Dorothy Monroe

dearhunter's Avatar
You bully, you
Fancyinheels's Avatar
.... These threads just give people an excuse to be ass holes to the people asking. Originally Posted by Kickrocks
An interesting sentiment from someone who JUST joined on St. Paddy's Day. You're totally ignoring any solid arguments in this thread for why such inquiries shouldn't be made, yet they keep popping up like weeds in a field of blarney.

To reiterate, be judicious with inquisitiveness and realize that some carcasses should RIP.

You bully, you Originally Posted by dearhunter

I know! I deserved to be stoned with shamrocks!
DEAR_JOHN's Avatar
An interesting sentiment from someone who JUST joined. You're totally ignoring any solid arguments in this thread for why such inquiries shouldn't be made, yet they keep popping up like weeds. Originally Posted by Fancyinheels
No doubt another with multiple user names or a banned member returned. He's posting in the Houston and Austin forums with the attitude of one who's been around.
Oh I see he's Ricky too?
Believe it or not... some folks are like minded on the attitude of not liking the PW suck ups.
TryWeakly's Avatar
2 minutes for Rick(head) to pop up. Just like they predicted.... I will give you credit for keeping up with however many browsers open with all of your handles.

Must be a sad life ...... albeit a short one.
Take it up with Eccie staff stalker girl.
Browsers don't change your IP, and VPN doesn't work here.
I'm sure you'll find that out soon enough.
pyramider's Avatar
VPN sure does work here.
TryWeakly's Avatar
Yep. Sure does.

And unlike you, who runs home to staffville anytime someone disagrees with you or insults your (lack of) intelligence, I dont need anyone to back me up when it comes down to it.
No doubt another with multiple user names or a banned member returned. He's posting in the Houston and Austin forums with the attitude of one who's been around. Originally Posted by DEAR_JOHN

All I'm saying is instead of making yourself look good by talking down to guys asking a question. Pm them and let them know the error of their ways ,according to you. No need to chastise them trying to wk for a girl that's gone.

I may be new to this site but not to the game. So calling me a banned member is lame. I was on aspd. then a long relationship so no need to hobby. Introduced to this site by a provider friend a while back. Just decided to join.
  • 8254F
  • 03-25-2017, 11:36 AM
Who asked you, and do you think I give a shit what you think.

Yep, Fancy and I were at it all night long........... I guess I came around 5 times in 6 hours., of charge. I'm was on baby deer legs walking on the way out of her incall. [sarcasm]

Instead of calling Fancy and I names, perhaps you should take your head out of your ass and study up on different members of this site. I'm still on hiatus, and some people know this (all the mods do for sure) , therefore I don't have any reviews on this site. I noticed you don't have any reviews, however you're not worth the 5 minutes or so to study up on. ( I did do a quick study and you're either a banned member returned, or you have multiple user names.)

Fact is that I've never seen Fancy BCD, however I've met her at a couple of socials. She is one of the most decent and down to earth ladies on this site. In this link provided below, she's given far more to this site than you can ever do. Originally Posted by DEAR_JOHN
I don't need to be asked. It's a bulletin board type atmosphere where people voice their opinion. Apparently you do give a shit because you jumped in with some ass kissing nonsense. You crapped out numerous characters to voice an opinion based on something I said. Based on that alone you're really coming off like a moron when you say you don't give a shit. You do you're just to stupid to comprehend it.
  • 8254F
  • 03-25-2017, 11:57 AM
No, having longevity on this site, and experience in the Hobby, doesn't give anyone the right to be a jerk, and I apologize if I came off as abrupt and rude, but I WAS highly exasperated, both by the revelation of ROS and the continued probing into why a member in good standing left with no explanation. Society as a whole, and ECCIE as a representative segment, doesn't seem to have much respect for an individual's private decisions anymore. We are NOT entitled to delve into every motivation simply because we want to know!

Citizens who secede ECCIE can pretty much be divided into 3 categories:

1. Those who are banned.

2. Those who indicate their departures with threads like, "I'm retiring, " or, "Please delete my account," or, "It's been fun, but I'm moving along."

3. Those who suddenly blink out of existence.

It's the 3rd tier that concerns me, and anyone who has been in the Hobby for a while realizes that group may have valid reasons of safety behind an abrupt exit, so when others continue to fish, information may be revealed that could hurt the departed in some way, and too much open chatter can lead to bancations when current members start making links they shouldn't.

Of course, someone who decides to vanish unannounced may just not want the rigmarole that ensues from leaving, dramatic threads like THIS one, for instance, contentious bets on how soon they will be back, idle gossip for sheer entertainment that, again, can lead to the inadvertent release of forbidden data. Speculation without facts, I have found, is a dangerous weapon that can easily set many fires.

Perhaps ECCIE should consider some sort of guideline giving reputable
members (without cloud of suspicion for scamming shenanigans) who have disappeared without public notice a 6-month "no fly zone" barring discussion to help them on their way? Originally Posted by Fancyinheels
DM was/is no innocent angel. Extremely rude, stalking, going out of her way to keep some shit going was/is her MO. My guess is she got in trouble once again. This site reviews and gives critiques on how she fucked, asking what happened to her seems quite innocent and far less intrusive by comparison. I thought the OP's question was a good one, especially for those of us that was sick of her antics.
TryWeakly's Avatar
If you were sick of her antics, you wouldnt a missed her and included yourself into the "Nosey Nelly" club. Let it go, she be gone.
  • 8254F
  • 03-25-2017, 12:47 PM
Identify one of my post where I said anything about missing her? Show me that and I'll see you as someone that isn't creating a false senario. Let it go? If your reading comprehension was on point you'd understand that my post focused on treatment of the OP. My commentary about DM absence was just speculation on why she might be exiled to operating covertly....the ban/block option has worked very well in regards to "letting it go" as you've put it.
DEAR_JOHN's Avatar
I don't need to be asked. It's a bulletin board type atmosphere where people voice their opinion. Apparently you do give a shit because you jumped in with some ass kissing nonsense. You crapped out numerous characters to voice an opinion based on something I said. Based on that alone you're really coming off like a moron when you say you don't give a shit. You do you're just to stupid to comprehend it. Originally Posted by 8254F
Nah, not hardly stupid, I can read your posting style like a book........however I really don't........