted by yaddayadda
I have had many a provider tell me I'm always being nosey! LOL
A funny, and true 'stat', is that if a guys ring finger is longer than his pointer finger, his member is typically above average.

I issued a BBBJDT challenge awhile back, still waiting for that to be accomplished. =)
Still Looking's Avatar
A funny, and true 'stat', is that if a guys ring finger is longer than his pointer finger, his member is typically above average.

I issued a BBBJDT challenge awhile back, still waiting for that to be accomplished. =) Originally Posted by lookin4fun0
That’s Funny! And if you can walk and chew gum, you are much better in bed than the guy who can't! Wrigley's anybody?
Everyone seems to be concerned with length but ladies what about GIRTH? I fit in the average category (5-7") in length but rather thick, well above average I'd guess as most women have a tough time with giving oral. What say the ladies on girth?
London Rayne's Avatar
Girth is actually worse than length for FS IMO, but I love a big one in my mouth.
London Rayne's Avatar
Wake up LD! Start a new thread or something funny!
Girth is actually worse than length for FS IMO, but I love a big one in my mouth. Originally Posted by London Rayne
Still Looking's Avatar
Girth is actually worse than length for FS IMO, but I love a big one in my mouth. Originally Posted by London Rayne
Word!! Originally Posted by Ed Highlight
Ed I had no idea?