It's Starting! ---

Precious_b's Avatar

Answer will be known when the polls close.
... G'day all you lovers of Truth and Honesty,

... It's starting ... surely STARTING!

Some o' you fellows have to see it.... The shifting...

... The rather True yet STUNNING Fact - it's Starting.

... That some of the so-called Liberal Lads in the media
AND on this Forum are surely starting to see the truth.

That TRUMP is a Better choice than Biden to lead the country.

... They're seeing that Biden has "lost his way" in
protecting American values and Democracy, and is a DANGER
to both American interests and the World.

... TRUMP - for Truth, Justice and the American Way!

#### Salty Originally Posted by Salty Again

... Crikey! ... It's Continuing! ... Just about 4 months
from the election and Five Thirty Eight gives Trump a
65% chance to WIN the Presidency.

And then there's Quinnipiac with Trump 4 or 5 points ahead!

.... .... ... ...

#### Salty
... G'day all you lovers of Truth and Honesty,

... It's starting ... surely STARTING!

Some o' you fellows have to see it.... The shifting...

... The rather True yet STUNNING Fact - it's Starting.

... That some of the so-called Liberal Lads in the media
AND on this Forum are surely starting to see the truth.

That TRUMP is a Better choice than Biden to lead the country.

... They're seeing that Biden has "lost his way" in
protecting American values and Democracy, and is a DANGER
to both American interests and the World.

... TRUMP - for Truth, Justice and the American Way!

#### Salty Originally Posted by Salty Again

... Crikey! ... Wrote this piece back in April...

And as July gets started - The Dems are callin' for
Joe Biden to DROP OUT! ...

... See? ... Salty KNOWS!

#### Salty
Why_Yes_I_Do's Avatar
... G'day all you lovers of Truth and Honesty,

... It's starting ... surely STARTING!

Some o' you fellows have to see it.... The shifting...

... The rather True yet STUNNING Fact - it's Starting.

... That some of the so-called Liberal Lads in the media
AND on this Forum are surely starting to see the truth.

That TRUMP is a Better choice than Biden to lead the country.

... They're seeing that Biden has "lost his way" in
protecting American values and Democracy, and is a DANGER
to both American interests and the World.

... TRUMP - for Truth, Justice and the American Way!

#### Salty Originally Posted by Salty Again
Imma call it: The Rebirth of the Nation. But between me, you and the lamp post, let's agree to ix-nay telling them about the coming Exorcism phase.
