Thank you much for the midterms

lustylad's Avatar
Who’s (paying) the bill on every type of forgiveness bailout subsidy etc. we should stop all of them. But we won’t. Originally Posted by 1blackman1
Then we're all fucked. Once everyone is on the Biden dole, lounging on the couch all day eating cheetos and playing video games, who does the real work of keeping the economy humming?

And you wonder why there's a fucking labor shortage in the midst of a recession!
... That's all by design... So the illegals take the jobs.

#### Salty
lustylad's Avatar
As for the rest of the whining and crying over this, it’s really silly. We already allow people to stuff (sic) creditors in far larger amounts. People file bankruptcy every day. This stiffs creditors for hundreds of millions of dollars... Originally Posted by 1blackman1
You're exaggerating. In bankruptcy, secured creditors can still be repaid in whole or in part. And debtors pay a heavy price on their credit rating - typically nobody will lend to them for several years following a Bk.

The cost of Biden's giveaway is estimated at $500-600 billion. That's enough to pay off 2/3 of all currently outstanding credit card debt in the US and far exceeds the amounts discharged each year in personal Bk filings.

And of course, the ultimate cost to taxpayers of this inexcusable boondoggle for the rich & spoiled will only increase, because the dim-retards will keep trying to forgive more & more student debt each year going forward!
Yssup Rider's Avatar
... That's all by design... So the illegals take the jobs.

#### Salty Originally Posted by Salty Again
Like Aussie refugees? Or the dead ones who are voting Democrat?




offshoredrilling's Avatar
Like Aussie refugees? Or the dead ones who are voting Democrat?




HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAAHH Originally Posted by Yssup Rider
how many dead folks ya voting for this year???? just askin
Yssup Rider's Avatar
I ain’t seen the ballit yet.
Like Aussie refugees? Or the dead ones who are voting Democrat?




HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAAHH Originally Posted by Yssup Rider
... Now that's FUNNY! ...

Not "spill-over me beer" funny - but some o' the
lads here don't get yer sense of humour - but I DO!

Okay - you surely had to remind us of the ONE idea
that I DISAGREE with President Trump on:

President OBama had a Grand idea of accepting whatever
illegals were showing up on the shores of Australia.

OBama agreed to take them - when sent by Australia.
And Good for him.

But then when Trump got on - He quit that plan.
And would no longer accept the refugees. ...

But I'm no longer blue about it, mate.
Thought that WAS one issue that President Trump
and me-self didn't see eye to eye on.

But President Biden is a different animal all-together.
NOT popular... And his policys have Repubs favoured
to win the House control.

#### Salty
  • Tiny
  • 08-27-2022, 11:14 PM
... Now that's FUNNY! ...

Not "spill-over me beer" funny - but some o' the
lads here don't get yer sense of humour - but I DO!

Okay - you surely had to remind us of the ONE idea
that I DISAGREE with President Trump on:

President OBama had a Grand idea of accepting whatever
illegals were showing up on the shores of Australia.

OBama agreed to take them - when sent by Australia.
And Good for him.

But then when Trump got on - He quit that plan.
And would no longer accept the refugees. ...

But I'm no longer blue about it, mate.
Thought that WAS one issue that President Trump
and me-self didn't see eye to eye on.

But President Biden is a different animal all-together.
NOT popular... And his policys have Repubs favoured
to win the House control.

#### Salty Originally Posted by Salty Again
Face facts Salty, Trump’s an asshole. Not only did he renege on the deal with Australia, but he hung up on Prime Minister Turnbull 25 minutes into the call. That’s no way to treat your number one ally.

Who’s had our back at every turn and in every war, even Vietnam? Not the UK, not Canada. Australia, that’s who.

This is no way to treat your best friend:

Maybe now you’ll understand why my opinion of you increased immeasurably when I determined you were actually Australian, and not an undercover Canadian intelligence operative.
offshoredrilling's Avatar
Face facts Salty, Trump’s an asshole. Originally Posted by Tiny

gee, I thought that was a given.
... Yeah... No reason for Tiny to point that out.
No, Trump didn't renege on the deal - He changed it.

But we STILL want Trump as the next President. ...

#### Salty
Yssup Rider's Avatar
... Yeah... No reason for Tiny to point that out.
No, Trump didn't renege on the deal - He changed it.

But we STILL want Trump as the next President. ...

#### Salty Originally Posted by Salty Again
CHANGED? Unilaterally. That’s not reneging. That’s breaking a promise. In other words … LYING.
... You're continuing to wander off-topic.

Changing policy is NOT reneging... and certainly NOT lying.

Lying is claiming the horrible Benghazi attack was just a few lads
out for a stroll.

#### Salty
  • Tiny
  • 08-28-2022, 12:24 PM
... You're continuing to wander off-topic.

Changing policy is NOT reneging... and certainly NOT lying.

Lying is claiming the horrible Benghazi attack was just a few lads
out for a stroll.

#### Salty Originally Posted by Salty Again
OK, I'll bring it back on topic. We're probably going to lose the Senate and may lose the House, in part because too many Republican general election candidates have pledged fealty to Donald Trump and to his conspiracy fantasy about the 2020 election. He reneged on a U.S. commitment to take up to 1250 refugees, and we would have been allowed to vet every last one of those. In his conversation with Turnbull, he essentially said Australia, our #1 ally in the world, is too pissant to take seriously. This incident is an example of Trump's hubris and narcissism, which turns off many voters.