Weiner is a modern human being (by Alec Baldwin)

Have you been taking "so's your momma" lessons from Doove?
Have you been taking "so's your momma" lessons from Doove? Originally Posted by pjorourke

DFW5Traveler's Avatar
I agree, but being sexpositive is also a political agenda and i assume its part of iberal politics or at least should be. I am not sure if there is any apolitical discussion possible anyhow, i just wanted to put the topic back to the politics of "good vs bad" sexual behaviur instead of what else of politics this guy has done.
I will come back later to your other very interesting and thought-triggering posts , loved to read them, especially the one about clinton. Thanks for them. I am currently busy and scatterbrained so i can`t quite gather a logical and reasonable thought at the moment but i wanted to let you know i value your insights very much. Originally Posted by ninasastri
I think you are missing the point that some of use are trying to convey. One of the girls he was texting is 17. I could care less that he was "sex"ting anyone, however the fact that one of his followees, was 17 is only reason that it makes it on the radar for me. You talk about sexpositive, but the liberals in this country are not as forward-thinking as you would be lead to believe.

They, the left, had a super-majority, they held the purse strings and the legislative pen. If they were as forward-thinking as the voting left has been lead to believe, don't you think they would have decriminilized drug useage or prostitution? They didn't. There is only one group of people in this country that is even proposing it, the Libertarians. The left and right politicians in this country despise the Libertarians. The Democratic left have been usurped by the progressive politicians who have no intention at all of giving people true freedom. They only want full control of life from cradle to grave.

The majority of all laws written against prostitution in this country were enacted the last century. Look at prohibition, it was 1919 that the amendment was added to our bill of rights while President Woodrow Wilson, liberal, was in office. He is a hero to the current liberal population. The leftist politicians are not what they portray.

Look at it this way, who in the US is telling the populous to buy electric or low emmision vehicles? Who is telling the populous to buy certain types of light bulbs? It's the left. Name any liberal American politician who actively writes/posts bills to keep the gvmt out of the bedroom. You can't, because they are not as freedom-minded as they profess.

If you wouldn’t accept this type of behavior from a public school employee where your children go to school, why would you accept it from this so called statesman? Mediocrity begets mediocrity.

“Ms. Pelosi called for Mr. Weiner to resign on Saturday, shortly after he said he was entering a psychological treatment center and seeking a leave of absence from the House to deal with a pattern of reckless online behavior with women.

“Her statement was followed by ones from Representative Steve Israel of New York, chairman of the Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee, and Representative Debbie Wasserman Schultz of Florida, the chairwoman of the Democratic National Committee.

“Ms. Wasserman Schultz reiterated her position on Sunday, and was joined by Representative Steny H. Hoyer of Maryland, the No. 2 House Democrat. Speaking on CBS’s “Face the Nation,” Mr. Hoyer said Mr. Weiner’s “bizarre and unacceptable behavior” in texting suggestive photographs to young women would make it “extraordinarily difficult” for him to continue to represent his constituents effectively.

“On Sunday, the entertainment Web site TMZ released 11 photographs of Mr. Weiner, taken from what it said was the House gym, raising new questions about his use of Congressional facilities during his online exchanges. One photograph showed Mr. Weiner posing with a towel covering his crotch.”


“Several [pictures] show Weiner showing off his naked body holding only his camera and his privates. In others, he is clothed or draped in a white towel, flexing his muscles as he holds a camera up to his reflection in a locker room mirror.”

http://www.nydailynews.com/ny_local/...ng_scanda.html Originally Posted by I B Hankering
+1 IB

Nina, again, if the US left was forward thinking, would they be calling for his resignation?
Huma Weiner and the voters are the worst players in this little drama.....

Anthony was a liberal sexually liberated man before he married his wife....how foolish of her to assume he's not going to remain sexually liberated after they married.....why should marriage magically change everything?....so what if he vowed to be faithful to her and promised to make her the most important person in his life.....he's sexually liberated and she's a sucker for relying on his sworn promise......it's unfair to expect him to change......

. Originally Posted by Marshall

Wow - i am seriously impressed by what you wrote. Very cool, Marshall!! Couldn`t imagine i agree with you, but it happened! Besides a vow of marriage does not promise sexual exclusivity, that is a big misunderstanding of connecting romantic notions with marital agreements. But a marriage per se is only monogamous (one marriage) but not a vow for sexual exclusivity. The more important part i`d say is the " for better or for worse" agreement, which seems to be so impossible to keep fpr many people.

Let he who is without sin..... Originally Posted by ninasastri
Cast the first ballot.
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  • 06-14-2011, 05:47 AM
while President Woodrow Wilson, liberal, was in office. He is a hero to the current liberal population. The leftist politicians are not what they portray.

? Originally Posted by DFW5Traveler

Wilson is a hero to the left?

Where do you come up with the shit? I hear nobody from the left quoting Wilson!

Nor are the right wingers what they oortray. They came into power and expanded the government. (I know you do not care for them but you sure seem to cut them more slack)
I like the article however If he needed "attention" he should have got on Preferred 411

Safire Sweet
TexTushHog's Avatar
Wrong byba mile about Wilson being a hero to the left. The was a racist southerner and largely ineffective.
Thomas Woodrow Wilson (December 28, 1856 – February 3, 1924) was the 28th President of the United States, from 1913 to 1921. A leader of the Progressive Movement, he served as President of Princeton University from 1902 to 1910, and then as the Governor of New Jersey from 1911 to 1913. With Progressive ("Bull Moose") Party candidate Theodore Roosevelt and Republican nominee William Howard Taft dividing the Republican Party vote, Wilson was elected President as a Democrat in 1912. Like his arch-rival Republican Senator Henry Cabot Lodge, Wilson held a Ph.D. degree—the only U.S. President to earn one.
In his first term as President, Wilson persuaded a Democratic Congress to pass major progressive reforms including the Federal Reserve Act, Federal Trade Commission Act, the Clayton Antitrust Act, the Federal Farm Loan Act and an income tax. Wilson brought many white Southerners into his administration, and tolerated their expansion of segregation in many federal agencies.[1]
Narrowly re-elected in 1916, he had full control of American entry into World War I, and his second term centered on World War I and the subsequent peace treaty negotiations in Paris. He based his re-election campaign around the slogan, "He kept us out of war", but U.S. neutrality was challenged in early 1917 when the German government began unrestricted submarine warfare despite repeated strong warnings. In April 1917, Wilson asked Congress to declare war.
During the war, Wilson focused on diplomacy and financial considerations, leaving the waging of the war itself primarily in the hands of the Army. On the home front in 1917, he began the United States' first draft since the American Civil War, raised billions of dollars in war funding through Liberty Bonds, set up the War Industries Board, promoted labor union cooperation, supervised agriculture and food production through the Lever Act, took over control of the railroads, and suppressed anti-war movements. While he did not encourage the wave of anti-German sentiment sweeping the country in 1917-18, he did nothing to stop it.
In the late stages of the war, Wilson took personal control of negotiations with Germany, including the armistice. In 1918, he issued his Fourteen Points, his view of a post-war world that could avoid another terrible conflict. In 1919, he went to Paris to create the League of Nations and shape the Treaty of Versailles, with special attention on creating new nations out of defunct empires. In 1919, during the bitter fight with the Republican-controlled Senate over the U.S. joining the League of Nations, Wilson collapsed with a debilitating stroke. He refused to compromise, effectively destroying any chance for ratification. The League of Nations was established anyway, but the United States never joined.
A Presbyterian of deep religious faith, Wilson appealed to a gospel of service and infused a profound sense of moralism into his idealistic internationalism, now referred to as "Wilsonian". Wilsonianism calls for the United States to enter the world arena to fight for democracy, and has been a contentious position in American foreign policy.[2]

Wrong byba mile about Wilson being a hero to the left. The was a racist southerner and largely ineffective. Originally Posted by TexTushHog
Did a Texas member PWI at 8:38 a.m. CDT?

Maybe TTH has retired to France, where it was well into the afternoon, and just had a few too many glasses of fine Bordeaux with lunch!
I B Hankering's Avatar
When a draft of President Wilson's 14 points was presented to the prime Minister of France, Georges Clemenceau, he was reputed to have said: "Quatorze points, mais cela est un peu fort. Le bon Dieu n'en avait que dix." (trans: "Fourteen points: that's a bit much. The good lord had only ten.")
atlcomedy's Avatar
Thomas Woodrow Wilson (December 28, 1856 – February 3, 1924) was the 28th President of the United States, from 1913 to 1921. A leader of the Progressive Movement, he served as President of Princeton University from 1902 to 1910, and then as the Governor of New Jersey from 1911 to 1913. With Progressive ("Bull Moose") Party candidate Theodore Roosevelt and Republican nominee William Howard Taft dividing the Republican Party vote, Wilson was elected President as a Democrat in 1912. Like his arch-rival Republican Senator Henry Cabot Lodge, Wilson held a Ph.D. degree—the only U.S. President to earn one.
In his first term as President, Wilson persuaded a Democratic Congress to pass major progressive reforms including the Federal Reserve Act, Federal Trade Commission Act, the Clayton Antitrust Act, the Federal Farm Loan Act and an income tax. Wilson brought many white Southerners into his administration, and tolerated their expansion of segregation in many federal agencies.[1]
Narrowly re-elected in 1916, he had full control of American entry into World War I, and his second term centered on World War I and the subsequent peace treaty negotiations in Paris. He based his re-election campaign around the slogan, "He kept us out of war", but U.S. neutrality was challenged in early 1917 when the German government began unrestricted submarine warfare despite repeated strong warnings. In April 1917, Wilson asked Congress to declare war.
During the war, Wilson focused on diplomacy and financial considerations, leaving the waging of the war itself primarily in the hands of the Army. On the home front in 1917, he began the United States' first draft since the American Civil War, raised billions of dollars in war funding through Liberty Bonds, set up the War Industries Board, promoted labor union cooperation, supervised agriculture and food production through the Lever Act, took over control of the railroads, and suppressed anti-war movements. While he did not encourage the wave of anti-German sentiment sweeping the country in 1917-18, he did nothing to stop it.
In the late stages of the war, Wilson took personal control of negotiations with Germany, including the armistice. In 1918, he issued his Fourteen Points, his view of a post-war world that could avoid another terrible conflict. In 1919, he went to Paris to create the League of Nations and shape the Treaty of Versailles, with special attention on creating new nations out of defunct empires. In 1919, during the bitter fight with the Republican-controlled Senate over the U.S. joining the League of Nations, Wilson collapsed with a debilitating stroke. He refused to compromise, effectively destroying any chance for ratification. The League of Nations was established anyway, but the United States never joined.
A Presbyterian of deep religious faith, Wilson appealed to a gospel of service and infused a profound sense of moralism into his idealistic internationalism, now referred to as "Wilsonian". Wilsonianism calls for the United States to enter the world arena to fight for democracy, and has been a contentious position in American foreign policy.[2]

http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Woodrow_Wilson Originally Posted by pjorourke
A good lieberal doesn't let facts get in the way of an opportunity to call names
Iaintliein's Avatar
We all know how Arex Badwin would handle the wiener.

Arex Badwin is the one subject that I agree with Kim Jong Il on.
Attached Images File Type: jpg alec_baldwin-fag_way.jpg (30.3 KB, 63 views) File Type: jpg upstage-alec-baldwin17.jpg (29.0 KB, 62 views)
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  • 06-14-2011, 12:28 PM
A Presbyterian of deep religious faith, Wilson appealed to a gospel of service and infused a profound sense of moralism into his idealistic internationalism, now referred to as "Wilsonian". Wilsonianism calls for the United States to enter the world arena to fight for democracy, and has been a contentious position in American foreign policy.[2]

http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Woodrow_Wilson Originally Posted by pjorourke
That sure sounds like the neocons to me!

Except, back then they wouldn't have been Neo, would they?