Abby Peacock (Houston)=expensivedouble booker

blowpop's Avatar
WTF! A post on how the hobby boards have helped the hobbiest by sharing info then a comment about a cheap hottie but you ain't sharing?

I feel so used....................... Originally Posted by boardman
She's aware of hobby boards, and wants to stay far away from them. She gets her clients from her RMT business; she selects who she wants to play with after she gets to know the guy. That's how she stays safe. I have to respect how she chooses to run her life and her business.
boardman's Avatar
Just pullin your chain, bro.

Now. if she needs some more extra $$ business feel free to PM me.
dearhunter's Avatar
blowpop, do you know a good RMT that doesn't provide extras..................I'm just asking.
ThatManFromTexas's Avatar
blowpop, do you know a good RMT that doesn't provide extras..................I'm just asking. Originally Posted by dearhunter
Dang... now I'm really confused... None of the RMT's I have met would give me extras... then again none of the non-RMTs would either... and the AMP girls really didn't want to...hmmm... I think I see a trend here...
blowpop's Avatar
blowpop, do you know a good RMT that doesn't provide extras..................I'm just asking. Originally Posted by dearhunter
That's not something I can help you with. I enjoy a relaxing massage, but I don't want any important areas to be overlooked.
ANONONE's Avatar
blowpop, do you know a good RMT that doesn't provide extras..................I'm just asking. Originally Posted by dearhunter
That's not something I can help you with. I enjoy a relaxing massage, but I don't want any important areas to be overlooked. Originally Posted by blowpop
Not to put words in DH's mouth, but I think he was pointing out the apparent oxymoron:

A good RMT (or stripper, for that matter) that does not offer extras can't possibly be all that good. Such a lady would be about as useful as this ashtray:

boardman's Avatar
Not to put words in DH's mouth, but I think he was pointing out the apparent oxymoron:

A good RMT (or stripper, for that matter) that does not offer extras can't possibly be all that good. Such a lady would be about as useful as this ashtray:

Originally Posted by ANONONE
I thinck you give DH way too much credit.
tikkler33's Avatar
So she's "shedding her feathers" now?
What's the high/low on how long before she reappears?
blowpop's Avatar
I disagree. There are plenty of RMT clients who are just looking for a massage, and don't want a happy ending. I'm just not one of them.

Not to put words in DH's mouth, but I think he was pointing out the apparent oxymoron:

A good RMT (or stripper, for that matter) that does not offer extras can't possibly be all that good. Originally Posted by ANONONE
ANONONE's Avatar
I disagree. There are plenty of RMT clients who are just looking for a massage, and don't want a happy ending. I'm just not one of them. Originally Posted by blowpop
I guess the question is, why choose a mere relaxing or sensual massage with an RMT rather than a bona fide LMT if you genuinely need a good back rub or other PT?

An unlicensed/untrained masseuse that simply registers with the state after she attended a backrub or Reiki clinic that doesn't give extras is ludicrous--like putting screen doors on a submarine.

Perhaps Vnurse will weigh in on this LMT vs. RMT for us. . .
CaptainQ's Avatar
I guess the question is, why choose a mere relaxing or sensual massage with an RMT rather than a bona fide LMT if you genuinely need a good back rub or other PT?

An unlicensed/untrained masseuse that simply registers with the state after she attended a backrub or Reiki clinic that doesn't give extras is ludicrous--like putting screen doors on a submarine.

Perhaps Vnurse will weigh in on this LMT vs. RMT for us. . . Originally Posted by ANONONE
This thread has gone in an interesting direction, I am curious in the answers, but I think it deserves it's own thread maybe?
boardman's Avatar
Wow! Major derailment!

Tikkler, I posed the same question on the other thread. There is something here, though, that just doesn't add up. I can't put my finger on it yet, but.............
carkido45's Avatar
blowpop, do you know a good RMT that doesn't provide extras..................I'm just asking. Originally Posted by dearhunter
I do... pm me
Best damn massage and she's a hot latina milf with a great body and green eyes.
ANONONE's Avatar
This thread has gone in an interesting direction, I am curious in the answers, but I think it deserves it's own thread maybe? Originally Posted by CandidCajun
Good point. . .I will do that:
boardman's Avatar
She's aware of hobby boards, and wants to stay far away from them. She gets her clients from her RMT business; she selects who she wants to play with after she gets to know the guy. That's how she stays safe. I have to respect how she chooses to run her life and her business. Originally Posted by blowpop
That's not something I can help you with. I enjoy a relaxing massage, but I don't want any important areas to be overlooked. Originally Posted by blowpop
Is anyone else having a hard time reconciling the two statements above?