"I was afraid for my life!"

Tweet that I came across today

"is there was another country in the world where cops killed people at rate they do in America, state dept would advise you not to go there"

Are we satisfied with that?
LexusLover's Avatar
Tweet that I came across today

"is there was another country in the world where cops killed people at rate they do in America, state dept would advise you not to go there"

Are we satisfied with that? Originally Posted by WombRaider
Does people killing cops count? Or is that OK in UC's World?
dirty dog's Avatar
. Originally Posted by shanm
Oh how cute changing my post around how 3rd grade of u.
Oh how cute changing my post around how 3rd grade of u. Originally Posted by dirty dog
Unfortunately that's what seems to pass for clever.
Does people killing cops count? Or is that OK in UC's World? Originally Posted by LexusLover
As your want to do, you don't have an answer so you ask another, unrelated question. Keep trying, you're almost there.
  • shanm
  • 04-09-2015, 05:28 PM
Oh how cute changing my post around how 3rd grade of u. Originally Posted by dirty dog
How exactly? How am I changing your post around? All I did was answer to specific points in your incoherent shit-babble.

I get it. You're out of ammo. Move along now. Unless you want to embarrass yourself more than you already have.
Tweet that I came across today

"is there was another country in the world where cops killed people at rate they do in America, state dept would advise you not to go there"

Are we satisfied with that? Originally Posted by WombRaider
So you believe in the same American exceptionalism as our President.
So you believe in the same American exceptionalism as our President. Originally Posted by gnadfly
What, exactly, is exceptional about a nation that has our murder rate? Our crime rates? Our absolutely appalling ranking internationally in secondary education? I deal in facts, not hyperbole. The problem is, you don't have an answer except to call someone's patriotism into question. You utilize this tact because you expect it to sting and for someone to recoil at the very thought of being accused of somehow not thinking we are exceptional. Here's a clue; we aren't. What exactly is exceptional. I'd like an answer, not more verbal diarrhea from you. We used to make things. We used to build and produce things. That's all in China and other parts of the world now. We are a service-oriented economy now, not a manufacturing economy. Instead of dealing in bullshit and name-calling, I challenge you to give me a real answer. I don't think you're capable of it. I think those muscles have long since atrophied. We're number one in all the categories you don't want to be number one in and we're middle of the pack in all the categories you want to be number one in. As long as we keep plodding along thinking everything is ok, we'll never improve.

dirty dog's Avatar
How exactly? How am I changing your post around? All I did was answer to specific points in your incoherent shit-babble.

I get it. You're out of ammo. Move along now. Unless you want to embarrass yourself more than you already have. Originally Posted by shanm

All anyone has to do is read what I wrote in red and then read what you quoted to see what you changed. I guess its my fault, I expected more from an adult.
All anyone has to do is read what I wrote in red and then read what you quoted to see what you changed. I guess its my fault, I expected more from an adult. Originally Posted by dirty dog
we have people on here who still call each other faggot, like it's seventh grade. Don't expect much.
dirty dog's Avatar
we have people on here who still call each other faggot, like it's seventh grade. Don't expect much. Originally Posted by WombRaider
Yeah from either side of the isle I am afraid.
The link below is the Officers dash cam video that eventually lead up to the shooting. I find it unusual that the officer didn't call in the location of the stop or give a vehicle and license plate description. Then instead of ordering the driver out of his vehicle the officer casually prances up to the driver side window. This Officer is either inexperienced or just a dummy. Or maybe this shooting is a Psy-Op. I'll just throw that out there for now because this whole incident based on both videos doesn't make a dam bit of sense.


The link below is the Officers dash cam video that eventually lead up to the shooting. I find it unusual that the officer didn't call in the location of the stop or give a vehicle and license plate description. Then instead of ordering the driver out of his vehicle the officer casually prances up to the driver side window. This Officer is either inexperienced or just a dummy. Or maybe this shooting is a Psy-Op. I'll just throw that out there for now because this whole incident based on both videos doesn't make a dam bit of sense.


Jim Originally Posted by Mr MojoRisin
The dichotomized nature of your assumption; the officer is either new or stupid, is rather problematic. There could be any number of rational variables that would lend a much more nuanced view of the incidents in question and perhaps serve to arrive closer to the truth in the process.
The dichotomized nature of your assumption; the officer is either new or stupid, is rather problematic. There could be any number of rational variables that would lend a much more nuanced view of the incidents in question and perhaps serve to arrive closer to the truth in the process. Originally Posted by WombRaider
That officer made mistakes on the initial stop that have no rational explanation. Common sense would tell you to give your location and a description of the vehicle and plate on a stop. That's just for personal safety. Officers don't know who they are stopping. Walter Scott could have just committed a felony crime in an adjacent town. So tell me all about the rational reasons for not doing so.

That officer made mistakes on the initial stop that have no rational explanation. Common sense would tell you to give your location and a description of the vehicle and plate on a stop. That's just for personal safety. Officers don't know who they are stopping. Walter Scott could have just committed a felony crime in an adjacent town. So tell me all about the rational reasons for not doing so.

Jim Originally Posted by Mr MojoRisin
As I said, it could be for a myriad of reasons. Just because something has no rational explanation does it mean we have to start concocting stories? That's how religions get started. Maybe his mind was on something else. We assume that officers are locked in and focused but they're human beings, prone to the same loss of focus as anyone else. He could have known the guy. I saw a story earlier that said they were in the Coast Guard at the same time. Stranger things have happened. I don't know. And that's the answer that so many are afraid to even use. I don't know is an honest answer. To say, definitively as you have, that it HAS to be one of these two things, is not an honest answer. Because the answer is we simply don't know why he didn't do any of those things. Humans are not comfortable not knowing. Hell, that's how the majority of the world's religions came into existence. Not knowing is no reason to believe just anything that comes along.