Lower Rates....One Year Ago... ?? So confused :(

electricman98's Avatar

Hello, I to had the PLEASURE of meeting you when you first came to San Antonio, and I could not believe the price you had. I really wanted to see you every day.. But I agree with everybody else, if you can get the type of donation that you seek, why change? I can honestly say that you have the type of looks and are a very charming/intellectual women.

I hope to see you again someday, I'm just going to have to save up a little more money now.lol.lol.

P.S. From the look of your recent pictures I can tell that you have put in a lot of hard work to look even beter for the Gents... Congradulations you desrve it.
Angelina's point is very clear and I fully understand her. She feels that her service is worth $$$ and is justified to charge this amount. What I don't understand is why is she so "confused" if she is full of takers of her price? I am certain that her service is worth what her clients are willing to pay. The confusion should set in when she doesn't have enough clients willing to spend $$$. She is hot, but out of my price range---- I wish her all the best.
In the words of the POTUS....."at some point you've made enough money." Just another reason that I rarely agree with him, but that is increasingly the mentality that Americans have unless they are the ones making the money. Sad really.

Awww...thank you! I also admire you for your assessment of this thread and the constructive, respectful remarks. So many SATX providers have reached out to me, several being mothers and having significant others. Each lady is very sweet and has her business model set to her comfort level.

In my case, I am a career woman outside of the hobby and have several other things going on in my life, but I don't have kids and a s.o. which helps my cause. Any revenue generated as Angelina is money I can put into retirement and savings.

There is always room for all levels of providers and I certainly admire many of them



I am very intrigued by you Angelina.
Some of the Ladies I see are not full-time providers but mothers, students or bored former housewives. They all have a different prospective on the Hobby and all of them have varying degrees of availability. I am very flexible on my hobby time and can therefore wait for the better providers to become available to meet.
I admire your stand and standards and this thread proves that there is room for all levels of providers.
I also understand there are some lousy providers but they don't last or advertise on CL or BP to get clients and take a huge risk in doing so.
Keep up your standards and there is room for everyone. Originally Posted by golfnwine

Thank you for appreciating my upscale incalls. For me, I feel it is a reflection of my standards and how I like to live in/outside of the hobby. When I was a $180/hr girl, several clients were floored when they entered my Presidential and junior suites. One review cited that my incall was the best he had ever seen. I am thinking about doing away with it, but might splurge later in the month. If a girl is going to be $300/hr +, she had better have a nice incall.



Personally I love an upscale incall. Of course, does it trump my attraction to the lady or the service she provides? No, but I certainly still appreciate it and it does add something special to the experience for me. I too have been very concerned about my vehicle from time to time at certain places and it actually has made me not return even though the lady was personally great. Originally Posted by textodd11

Thank you! I enjoyed your company, too! Remember, you saw me last year, so you are grandfathered into your older rate (no need to save your pennies).

RE: recent pictures of me, you are correct. I invest a lot of money in keeping my bod in shape, facials, hair, nails, everything. One of my regular San Antonio clients visited me last week, but there was a 5 month gap since the last time he saw me. He was floored and told me he thought I looked 5 times hotter than I did months ago and when I first becan. I was like, "Geez, thanks...". LOL! Yes, I am launching Angelina v 3.0 this July and am doing another makeover to get prepped for my Las Vegas tours New fun website (facelift) is coming as well. You are so sweet!




Hello, I to had the PLEASURE of meeting you when you first came to San Antonio, and I could not believe the price you had. I really wanted to see you every day.. But I agree with everybody else, if you can get the type of donation that you seek, why change? I can honestly say that you have the type of looks and are a very charming/intellectual women.

I hope to see you again someday, I'm just going to have to save up a little more money now.lol.lol.

P.S. From the look of your recent pictures I can tell that you have put in a lot of hard work to look even beter for the Gents... Congradulations you desrve it. Originally Posted by electricman98

Yep, you pretty much summarized it. I guess, for me, I was a career-woman and college student way before I entered the hobby and my mentality that I acquired is with experience and good results, you get a "job promotion" and you are rewarded for your hard work via a pay raise.

The confusion I felt was centered on why so many girls were in the 100s. Not to be disrespectful, but I spent more on my sports massage, so if I am paying more for a sports massage, why would a girl have the desire to provide if she makes less than what a career outside of the hobby might pay?

I really don't think it's the economy because the second one girl starts dropping her rates, it is expected across the board. If 80% of girls were in the 200s, most men would probably save up a little more and pay it. Since last year, it seems like there has been a $100 drop in rates, whereas in Austin, it is the complete opposite (when I increased my rates in Austin, so many girls followed my trend). That is why I am confused.

See in Austin, I am overwhelmed with takers with the average session being $450 -/+. In San Antonio, I still have enough who are willing to pay my full rates, but with SATX being a blue-collar/working class town, there are nowhere near as clients in Dallas or Austin. I had a full dance card that could have lasted me an entire week per my San Antonio advertisement and even turned away several. If you look at my posting history, I have only placed 3 ads in San Antonio and 1 in Dallas (absolutely zero in Austin which is where I am based) over a course of 6 months. I have been pretty busy with repeats.

Also, I am not trying to be so out of price that it turns people off. I offer several discounts including 1.) military 2.) student 3.) senior citizen. The day I feel pressured to drop my rates is the day I hang my hobby hat. There are too many risks for me to lower rates that dramatically.




Angelina's point is very clear and I fully understand her. She feels that her service is worth $$$ and is justified to charge this amount. What I don't understand is why is she so "confused" if she is full of takers of her price? I am certain that her service is worth what her clients are willing to pay. The confusion should set in when she doesn't have enough clients willing to spend $$$. She is hot, but out of my price range---- I wish her all the best. Originally Posted by texan361
Round Tripper:

Well said. Thank you!


In the words of the POTUS....."at some point you've made enough money." Just another reason that I rarely agree with him, but that is increasingly the mentality that Americans have unless they are the ones making the money. Sad really. Originally Posted by Round Tripper

Yep, you pretty much summarized it. I guess, for me, I was a career-woman and college student way before I entered the hobby and my mentality that I acquired is with experience and good results, you get a "job promotion" and you are rewarded for your hard work via a pay raise.



Angelina Originally Posted by Angelina Adams
I whole-heartedly agree! But don't forget as you climb the ladder, that humility is an admirable trait as well.


All of my clients who have met me personally can attest that I am one of the most humble, grounded, level-headed, polite and very down-to-Earth ladies they have come across. Then again, why do I really have to explain? My reviews show my character and often cite me as sweet-natured and loving.

In my non-hobby career, I am told the same thing as well regarding my positive outlook on life and ability to treat everyone as my equal. Glad that you whole-heartedly agree about advancing in life. I've always been so driven and in many ways you are as well. I certainly don't want to come across as over-bearing. I just enjoy the back-and-forth banter on these boards and am appreciative of all opinions. Humility is a beautiful thing and that is why nothing but good things have been happening in my life. "What comes around, goes around". All positive energy

I really enjoy getting to know everyone.



P.S. It's so cute how you always follow my threads and have something to say. Love that attitude! Keep it up. Oh, and your quote in your signature line ""You can pay for school, but you can't buy class". --JayZ" is awesome and so very true! Not a big Jay Z fan, but love the quote! I may have to start using it!!!

I whole-heartedly agree! But don't forget as you climb the ladder, that humility is an admirable trait as well.


Kara Originally Posted by KaraLynnKelley
Tarlon125's Avatar
Yea Angelina is worth any amount she asks, I've seen her lots of times, charm, grace, intellegence, not to mention a body that makes you think god you a man. Not to mention one of the kindest woman I've ever meet, she is one for the ages, no man can go wrong meeting this woman, she will make your whole year in one Hr.

You know you are one of my faves. Thank you for being positive...it is a trait many should learn



Yea Angelina is worth any amount she asks, I've seen her lots of times, charm, grace, intellegence, not to mention a body that makes you think god you a man. Not to mention one of the kindest woman I've ever meet, she is one for the ages, no man can go wrong meeting this woman, she will make your whole year in one Hr. Originally Posted by Tarlon125
How about discounts for old retired fireman, not old enough for senior discounts. I love to eat; fast food resturant, mexican resturant and also at the "y". There no harm is asking. Your are beautiful and deserve what your asking. Have a nice day.
I had the pleasure of being in Angelina's company for a few hours recently. The overall experience is great and those details like the clean & safe incall, clean linen & towels, assortment of soap & bath gels, toothbrush, mouthwash, & couple of mimosas & cosmos take the quality of service to a higher level. It's very apparent that Angelina goes out of her way to make client feel comfortable & it shows in her attitude and service.

Like other have said, some guys prefer the overall experience rather than just BCD activities.

Angelina delivers the overall package and her positive, caring attitude really stands out. I've noticed that it's just part of her persona. Also helps that she's beautiful (inside & out).

I agree with others that $$ do not dictate quality. Never know when a person may need $$ for an emergency or if the person is not great with handling their finances.
I do think Angelina is encouraging providers to establish their value and not just depend on the going rate (market value). You can change your value by what you provide and it doesn't only have to be BCD.

P.S. It's so cute how you always follow my threads and have something to say. Love that attitude! Keep it up. Originally Posted by Angelina Adams
I have over 150 posts. Two are in threads by you. I'm aware that you are the center of your universe but you are not the center of THE universe.

I'm all for girls charging what they can, I just find it in poor taste to brag about what you earn and cut down others who don't make as much. I'm not sure where the "positivity" is in delegitimizing $100 girls only to pump up yourself and boast about the type of hotel you stay in.

You're right Angelina, you are a special lady...one of the best! It just means so much more when your clients, rather than you, say it.

I'm really happy that things are going well for you. I do things a little differently so instead of going on and on about life is treating me great as well, I'll just wish you a good day and enjoy mine too. Good luck in San Antonio. It's a great town and the guys are top-notch, some of the nicest in Texas.