Slave G come out where ever you are?

llubder's Avatar

Slave G is a great looking lady. She has an incredible body as well as a pretty face. I meet her over a year ago when she was trying to help out another provider that had fallen on hard times. CGFU. Slave donated 3 hours of her time to help CGFU. I took all 3 slots she had donated and had a great time with her. She is as articulate as she is sexy.

And she looks way better than these SO CALLED 20 year old providers with fake lips fake ass's fake tans, and OH, FAKE REVIEWS.
I repeat her non-photoshopped face looks pretty good from here...IJS... You gotta love women who dont need to photo shop their pics and just let their beauty
Lol. Well like I said some people just don't mind . And based on so many reviews and sessions that we're obviously performed in the dark, I always carry pretty little pink bags with silver and gold on them in my car.
Y 0 Dabbler's Avatar
Hey allow me to mention the elephant, or more accurately from the smell, the bull and all the BS. Hating reads like hating, whatever the agenda, same as mud slinging and judging. Who among us gets to decide what women gets to be on the cover of "Most Beautiful" magazine. Tap out? Unappealing? Not in my mostly worthless opinion from a short time wanna be regular. Not your type? Good, more time for admirers. To borrow a phrase I've read more than once-"Slave G there is no substitute"
Folks you really shouldn't feed the trolls, ignore giving them hand outs and possibly they go back to living under their bridge.

Take everything this balding beer gutted illiterate troll has to say with a mine of salt.

He likes to talk a good game about how he has to have a good looking face... lol

Let me introduce into evidence

His review in Austin of a well known rip off artist littlebit26.
His illiteracy evident in the fact he can't even spell the handle correctly.
His lack of taste in any type of facial recognition will be introduced in a minute.

You'll notice the loud mouthed troll gave her a YES recommendation, also mentioning her cuteness.

Next into evidence is the character of the person he recommends.

Obviously he doesn't care who he recommends to the community.

Contained in the thread above is a picture of the "cute" provider in which he places his YES recommendation.
Also are some comical remarks of the onlooking crowd.

To save you a littlebit of reading here is the pic of the recommendation of Whata Peon.

Please stop feeding this miserable troll, you only prolong his misery
Slave has worked her supa-fine ass off to become the woman and Provider she is today. We're fortunate to have her call SA home base, and she gets nothing but respect, admiration and over the years quite a bit of pure-D lust and cash from me.

She provides the ultimate Gold Standard hobby experience each and every time. She's taken many worse arrows than what some dimwits on this thread are tossing, and she's always maintained her manners and professionalism. And I'm not a WK or brown-noser. I'm a big fan.

BTW, SL, welcome back!
I guess that my opinion of the Super Slave is well known and short:
Slave - There Is No Substitute!!

I don't know of one Greek provider that holds a candle to Slave - and I've pretty much seen them all (at least those of the slimmer persuasion - if I've missed a good one, PM me ;-)). Slave is the entire package - fantastic personality, beautiful face, show stopping body, heart stopping BCD, mind-blowing doubles, reasonable rates, fast and reliable TCB.

I'm pretty fickle - the most that I've seen any other girl is 6 times -
but I've seen Slave a couple of dozen times. I have to see other girls so I don't fall in love with her and go crazy.
Mokoa's Avatar
  • Mokoa
  • 03-26-2017, 07:43 PM
Mata Leon is not the topic of this thread.

Let's keep the discussion focused on the topic of this thread.
Her ministrations are exquisite. She's awesome in all respects. Personally I can't wrap my head around contrary opinions though I respect the principle that beauty is in the eye of the beholder I guess. That's my $.02.

Peace, Love, and #BHILFs.

HedonisticFool's Avatar
SG, it appears to me that you are at your zenith. Since I hadn't opened this thread until tonight, I'd spent the last 30 minutes reading every post. Opening up to us about your life is commendable while eluding vulnerability. The attention you attract is tremendous, and your maturity handles the positive and negative elegantly. Your presence among those you have graced is evidently powerful. You are obviously admired by many, but more so worshipped by your followers.

Thanks to everyone for sharing your Slave pics. It's late, and I'm soon to retire, but not before I monkey spank to the few Slave G nudes I collected.
mitch p's Avatar
SG, it appears to me that you are at your zenith. Since I hadn't opened this thread until tonight, I'd spent the last 30 minutes reading every post. Opening up to us about your life is commendable while eluding vulnerability. The attention you attract is tremendous, and your maturity handles the positive and negative elegantly. Your presence among those you have graced is evidently powerful. You are obviously admired by many, but more so worshipped by your followers.

Thanks to everyone for sharing your Slave pics. It's late, and I'm soon to retire, but not before I monkey spank to the few Slave G nudes I collected. Originally Posted by HedonisticFool
I would like to see those pics.

Slave, you are making men happy without being in the same room. Now that's powerful. You are amazing.
Again we are missing the point. I commented on the pics that SL posted. Her legitamicy as a provider is not in question. My comments were soly that I prefer a pretty face and younger. And that because she works out all the time does not change her face. I also commented that she also agreed that her face is not that appealing hence why she works out all the time. Why is this becoming an issue on her sessions?.
mitch p's Avatar
Mata Leon, we get it move on. I'm here to show appreciation to a top notch lady that's beautiful in every way. I wish you would stop raining on this parade and stop being a buzz kill.
Pretty face? Would you know what one truly is?
Never mind... that was rhetorical.
We can all see what you think is cute!
Slave Guinevere's Avatar
[QUOTE=Mata Leon;1059336389]Again we are missing the point.

You are absolutely RIGHT... Because the POINT isn't really about ME now is it?

I commented on the pics that SL posted.

Yes, you have.... over... and over... and over... again...

Kind of interesting that a hobbyists with 99% of his reviews coming from Austin providers would TAKE THE TIME to spend so much time COMMENTING and WORRYING about the appearance of MY FACE...

Her legitamicy as a provider is not in question. My comments were soly that I prefer a pretty face and younger.

As you have said.. over and over again... but THAT is NOT what this thread is about now is it? You do your friend, SL, a disservice by your continued harassment...

And that because she works out all the time does not change her face.

You have NEVER seen my face... and since, I do not fall into your preferred type of woman.. Nor will you... So, again the REDUNDANCY of your posts is bordering on OBSESSION & STALKING...

I also commented that she also agreed that her face is not that appealing hence why she works out all the time.

Lol... I NEVER ONCE agreed that my FACE WAS UNAPPEALING... You just seemed HAPPIER TO BELIEVE that the physical appearance of my face does not match that of my body...

Please read #2 of my business plan.... I am a SOUTHERN BELLE and if you are HAPPIER believing I am hideous then why would I try to change your mind?

My self esteem in no way comes from your opinion of me... Which is why I have tried to be courteous and respectful... One of my favorite quotes from Les Brown is "Someone else's OPINION of YOU DOES NOT HAVE TO BECOME YOUR REALITY..."

Why is this becoming an issue on her sessions?

Your reading comprehension is not that great now is it? SL asked for people to post photos and to post any LOVELY COMPLIMENTS THAT they might have in regards to me... I believe commenting on my ability to please a man in and out of the bedroom definitely falls within those guidelines don't you?

Have a Great Day Mr. Leon...

I have a rather busy day in KC and if I am unable to reply to any further posts then I apologize for any delay because no disrespect is intended...

Your traveling slave,



I WORK OUT because I am an ATHLETE... I have been since the age of 6... Athletes are either BORN or they are CREATED... In my case... it is both... It is just WHO I am...