Will Obama Default?

---------- Originally Posted by Whirlaway
Kudos to you. Every once in a long while you will come up with something a little more intelligent than your other posts.

Keep up the good work!
Good one bigtex......
Kudos to you. Every once in a long while you will come up with something a little more intelligent than your other posts.

Keep up the good work! Originally Posted by bigtex
In fact it was so good; let's repeat it one more tim...
Kudos to you. Every once in a long while you will come up with something a little more intelligent than your other posts.

Keep up the good work! Originally Posted by bigtex
In fact it was so good; let's repeat it one more tim... Originally Posted by Whirlaway
There is HOPE for you yet!
Keep your hope alive !
The August 2nd deadline is approaching; here is an interesting video of CNBCs Santelli.........

Munchmasterman's Avatar
All rent received is reported as income. Taxes, insurance and any other expenses such as maintenance are expensed off. There is no allowance for principle. Makes sense since you are paying yourself to for an asset. The structure, not the land, is depreciated.

If the property value goes up and as you pay down the principle, then of course your financial statement will change to reflect the new conditions. I’ve never sold a rent house, but I assume it would be a short or long term capital gain.

Of course it employs people. What about all the people at the title and mortgage company that close the loan? What about the maintenance people and the owner? What about all the people that administer the insurance and property taxing body? What about he people at the stores where I buy all the maintenance stuff? What about my CPA and attorney? If I were a big apartment building owner, I would have a staff to manage the different properties. It’s not wealth creating industry like manufacturing, construction, mining and, I could add, the medical field, but it does employ people.

Taking risks means better rewards. That’s why owning your own company, leveraging yourself to buy income producing assets, wildcatting off the coast of Venezuela, etc. pays more than a regular 9 – 5, W2 job. People creating jobs and conducing commerce should be incentivized to do so. The tax codes are written to favor those with money. It’s the golden rule; those with the gold make the rules. It’s just that simple. Maybe it isn’t right, but it is that simple. Originally Posted by OliviaHoward
Thanks for the info.

I didn't say he doesn't employ people. I said he does not create new jobs. Indirectly he may help but as a 1 person company he doesn't directly create jobs.
Munchmasterman's Avatar
Amazing question and conclusion. I assume like minded people are advising Obama as well. Hence his mantra to "tax the rich". After all, tax rates have no relationship to individual's saving habits, spending patterns, investment decisions..you make alittle more, or you make alittle less; no importance....simply astounding ignorance. Originally Posted by Whirlaway
I'm amazed by your ignorance too. Another thing we agree on.

Your level has at best remained static.

My level has gone down because I asked some questions and received answers to them from Olivia.

My "conclusion" was a statement directed at Jdriller.

He is a 1 person company. He is not creating jobs directly. If he is not creating jobs, tax rates don't affect him concerning creation of jobs by him. I used one specific example. Creating jobs.

You assume a lot of things. You assume because the items are on your list that they were included in the one specific example I used. There are many more factors affected by tax rates than the list you made. Because you didn't list all possible items, you must assume they aren't important, right? Wrong? Speak up!

You assume I have a mantra that you assume supports your position. You assumed wrong. Again.

Letting one tax rate revert to it's original amount is not tax the rich, regardless of how bad you want it to be.

You waste my time by making me post special explanations for the slow kid. Stomping your feet doesn't work here.

Regarding your comprehension deficit, I am a technical instructor. If you want, I can send you some exercises that may help.

Probably not though.
Munchmasterman's Avatar
There is HOPE for you yet! Originally Posted by bigtex
I suppose it's too much to ask but can we get hope AND change for him?
I'm amazed by your ignorance too. Another thing we agree on. The very juvenile argument equivalent of "I know you are but what am I."

You waste my time by making me post special explanations for the slow kid. Stomping your feet doesn't work here.

Regarding your comprehension deficit, I am a technical instructor. If you want, I can send you some exercises that may help. These responses are so frivolous and lame it shows just how shallow you truly are. If you thought my posts were wasting your time, WTF are you putting so much time and effort into reading-responding to them.

Your just a drive up poster. You take what others post; make some minor comments and never offer any thing of substance and then move along. Your posts are littered with adhominons - a juvenile display of your thought process. You have almost no threads you have started of substance, but somehow you are compelled to read my own threads, all the while complaining about how I am wasting your time. The one thread you recently started was so lame, nobody read it or followed up with postings. That is what serious minded people do when they believe posts are a waste of time; they ignore your thread.

You think you are hoovering over the center of the universe (your words) so I get the over -inflated opinion you hold of yourself and your own intellect. In short you are a shallow Hal. On campus you probably thought you were the big swinging dick; but now, your a technical advisor.

. Originally Posted by Munchmasterman
CPT Savajo's Avatar
Keep your hope alive ! Originally Posted by Whirlaway

Hope is for the hopeless.
hopeless. Originally Posted by CPT Savajo
That seems to be a fairly accurate description of Whirly!
Well, I think that we can all agree that failing to tax the rich (i.e., the Bush tax cuts) hasn't been good for the economy. We can further agree that reducing taxes on the wealthy hasn't had the intended effect of creating jobs. Therefore, I think it's safe to conclude that the Bush tax cuts have been a failure. It's not about raising taxes on the wealthy--it's about undoing a bad policy that has had dramatically bad effects for our country.
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  • WTF
  • 07-09-2011, 04:40 PM
Well, I think that we can all agree that failing to tax the rich (i.e., the Bush tax cuts) hasn't been good for the economy. We can further agree that reducing taxes on the wealthy hasn't had the intended effect of creating jobs. Therefore, I think it's safe to conclude that the Bush tax cuts have been a failure. It's not about raising taxes on the wealthy--it's about undoing a bad policy that has had dramatically bad effects for our country. Originally Posted by TheTexasTornado
Exactly...these numbnuts fail to realize that tax cuts are great if you do not want any services from the government.

Remember that stupid Tea Party lady that said she wanted the government out of her Medicade!

Shit I think that woman raised a couple of posters here in this forum.
At a town hall meeting, a man stood up and told Representative Bob Inglis to “keep your government hands off my Medicare.” The congressman, a Republican from South Carolina, tried to explain that Medicare is already a government program — but the voter, Mr. Inglis said, “wasn’t having any of it.”

When did unwillingness to think become a virtue?

Pic 1
Pic 2

Yup, we're fucked.