KellyShannon's Avatar
Shame on them BCG I am a huge proponent of Cancer Prevention in men. I am excited to see you on this message board too

Sorry, but saliva does not kill HIV-stomach acid does.

About a billion HIV viruses fit on the head of a pin, and if even one teensy little virus comes in contact with that teensy tiny little microscopic cut in your mouth you made during flossing..well, let's just say it might ruin,say,the rest of your life, if ya know what I mean.

Any provider that doesn't assume that every customer she sees is infected with HIV is not facing reality, and clearly does not have common sense....

If you don't understand that the clients that you see most probably see many many many many many many other providers, then you're...a fool. Just a thought.

But like I said, hey-it's only your health.

There are plenty of stories of girls in the business-yes, even the high end business-of escorting, that have contracted HIV and kept on working...

But some girls still have their little heads in the sand, like an ostrich, and probably don't even know they're infected.

But HEY-they TELL you they get regularly tested-and we all know providers never lie LOL.

BTW, I do NOT-and never WILL-offer CIM, and never will.

Ya'll have a great day.
  • MrGiz
  • 01-11-2010, 01:44 AM
Sorry, but saliva does not kill HIV-stomach acid does.

About a billion HIV viruses fit on the head of a pin, and if even one teensy little virus comes in contact with that teensy tiny little microscopic cut in your mouth you made during flossing..well, let's just say it might ruin,say,the rest of your life, if ya know what I mean.

Any provider that doesn't assume that every customer she sees is infected with HIV is not facing reality, and clearly does not have common sense....

If you don't understand that the clients that you see most probably see many many many many many many other providers, then you're...a fool. Just a thought.

But like I said, hey-it's only your health.

There are plenty of stories of girls in the business-yes, even the high end business-of escorting, that have contracted HIV and kept on working...

But some girls still have their little heads in the sand, like an ostrich, and probably don't even know they're infected.

But HEY-they TELL you they get regularly tested-and we all know providers never lie LOL.

BTW, I do NOT-and never WILL-offer CIM, and never will.

Ya'll have a great day. Originally Posted by Sweet Heather
OKAY!! You sure look nice!!

bluffcityguy's Avatar
Shame on them BCG I am a huge proponent of Cancer Prevention in men. I am excited to see you on this message board too Originally Posted by KellyShannon
And great to see you here as well.

Someone on another board commented that, like the proverbial bad penny, I keep turning up. I'm not sure if he meant that in a good way or not...


It appears to be a good thing
willro's Avatar
Saliva doesn't kill all the HIV (if present), but it kills most.

Saliva tests to be powerfully protective in researchers' test-tube studies. Results indicate that saliva inactivates more than 90 percent of the HIV-infected cells, breaking the virus apart into non-infectious components and thus blocking by about 10,000-fold the production of HIV and other viruses in those cells.

Source: Archives of Internal Medicine

I'm not saying anyone is wrong to not do CIM... I'm only posting the information I have learned. Personally, it's not a deal breaker for me in my BCD experience.
Its risk no matter how you look at it. But then anything you chose to engage in this business is a risk an enjoyable one but still a risk...
[QUOTE=bluffcityguy;38481]And great to see you here as well.

Someone on another board commented that, like the proverbial bad penny, I keep turning up. I'm not sure if he meant that in a good way or not...



Good way for sure!
but it kills most. Originally Posted by willro
The key word in that is most.

A provider comes in intimate contact with many people, many of which are very sexually active.

Does the gent I am about to be intimate with pick up streetwalkers? Does he always use protection? Who knows.

The law of averages dictates-guarantees-that sooner or later a provider will be intimate with somneone who is HIV positive. So when she does, is the thought that most of the HIV in his semen will be killed by her saliva(if she does CIM)????

I don't think so. I'd personally rather play it as safe as possible.

The thought that not doing CIM is being "paranoid" doesn't make sense.

Then why use a condom for intercourse? Isn't that being "paranoid"?

No, it means that you are trying to protect your health, because one-just one-slip up could affect the rest of your life...

It's not up to me to judge others behaviour, just expressing my opinion. Ya'll have a great day. Heather
To a certain degree, I think the discussion here is a little off the mark.

We all know that as long as there is a market for CIM, there will be providers who offer it.

Some providers will NOT offer CIM for various reasons: (1) they just plain don't like it; (2) they are worried about the disease aspect (is this a rationalization?); (3) they don't offer a BBBJ in the first place, much less with CIM. However, these reasons are really beside the point.

The point is, where there is a demand, there will be a supply. It's basic economics. In this thread there are hobbyists who have already stated that they see only providers who offer BBBJs, and prefer those who offer CIM. It means they have narrowed their choice of providers substantially based on the activities offered.
  • MrGiz
  • 01-12-2010, 07:24 PM
for whatever reason.... some BBBJ girls do [CIM]......... some dont! Ces''t la vie. . . . I'll continue to enjoy both!

roboy25's Avatar
Mr GIZ...I like your style, good philosophy!!
Guest022210's Avatar
If you are getting a BJ its a good day. If your getting a free BJ its a holiday.
  • MrGiz
  • 01-12-2010, 11:05 PM
If you are getting a BJ its a good day. If your getting a free BJ its a holiday. Originally Posted by Lookin4
Or else.... It's just nice to be home!

bluffcityguy's Avatar
To a certain degree, I think the discussion here is a little off the mark.

We all know that as long as there is a market for CIM, there will be providers who offer it.

Some providers will NOT offer CIM for various reasons: (1) they just plain don't like it; (2) they are worried about the disease aspect (is this a rationalization?); (3) they don't offer a BBBJ in the first place, much less with CIM. However, these reasons are really beside the point. Originally Posted by charlestudor2005
Remember the old joke: Why does a bride smile on her wedding day? She knows she's given her last blow job.

Best to learn from Giz: enjoy a BBBJTCNQNS (the ultimate) if it's on the menu, if it isn't, enjoy whatever is on the menu, because that's what you're getting.
If you are getting a BJ its a good day. If your getting a free BJ its a holiday. Originally Posted by Lookin4
Well, subject to the adage that you always pay, though some days you may not be paying money...

