Trump admits he’s actively blocking funds to the USPS to thwart mail in voting. — blames Democrats of course

HoeHummer's Avatar
says the spare parts guy for china. Originally Posted by dilbert firestorm
Says the mouthpiece for every conspiracy theory posted in the alt-right rags.

Btw, dillsy, show me where I have supported China or its government. It’s bullshits. I never have. oebsy and yous just says that about anybody who isn’t colluding with Russia.
rexdutchman's Avatar
drink the cool aide
Budman's Avatar
That would be your Senate, big shooter.

Everybody said he colluded with Russia except Barr.

Yous on the other hand, are a bit of a cow, eh?

Originally Posted by HoeHummer

You forgot Mueller and his hand picked team of Hillary supporters. He spent 30 plus million dollars and came up with zilch.

Again you prove you are the dumbest motherfucker to ever post is this shit hole.
LexusLover's Avatar
..... show me where I have supported China or its government. ..... Originally Posted by HoeHummer
Are you still hiding in Canada?
  • oeb11
  • 08-19-2020, 09:12 AM
YR supports Biden - with a long history of criminal conspiracy deals to benefit him and his family.

The DPST's are beholden to chairman Xi - and worship his marxism.

Thank You = YR
LexusLover's Avatar
Trump admits he’s actively blocking funds to the USPS to thwart mail in voting. — blames Democrats of course
Quit trying to divert attention away from your inability to remove thongs from rub girls.

Or interest them in removing them.
I know it is amusing to real Americans when trump twits or speaks. Makes you wonder if he is really really that stupid or a great talk show host actor that just acts really really stupid. Putin b like omg n wtf dude? I cant reappoint that much stupid. Go back to your green thing and stfu n play goofy I mean golf
  • oeb11
  • 08-19-2020, 02:27 PM
Thank you for your nonsense -

Master Troll Baiter!
rexdutchman's Avatar
AP this morning ,Elections NJ Paterson New vote ordered weeks after fraud charges ,Hundreds of ballots found in mail boxes ????????????????????
sportfisherman's Avatar
Trump was stung by the fact that he lost the majority vote by ~ 3 million votes in 2016.

So he formed a committee to look into alleged voter fraud, which he advanced himself, to explain away his "loss" of the majority vote.

That committee which he formed found no evidence of any voting fraud and just faded away.Their report had no findings.

His present allegations about supposed potential mail-in fraud have no merit.

His actions with the post office smack of a Dictator move such as a Putin or some other authoritarian leader might make in some eastern block country.

Historically the different parties may have preferred high voter or low voter turnouts but never has anyone gone to this length to rig the vote as Trump has.
  • Tiny
  • 08-21-2020, 10:11 AM
The Postmaster General was on television today, at a Senate Hearing. Unless his talent at bull shitting is off the scale, the guy's doing a better job than his predecessors. He only came into the job in June, and brought a wealth of experience, in the private sector as well as one $3 billion project done for the postal service in the 1990's. He's implemented a plan to increase on time deliver from 88% to 97%, and to cut costs, the majority of which will come from less overtime, by $2.5 billion per year. There have been some hitches in implementing the plan, resulting in some of the complaints you're reading about. But certain aspects of it are being put on hold until after the election. The postal service is going to do its best to ensure timely delivery of mail come election time. Lusty Lad pointed out in another thread that maybe 150 million votes will be cast this year. One Senator pointed out that the week of December 16, the Post office delivered 2.6 billion pieces of mail. Considering voting will occur over a 2 month period, 150 million pieces of mail are nothing.

The postal service is losing $9 billion a year and is expected to lose $240 billion over the next 10 years, according to the Postmaster General. It's hamstrung by stupid rules, like having to deliver 6 days a week in remote rural areas. The Postmaster General sounds like he's really on top of it, and after the election Biden would be wise to keep him on and Congress would be wise to do something about the stupid mandates that cause the Postal Service to bleed red ink.
rexdutchman's Avatar
I still don't get it All this for NO NEED TO VOTE BY MAIL
lustylad's Avatar
Says the mouthpiece for every conspiracy theory posted in the left-wing echo chamber. Originally Posted by HoeHummer
Watching too much Raging Madcow again, assup?

lustylad's Avatar
The Postmaster General was on television today, at a Senate Hearing. Unless his talent at bull shitting is off the scale, the guy's doing a better job than his predecessors. He only came into the job in June, and brought a wealth of experience, in the private sector as well as one $3 billion project done for the postal service in the 1990's. He's implemented a plan to increase on time deliver from 88% to 97%, and to cut costs, the majority of which will come from less overtime, by $2.5 billion per year. There have been some hitches in implementing the plan, resulting in some of the complaints you're reading about. But certain aspects of it are being put on hold until after the election. The postal service is going to do its best to ensure timely delivery of mail come election time. Lusty Lad pointed out in another thread that maybe 150 million votes will be cast this year. One Senator pointed out that the week of December 16, the Post office delivered 2.6 billion pieces of mail. Considering voting will occur over a 2 month period, 150 million pieces of mail are nothing.

The postal service is losing $9 billion a year and is expected to lose $240 billion over the next 10 years, according to the Postmaster General. It's hamstrung by stupid rules, like having to deliver 6 days a week in remote rural areas. The Postmaster General sounds like he's really on top of it, and after the election Biden would be wise to keep him on and Congress would be wise to do something about the stupid mandates that cause the Postal Service to bleed red ink. Originally Posted by Tiny
But you're forgetting something... the DIM-RETARDS LOVE RED INK!! That's why they want to give the Postal Service another $25 billion worth of red ink to spill this year!!

Anytime you want to confuse and infuriate a libtard, just start throwing numbers at them like the above. The dim-retards can't handle anything that requires more than a 4th-grade math proficiency level to comprehend.

Plus anyone with proven experience in making any enterprise run efficiently (read: in the black, not in the red) is automatically evil and heartless to the dim-retards, who want to make the entire economy look like the DC swamp!
the_real_Barleycorn's Avatar
The Postmaster General was on television today, at a Senate Hearing. Unless his talent at bull shitting is off the scale, the guy's doing a better job than his predecessors. He only came into the job in June, and brought a wealth of experience, in the private sector as well as one $3 billion project done for the postal service in the 1990's. He's implemented a plan to increase on time deliver from 88% to 97%, and to cut costs, the majority of which will come from less overtime, by $2.5 billion per year. There have been some hitches in implementing the plan, resulting in some of the complaints you're reading about. But certain aspects of it are being put on hold until after the election. The postal service is going to do its best to ensure timely delivery of mail come election time. Lusty Lad pointed out in another thread that maybe 150 million votes will be cast this year. One Senator pointed out that the week of December 16, the Post office delivered 2.6 billion pieces of mail. Considering voting will occur over a 2 month period, 150 million pieces of mail are nothing.

The postal service is losing $9 billion a year and is expected to lose $240 billion over the next 10 years, according to the Postmaster General. It's hamstrung by stupid rules, like having to deliver 6 days a week in remote rural areas. The Postmaster General sounds like he's really on top of it, and after the election Biden would be wise to keep him on and Congress would be wise to do something about the stupid mandates that cause the Postal Service to bleed red ink. Originally Posted by Tiny
You're not allowed to do this. According to the DNC talking points, he is a large Trump donor and nothing more.