Fastcars1966's Avatar
I agree. Works both ways.
As long as I don't have to pay it wouldn't bother me whatever you say.

If it were me and I had a attraction preference then I would ask for a picture during the screening process. If it were a race preference then I'm sure there are several tactful ways to let a potential client know about it.

The way I see it is a provider has the right to refuse service to anyone for any reason she sees fit just like a client has the right to walk away for whatever reason he sees fit. Now if that's done on a consistent basis then eventually it will hurt one's reputation. Originally Posted by Eccie Addict
pjpenner's Avatar
With 26 years in the hobby, I find this thread quite disturbing as it fully illuminates the unprofessional practices that are rampant in the hobby today.

Without a question, a provider has the absolute right to chose who she entertains in the hobby. However, she has an equal obligation to notify all potential clients of her restrictions and any limitations. Ideally, her restrictions and limitations will be clearly stated on her website.

This is simply a matter of common courtesy and professional etiquette.

If you want to be treated as a professional, then employ the best practices of professional escorts and not those of street-level hookers.
I feel Miss Molly has a legit concern which I am sure every provider out there has faced and she doesnt deserve a negative review. Would love to hear from other providers as to what they would do or have done in a situation where the provider cant do the session as planned for "personal preference" reasons. Originally Posted by whitechocolate
I am going to catch hell for this, however my situation fits this concern perfectly. I am usually easy going and I dont care if youre short, tall, overweight, or thin as long as good hygiene and respect are good. I had a session in which I should had CLEARLY ran when he opened the door. I did screen and had even seen a picture of him. I should had turned and walked away, however this was the first time I had ever been in this type situation and I honestly let guilt take over because I didnt want to hurt his feelings. I made the best of the situation. I will be the first to admit, it was NOT my best and probably deserved some negativity. However next day I was told that I was tied for his ATF.. so maybe I did do well?
The kicker- it got out that I pondered the thought of turning away immediately for "personal preference" and suddenly I was the worst provider known to man. A negative review was then threatened.

I think it is a catch 22. If I had turned and left, I would had received a horrible review. If I did what I did, I still receive a horrible review. I think honesty is the best route however keep in mind, feelings could be hurt. I wonder if a situation such as mine would had been better if suddenly I claimed the "flu bug" or "aunt flow"?
I agree, it is better to reject them in your ad then at the door. Originally Posted by Tiffany Cums
not everyone is for everyone let that be know,No one will waist time and everyone will be a lot more happy
ric's Avatar
  • ric
  • 04-18-2011, 02:38 PM
Wow, a messy thread. But when you have a less than clear policy or failed screening, its best to be straightforward on why you won't see a hobbyist. People can see through less-than-genuine responses and postings.

The real reason for me jumping in is to point out asians sometimes encounters the same NBA issue. There are asian providers who will not see clients of their own ethnic background in order to lessen likelihood of being outed in their own community. But worse than taking the Alternatives A B or C they proceed with the session and give a totally legit massage w/o extras. To me that is the worst, being dishonest, wasting my time and money.
The question is if your the BEST, or a PRO provider, then why does it matter what the guy looks like, o r my personal preference?

The show Gigolo on Showtime had the same issue & I do not feel that if you can not preform because the client is unactractive that your a professional.

I have never said, Sorry, but something came up because I was unattracted to the client. Strange to me. I think you should request a hoto before booking in that case.
Mature Companion's Avatar
What I find disturbing; is that folks are stating what & how a provider should do things and what she ought to be posting in her Ads/site etc etc. (to save the hobbyist grief).

YET, what folks fail to realize is that Molly screened the guy. She was told the hobbyist was Hispanic. Thus at said time, ALL seemed to be OKAY.
It was NOT UNTIL, he arrived and she opened the door, did the ISSUES then occur. AND that is when she did the right thing and canceled the date.

Upon opening the door to the client: He had darker skin (which to her, made him appear as an AA.) And that to HER,was an issue. (it's NO ones place to stand in judgement of her reasons why nor to question her.) There also seemed to be OTHER issues which presented themselves, UPON HIS ARRIVAL. (again, she handled things appropriately at said time and canceled, right then and there.)
NO different than IF a man did it to a provider upon his arrival and he didn't like what he saw/encountered.

How on earth could Molly of known about those issues & see the color of his skin while booking the date? Unless (skin color was revealed via photo to her) which I advise against guys doing. Or unless the client & vouching provider would of stated to Molly, He's Hispanic but is slightly on the darker side. IF she had known that upfront. She *might* of canceled during the booking process, rather than in person.

We can give advice w/o standing in judgement of said person or w/o questioning their reasons why they have said issues about things. In the end. We were not there. And she she did the best thing she knew how at said moment. And she did NOT take his money, stomach her uncomfortableness and give the guy a crappy experience. Unlike some gals do. All for the sake of money. Or some guys do, all for the sake of getting fucked and then pissing on the lady afterward via a nasty review.

Yeah, shit will happen in this adult lifestyle. And sadly it'll happen when you come face to face with said other person.
You deal with said issues the best way you know how and you move on.
Knowing that feelings & ego's are going to be hurt. It's part of life and it's sure as hell part of this adult lifestyle.

Whatever you do. Do not allow others to stand in judgement of you/or the decision you make in handling any uncomfortable situations you might find yourself in.

You make some valid points, but I don't agree with all of them. I'm not trying to tell her how to run her business. That's up to her.

I'm just saying I consider this an NCNS, which to me, is the highest violation in the hobby outside of outing. I think if she wanted to avoid an issue, she owed him a traveling fee. I know I generally pay a traveling fee for outcalls. Since this was an incall, she should have paid him for his "inconvenience."

What's fair is fair. This is, after all, first and foremost, a business.
atlcomedy's Avatar
What I find disturbing; is that folks are stating what & how a provider should do things and what she ought to be posting in her Ads/site etc etc. (to save the hobbyist grief).

YET, what folks fail to realize is that Molly screened the guy. She was told the hobbyist was Hispanic. Thus at said time, ALL seemed to be OKAY.
It was NOT UNTIL, he arrived and she opened the door, did the ISSUES then occur. AND that is when she did the right thing and canceled the date.

Upon opening the door to the client: He had darker skin (which to her, made him appear as an AA.) And that to HER,was an issue. (it's NO ones place to stand in judgement of her reasons why nor to question her.) There also seemed to be OTHER issues which presented themselves, UPON HIS ARRIVAL. (again, she handled things appropriately at said time and canceled, right then and there.)
NO different than IF a man did it to a provider upon his arrival and he didn't like what he saw/encountered.

How on earth could Molly of known about those issues & see the color of his skin while booking the date? Unless (skin color was revealed via photo to her) which I advise against guys doing. Or unless the client & vouching provider would of stated to Molly, He's Hispanic but is slightly on the darker side. IF she had known that upfront. She *might* of canceled during the booking process, rather than in person.

We can give advice w/o standing in judgement of said person or w/o questioning their reasons why they have said issues about things. In the end. We were not there. And she she did the best thing she knew how at said moment. And she did NOT take his money, stomach her uncomfortableness and give the guy a crappy experience. Unlike some gals do. All for the sake of money. Or some guys do, all for the sake of getting fucked and then pissing on the lady afterward via a nasty review.

Yeah, shit will happen in this adult lifestyle. And sadly it'll happen when you come face to face with said other person.
You deal with said issues the best way you know how and you move on.
Knowing that feelings & ego's are going to be hurt. It's part of life and it's sure as hell part of this adult lifestyle.

Whatever you do. Do not allow others to stand in judgement of you/or the decision you make in handling any uncomfortable situations you might find yourself in. Originally Posted by Wicked Milf
What are these "OTHER" issues??? If this thread is meant to be helpful tell us what the "OTHER" issues are. I think most of us get the whole NBA thing regardless of where we stand on it.


You make some valid points, but I don't agree with all of them. I'm not trying to tell her how to run her business. That's up to her.

I'm just saying I consider this an NCNS, which to me, is the highest violation in the hobby outside of outing. I think if she wanted to avoid an issue, she owed him a traveling fee. I know I generally pay a traveling fee for outcalls. Since this was an incall, she should have paid him for his "inconvenience."

What's fair is fair. This is, after all, first and foremost, a business. Originally Posted by charlestudor2005
Don't hold your breath, Chuckles. I've never heard of this happening. The closest I've ever heard was an AMP that validated parking in LA.
Mature Companion's Avatar
How can you view this as a NCNS? Does the same apply to men who show up and find there to be an ISSUE in person with the woman they meet?
Do those men owe those ladies a traveling fee or a fee of inconvenience. Since the same NCNS would apply to those men who cancel in person???????

I disagree with you. No one predict what may or may not take place upon meeting someone in person. Issues sometimes occur in person that may not occur during online/phone conversation. It happens!
And thus we as individuals have to deal with said issues we encounter in person; To the best of our ability. And in this case of Molly & Muse.
She did just that. She felt uncomfortable (for whatever reasons) and she respectfully canceled and did not take his money nor did she owe him any.

She certainly owes him NO fee for traveling to her place nor his inconvenience of time. Heck he took it upon himself to wait by her incall for 3 hours.
She was there in person for the date. (thus NOT a NSNS). She didn't peep out the peephole and leaving him standing outside the door twiddling his thumb. (like certain well known providers told her should of done.)

Molly respectfully opened the door as she should have, SINCE she was expecting him.
And, when said uncomfortable issues came about upon meeting in person, she did what men are told to do all the time. Cancel right then and there.

She did the right thing. And in the end, she's being judged for it.


You make some valid points, but I don't agree with all of them. I'm not trying to tell her how to run her business. That's up to her.

I'm just saying I consider this an NCNS, which to me, is the highest violation in the hobby outside of outing. I think if she wanted to avoid an issue, she owed him a traveling fee. I know I generally pay a traveling fee for outcalls. Since this was an incall, she should have paid him for his "inconvenience."

What's fair is fair. This is, after all, first and foremost, a business. Originally Posted by charlestudor2005
Mature Companion's Avatar
Hell if I know what the *other* issues are. She stated in the thread there were other issues. It's NOT our place to question her about them nor know what they were.
Knowing what those issues were wouldn't make this thread any more or less helpful. Rather I'm sure some folks would use those issues against her and judge her even more, as some already have.

What are these "OTHER" issues??? If this thread is meant to be helpful tell us what the "OTHER" issues are. I think most of us get the whole NBA thing regardless of where we stand on it. Originally Posted by atlcomedy
atlcomedy's Avatar
What are the "uncomfortable issues?"

I think for the majority of readers/members knowing what they are is the difference between saying she was justified/not justified in the actions....
atlcomedy's Avatar
Hell if I know what the *other* issues are. She stated in the thread there were other issues. It's NOT our place to question her about it nor know what they were. Knowing what those issues were wouldn't make this thread any more or less helpful. Rather I'm sure some folks would use those issues against her and judge her moreso, as some already are. Originally Posted by Wicked Milf

It is our place to question her about this...she started the thread...this is a discussion forum...don't start a thread if you don't want the situation to be duscussed and/or judged

You can't have your cake and eat it too on Eccie
Mature Companion's Avatar
She chooses NOT to post all the issues in public for reasons e she doesn't want to come across as rude about them.

She posted one of her uncomfortable issues which was the dark color of his skin. That to her, made him appear to be AA. Thus at said point in person she took that and the other issues into account and chose to cancel. Of which was the right thing to do IF your not comfortable proceeding forward in a date with someone.

What are the "uncomfortable issues?"

I think for the majority of readers/members knowing what they are is the difference between saying she was justified/not justified in the actions.... Originally Posted by atlcomedy

It is our place to question her about this...she started the thread...this is a discussion forum...don't start a thread if you don't want the situation to be duscussed and/or judged

You can't have your cake and eat it too on Eccie Originally Posted by atlcomedy
I see a lot of discussions take place where folks don't always shed light on every single issue. Thus is what Molly has chosen to do.
She put forth enough for said discussion. Furthermore, we don't need to know all her reasons of said issues.
atlcomedy's Avatar
why did she start the thread then?