the military ramps up for global warming....

LexusLover's Avatar
[B][SIZE=3]I noticed you didn't refute anything I said. Originally Posted by Munchmasterman
So if I don't "refute" what you post, you assume it is correct?

Or do you simply "assume" I agree with it. Perhaps, there is no point.

The remainder makes little sense to me, so "refuting" would be "challenging"!

To say the least.
Jewish Lawyer's Avatar
The Generals in today's military know they need to toe the line or Obama will wreck their careers. Even if they think it is a big joke, it is best to keep one's mouth shut or lose your pension and your prestige. You can grumble about it when you retire - in private.
It takes years to fuck up a great military, and Obama is doing his best to do it as quickly as he can.
Yssup Rider's Avatar
Yeah, you right JL. Obama will bring the whole world down if you don't stop him.

I suggest you and a few generals meet him at Love Field for a little bare fisted ass kicking.
LexusLover's Avatar
Obama will bring the whole world down if you don't stop him. Originally Posted by Yssup Rider
A little dramatic don't you think? He's "good," but not that "good."

The Europeans, Russians, African countries, Middle Eastern countries, Asian countries, and the Canadians with the Central and South American countries have drawn their lines "in the sand" and rebuffed his efforts.

Fortunately for them, they have more sense than he does.
A little dramatic don't you think? He's "good," but not that "good."

The Europeans, Russians, African countries, Middle Eastern countries, Asian countries, and the Canadians with the Central and South American countries have drawn their lines "in the sand" and rebuffed his efforts.

Fortunately for them, they have more sense than he does. Originally Posted by LexusLover
This coming from the same Patriarch of the Idiot Family who has steadfastly refused (for over 11 years) to offer any criticism of the Shrubya Administration for the ill fated and ill advised spring of 2003 invasion of Iraq. The very same invasion that cost the US 4500+ American lives and almost $1 Trillion.

BTW, are those illusive WMD's still located "in an area in and around Tikrit and Baghdad?"


Take a bow, LLIdiot!
Jewish Lawyer's Avatar
Yeah, you right JL. Obama will bring the whole world down if you don't stop him.

I suggest you and a few generals meet him at Love Field for a little bare fisted ass kicking. Originally Posted by Yssup Rider
Look at it this way, Seņor Ryder, since you work in the private sector and theoretically understand business even if your political party attempts to undermine it: When you are sliding down the hill towards oblivion by supporting a losing business division that is sucking the life out of the rest of the company, and your competitors are circling in for the kill, you can't survive unless you quit doing the things that are costing the company money. He only needs to weaken the US further to get us to the point of no return. Just like we can't do anything about the Antarctic ice sheets because it is too late, we are getting close to permanent decline here in the good ole' USA.
This coming from the same Patriarch of the Idiot Family who has steadfastly refused (for over 11 years) to offer any criticism of the Shrubya Administration for the ill fated and ill advised spring of 2003 invasion of Iraq. The very same invasion that cost the US 4500+ American lives and almost $1 Trillion.

BTW, are those illusive WMD's still located "in an area in and around Tikrit and Baghdad?"

MISSION NOT ACCOMPLISHED! Originally Posted by bigtex
Talk about living in someone's head rent free, BigKotex, Patient 0 for Bush Derangement Syndrome has issued GWB lifetime rent controlled space in that gnat's ass he calls a brain!

Hey BigKotex, will the Derangement continue after your passing? I foresee "Mission NOT Accomplished" on your grave maker.
LexusLover's Avatar
BTW, are those illusive WMD's still located "in an area in and around Tikrit and Baghdad?" Originally Posted by bigtex
It's been 11 years. Is that were you didn't see them?

Speaking of accomplishing missions ..

.... which one has Obaminable completed?

Oh, wait, killing OBL. Speaking of "ramping up" the military.

Originally Posted by LexusLover
There you have it folks, a National Security team that gets meaningful results.

This team did not feel the need to hold a "MISSION ACCOMPLISHED" press conference on an American Aircraft Carrier.

Instead, this group threw the dead body overboard! MISSION FINALLY ACCOMPLISHED!

It's all in a days work!
LexusLover's Avatar
There you have it folks, a National Security team that gets meaningful results.

This team did not feel the need to hold a "MISSION ACCOMPLISHED" press conference on an American Aircraft Carrier.

Instead, this group threw the dead body overboard! MISSION FINALLY ACCOMPLISHED!

It's all in a days work! Originally Posted by bigtex
I thought they buried Ambassador Stevens back here in the U.S.
I thought they buried Ambassador Stevens back here in the U.S. Originally Posted by LexusLover
Earth to LL Idiot:

While tragic, there were 4 American lives lost in Benghazi.

By comparison, there were 4500+ American lives lost in Iraq (even more tragically).

If I am not mistaken 4 is significantly less than (<) 4500+, am I correct?

It's a simple mathematical calculation, just do the math! (Even the Patriarch of the Idiot Family should be able to ACCOMPLISH that simple MISSION.)

BTW, where are those illusive WMD's?

Didn't Rummy say that he knew where the WMD's were?

As I recall, he said they were in an area in and around Tikrit and/or Baghdad?

Are they still there or did Rummy hide them?

When you find out about those pesky WMD's, let us know where they are located!

Can ya' hear me now?
Or should I speak LOUDER?
Munchmasterman's Avatar
So if I don't "refute" what you post, you assume it is correct?

Or do you simply "assume" I agree with it. Perhaps, there is no point.

The remainder makes little sense to me, so "refuting" would be "challenging"!

To say the least. Originally Posted by LexusLover
Your last post makes no sense.

This is a discussion forum. You said something, I "challenged" it giving you the chance to "refute" my statements. You didn't. I pointed that out. Pretty fucking simple. I didn't realize you are only here to make random statements out of your ass.

I don't assume I'm correct. And I know you don't agree. I assume you wouldn't pass on the chance to prove me wrong if you could. I post links to back my statements or explain where they come from.

I asked you where you got your information for the statements you made. You wouldn't say.

I think it's because you can't. But in actuality, I really don't care.
Munchmasterman's Avatar
The Generals in today's military know they need to toe the line or Obama will wreck their careers. Even if they think it is a big joke, it is best to keep one's mouth shut or lose your pension and your prestige. You can grumble about it when you retire - in private.
It takes years to fuck up a great military, and Obama is doing his best to do it as quickly as he can. Originally Posted by Jewish Lawyer
Generals have always known that.

And if they displease the CIC, any CIC, they get fired.

None lose their pensions. Not even MacArthur.
LexusLover's Avatar
While tragic, there were 4 American lives lost in Benghazi. By comparison, there were 4500+ American lives lost in Iraq (even more tragically). If I am not mistaken 4 is significantly less than (<) 4500+, am I correct? It's a simple mathematical calculation, just do the math! Originally Posted by bigtex
Any loss of life is a tragedy. Unfortunately this country lost close to that number on one day, because nothing effective was done for years prior to September 11th. Those were civilians/noncombatants for the most part.

The loss of life on both sides from the continuation of the Iraq conflict could have been avoided had Iraq seen fit to cooperate with the inspectors and comply with the U.N. resolutions by providing the requested information.

May I take it from your current posture that you stood beside John Kerry in his protest against the war in S.E. Asia that was fueled by the lie of LBJ's "Gulf of Tonkin" incident to justify the "ramp up" comparison?

"...just do the math!"

Will your answer for the failings and incompetence of this and any following administration be ... Bush and the "ill-fated" war. In your lifetime when has this country engaged in any "war" that was NOT "ill-fated" for someone?

"...just do the math!"

I'll ask you in return. What did happen to the WMD's?

"...just do the math!"

The bottom line is that leading up to 2003 many minds much greater than yours (all over this world) believed that WMD's existed in Iraq ... it is well documented.

"...just do the math!" Start counting them!

The bottom line is that leading up to 2003 many minds much greater than yours (all over this world) believed that WMD's existed in Iraq ... it is well documented.

"...just do the math!" Start counting them!

Originally Posted by LexusLover
The duly assigned United Nations Weapons Inspector, Hans Blix, did the math and he said to give him a few more months to complete his assignment and the world would then know definitively whether there were still WMD's in Iraq. Unfortunately the Shrubya Administration would not listen and not 4 but 4500+ Americans lost their lives due to GW's lack of patience and gross incompetence.

Live with it LL Idiot, you're one of those who supported those efforts throughout the entire fiasco.