Christianity is what's wrong with American politics.

Liberals hate religion because politics is a religion substitute for liberals and they can’t stand the competition.-Ann Coulter
CuteOldGuy's Avatar
WTF, WTF? I'm opposed to not taxing chuches, and the entire tax code, including deduction for charity. I just didn't feel the need to include all my superior ideas in responding to TTH. Chill, dude!

First let me say I have not read the whole thred, only this page.

That said, this statement is crazy. How is not the church taking from those of us that do not believe? They do not pay their fair share of taxes with thier tax exempt status. That shifts the tax burden to others. The exact same thing you are bitching about.

Quit with the charitable deduction(s) and your argument would have more merit. There are numerous studies that this so called charity would dry up without the tax deduction. Lets get real here. Originally Posted by WTF
anaximander's Avatar
Christians responsible for abortion and
the collapse of the family unit.
Responsible for promoting degenerate
unhealthy lifestyles.
Responsible for wasteful govt spending.
Responsible for the collapse of the dollar.

Yeah right.

Universal healthcare is a joke.
It barely performs in nations with populations
around 50-60 million. We have over 300 million
there are no examples of UH working. If anything
the fact that china abandoned their UH system
is tantamount admission that it can't work
period. If UH can't survive in a socialist
authoritarian state where civil protests
aren't allowed and the govt rules with an
iron fist- it doesn't stand a chance here
in the long run.
You have no statistics supporting UH
on a nation this large because they
don't exist.
Cuba is tiny, and our former housekeeper/nanna
was a Cuban refugee. She had horror stories
to tell. Including deaths of relatives from
nonexistent healthcare. You went to the
hospital to die. Only communist party officers
and the like got anything remotely like we have.
Universal Healthcare was a concept of V I Lenin
as the means of drawing the poor under immediate
control of the cent govt.

Now that china has trashed their healthcare sys
they too now have goals of a moon shot and
Lunar base. Where eagles dare.

Screw you american commie rats.
I for one look forward to the next Civil War.
I have ovet 15,000 reasons to believe
the righteous will prevail.

Next year in Jerusalem.
Live free or die brothers.
Screw you american commie rats.
I for one look forward to the next Civil War.
I have ovet 15,000 reasons to believe
the righteous will prevail.

Next year in Jerusalem.
Live free or die brothers. Originally Posted by anaximander
HA! HA! HA! HA! HA! HA! HA! HA! HA! HA! HA! You have a point. You are definitely doing God's work.......

I have personally killed many of America's enemies, including with my bare hands, but never on US soil.....since the liberal packed Supreme Court has ruled internment camps constitutional, maybe we should start rounding up all these anti-American liberals into liberal internment camps [they'll probably think they're at an OWS rally], then redistribute their wealth to needy conservative families.......HA! HA! HA! HA! HA! HA! HA! HA! HA! HA! HA! HA! HA!

BTW: 15,000!...If shit is gonna go down, I'm way low, better run out tonight and stimulate the economy some more.....
Marshall you are one scary
Granny Pleasures said:

Marshall you are one scary Originally Posted by ;1808947

only the wicked and immoral need to fear me.......
TheDaliLama's Avatar
..........including with my bare hands,

... Originally Posted by Marshall
Does that feel as good as they say it does?
Does that feel as good as they say it does? Originally Posted by TheDaliLama

Protecting my fellow American citizens always feels good, even if a small minority of them are the ungrateful-cowardly-antiAmerican-liberal-scum.......
WyldemanATX's Avatar
Yes separation of church and state is to allow anyone in any given state to practice what ever version of religion they choose.

Non profits should not be taxed and charity should not be taxed. Why would anyone want to punish good behavior....
Iaintliein's Avatar
Yes separation of church and state is to allow anyone in any given state to practice what ever version of religion they choose.

Non profits should not be taxed and charity should not be taxed. Why would anyone want to punish good behavior.... Originally Posted by Wyldeman30
When those "non profits" or "charities" become politically active they should be taxed like any other lobbying organization or PAC. Preacher's admonishing their congregations to vote in a particular way, priests marching or bishops writing for open borders, all are clearly secular, political issues. If the holly warriors want to fight it out in the realm of Caesar, they need to render baby, render.

Religions, (all religions) are, at their base, political organizations, all are systems whereby the few hope to control the behavior of the many. . . and usually profit from it. It's no coincidence that the rulers of the earliest city-states also served as the nominal heads of the state religion or even as divinities.
I B Hankering's Avatar
Two corrections to the post @

1) Emperor Constantine issued the Edict of Milan in AD 313 which granted tolerance to all religions, including Christianity. Until AD 311, Rome was intolerant regarding Christianity, and Christians were persecuted.

In AD 380, Emperor Theodosius I issued the Edict of Thessalonica; which more or less made Christianity the state religion for the empire. So it was a mistake to assert that the Christian Church was in a position to persecute anyone before that date; hence, the reign of the Church has been closer to 1,600 years and not 2,000 years as originally stated.

2) Only three – the Ilkhanate, Golden Horde, and the Chagatai Khanate – of the four major Mongol Khanates converted to Islam. While his brother Möngke Khan (the forth Khagan: “Great Khan”) and his cousins in the West favored Islam, Kublai Khan (the fifth Khagan), who founded China’s Yuan dynasty, subscribed primarily to Buddhism. Mea culpa.
I B Hankering's Avatar
It's no coincidence that the rulers of the earliest city-states also served as the nominal heads of the state religion or even as divinities. Originally Posted by Iaintliein
You have cause and effect backwards. The priests, more often than not, became the heads of state in man's earliest societies.
WyldemanATX's Avatar
When those "non profits" or "charities" become politically active they should be taxed like any other lobbying organization or PAC. Preacher's admonishing their congregations to vote in a particular way, priests marching or bishops writing for open borders, all are clearly secular, political issues. If the holly warriors want to fight it out in the realm of Caesar, they need to render baby, render.

Religions, (all religions) are, at their base, political organizations, all are systems whereby the few hope to control the behavior of the many. . . and usually profit from it. It's no coincidence that the rulers of the earliest city-states also served as the nominal heads of the state religion or even as divinities. Originally Posted by Iaintliein

I have never heard a preacher tell a congregation to vote a certain way. Most Christians vote the Bible. Even if a Preacher or Priest speaks his mind politically based on values is no reason to Tax them. The great thing about our country is no one can force you to vote at all.

If you think we really have a choice when it comes to politics then you are just as dumb as most people.
CuteOldGuy's Avatar
Yes separation of church and state is to allow anyone in any given state to practice what ever version of religion they choose.

Non profits should not be taxed and charity should not be taxed. Why would anyone want to punish good behavior.... Originally Posted by Wyldeman30
Wylde! Taxes should never be used to punish good behavior. That is why working should not be taxed and owning property should not be taxed.

I didn't know you were opposed to income and property taxes like I am. That is cool!

WTF's Avatar
  • WTF
  • 11-03-2011, 02:17 PM
Does that feel as good as they say it does? Originally Posted by TheDaliLama

The only thing Marshall has ever chocked to death with his bare hands is his chicken.

People don't brag about that shit.