What happened to all our lib friends?

dirty dog's Avatar
"If they knew my story they probably won't have said that. So we can only go by how well (or poorly) someone writes. This may not be fair but it all we have."

Wow you are something special, there is nothing that you haven't done or that hasn't happened to you. Your story allows you to belittle someone who has had a issue, because what, their issue was not as severe as yours. Besides who are you that anyone has to earn "points" with you. Seriously you have a major god complex my friend. Wow....... you make me miss John Gault.
CuteOldGuy's Avatar
Yeah, Bart. You were civil. I don't know how to respond. LOL! There is a US Highway system, which is, of course, the responsibility of the Federal Government. The state and county highways are the responsibility of their respective governments. It's not the responsibility of someone in Kansas to pay for Alabama's state system. States have to prioritize as well.

There is a wide variation in crimes and punishments now. Each state has its own standards. That is how it should be. As far as crimes that cross state lines, or involve a federal question, those are the purview of the federal government pursuant to the commerce clause, so the DEA etc. are clearly indicated in those situations.

Hate crimes are ridiculous anyway. A crime is a crime regardless of the motivation. Hate crime legislation is simply pandering to particular group in order to get their votes.

As far as the Constitution being a "living" document, fine. That's why we have an amendment process. So we can keep it up to date according to what the people want. Not at the whim a few easily swayed judges or justices. Words mean things, and the Founders had specific meanings in mind when they wrote and adopted the Constitution. Changing the meaning by judicial fiat bypasses the amendment process, and therefore subverts the will of the people. If the Constitution can mean anything the judges want it to mean, then it has no meaning at all.

Also, the reason we are a republic and not a democracy, is to prevent anyone from violating the established rights of the citizens. The majority is prevented from voting rights away from a minority. Of course, that is how it should work, but we are much more a democracy than a republic, thanks to pandering politicians and clueless judges.

And for those who have had a hard time digesting the last few posts, I will submit a condensed version of my response for you to comprehend.


Thank you.
Bartman1963's Avatar
LOLOL Almost made it all the way through man.

I have a feeling that you and I and DD could sit and have a decent conversation without wanting to kill each other. At least until the bourbon kicked in...

JD, Thanks for doing your best to remain civil. I have come to the conclusion that it isn't your politics that makes you condescending, it is you that makes your politics condescending. No offense, just seems to be who ya are, or at least how you write.

DD, my friend I'll bet you are a heck of a guy to know. Someday I'll know what its like to be as straight a shooter as you are. In the meantime I'll just have to enjoy your posts.

This has been much more interesting to me than hurling insults and trying to gain advantage. I can do both, but hopefully we can find more common ground.

Now I'm gonna go get drunk and smoke a Cigar cause I have a three day weekend. And wherever my ex wife is...who cares? Cause I'm the best thing since sliced bread. Hell just ask me. HA!
CuteOldGuy's Avatar
You left me out? And you're having BOURBON?! Well, SCREW YOU, FUCKTARD!
Bartman1963's Avatar
You know it's your fault anyway, ya old bastard.
dirty dog's Avatar
Man a cigar and bourbon and a st croix beach, now thats heaven, at least till the wife starts talking. Glad things are looking up for you Bart!!
Bartman1963's Avatar
DD I know this is a terrible thing to say, but its meant to be funny.

I just lost 180 lbs of ugly fat.


Got a divorce.
dirty dog's Avatar
DD I know this is a terrible thing to say, but its meant to be funny.

I just lost 180 lbs of ugly fat.


Got a divorce. Originally Posted by Bartman1963

There you go
Cheaper2buyit's Avatar
At least here Bart if you miss the 180 you can grab two spinners and a drink and ask Clinton what to do with the cigar lol
simplyme's Avatar
Who cares about all that political crap...........

Wow those are some seriously nice boobs!!!!!!!!! :-)

Bartman1963's Avatar
Breasts like that are why I am over 40 and still on the nipple.
JRLawrence's Avatar
Who cares about all that political crap...........

Wow those are some seriously nice boobs!!!!!!!!! :-)

Originally Posted by simplyme


This is a non hobby tread. Go away!

CuteOldGuy's Avatar
There's always room for boobs.
simplyme's Avatar

This is a non hobby tread. Go away!

JR Originally Posted by JRLawrence
