Leading Civil Rights Lawyer Shows 20 Ways Trump Is Copying Hitler’s Early Rhetoric and Policies

  • oeb11
  • 02-14-2020, 07:45 PM
Thank you J666 and bwk - please look at the above posts and repeat it while looking into a mirror.

you two deserve to live under Bernie socialism - so move to Venezuela.

And remember - in Nov 2024 there will be another national election - and in early 2025 trump will leave office as dictated by our 22nd Amendment - but you two never heard of that, or read the Constitution and bill of rights, and Amendments, have you. your posts expose your gross ignorance of the matter.
R.M.'s Avatar
  • R.M.
  • 02-14-2020, 08:41 PM
I don’t know bro...you seem to be full of crap in that plum sized brain of yours.
Anyone that thinks Trump is doing a great job is obviously not paying attention.
Maybe you are smoking too much of the m edit because I dont want points. <This word for you to make a sensible decision on the crimes that Trump is perpetrating.
Or were you one of those grads from the failed Trump University, you know the dumb and dumber program.
You sound like you fit the bill. You can’t fix stupid in your case Originally Posted by BlisswithKriss
Its a big no no to use that M word you just used. Why are you not paying attention? Seriously not cool at all. True you just cant fix stupid.
The_Waco_Kid's Avatar
Its a big no no to use that M word you just used. Why are you not paying attention? Seriously not cool at all. True you just cant fix stupid. Originally Posted by R.M.

i think Kriss will be hearing from the Mod squad shortly .. maybe he should check his PM's?

The German population ignored that fascist piece of shit Hitler and allowed his Cult to seize power and practice genocide. There’s nothing hilarious about it.

The fat lying bastard is a wanna be dictator who doesn’t want to govern he wants to rule. This isn’t the 1930’s the population of this country will not allow that fat lying bastard another term.

Wanna bet ? Originally Posted by Jaxson66
Ya know you never seize to amaze me of how stupid you are. I'll tell ya what, when Trump starts rounding people up and putting them in work camps and killing citizens of this country for not being on the same page as he you let know. In the mean time start reading something about history and quit acting like a brainless twit.
Jaxson66's Avatar
The opinion of a trump cult member means absolutely nothing to me. Go grab yourself a shit sandwich from the Cult cooler and wait for the fat lying bastard to give you your opinion.

I’m telling you or any other Cult members, the fat lying bastard you worship will not get another term. put your money where your fat mouth is.
The opinion of a trump cult member means absolutely nothing to me. Go grab yourself a shit sandwich from the Cult cooler and wait for the fat lying bastard to give you your opinion.

I’m telling you or any other Cult members, the fat lying bastard you worship will not get another term. put your money where your fat mouth is. Originally Posted by Jaxson66
Who do you think will beat him? I really want to hear this. Especially coming from a brain dead fucking nobody.
Jaxson66's Avatar
Who do you think will beat him? I really want to hear this. Especially coming from a brain dead fucking nobody. Originally Posted by Levianon17
I don’t give a good goddamn who runs against him, they will beat the fat lying bastard.

You wanna bet, or sit in the corner and munch your shit sandwich?
I don’t give a good goddamn who runs against him, they will beat the fat lying bastard.

You wanna bet, or sit in the corner and munch your shit sandwich? Originally Posted by Jaxson66
Anything can happen. But making a bet online is for dummy's. But even if Trump loses I am not going to lose my mind like so many Liberals did when he won. If you think Trump has altered this Country and your life to such a great extent and his administration could be equated to a Nazi regime then you're just weak minded and stupid, you deserve to be tormented by his presidency. Hopefully he gets reelected so you can really go nuts.
LexusLover's Avatar
The opinion of a trump cult member means absolutely nothing to me. Originally Posted by Jaxson66
Why do you keep getting off the lawn chair and showing your fat ass?
LexusLover's Avatar
Hopefully he gets reelected so you can really go nuts. Originally Posted by Levianon17
Can't get much worse. He posts about shit he knows NOTHING ABOUT!

Eg....."Leading Civil Rights Lawyer"!!!!!!!

He challenged the constitutionality of the Vietnam War, pioneered the flag burning cases, worked on the Pentagon Papers case, worked with Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg when she headed the ACLU Women’s Rights Project, anchored the ACLU’s legal program during the Reagan years, and defended the Legal Services program against unconstitutional attacks.
the_real_Barleycorn's Avatar
The DSOTY election is only a short time away and we already have some serious contenders.
LexusLover's Avatar
I don’t give a good goddamn who runs against him, they will beat the fat lying bastard.

You wanna bet, or sit in the corner and munch your shit sandwich? Originally Posted by Jaxson66
Archived with Speedo's 11th hour prediction of a victory by ...


This one is the "ONE HOUR PREDICTION"!!!!!!!!!!!!

In his "mind" it doesn't matter who the Dims run.

LexusLover's Avatar
Hopefully he gets reelected so you can really go nuts. Originally Posted by Levianon17
So, he can continue to improve the economy and the integrity and respect for the U.S. throughout the World, most particularly with our enemies and our potential enemies. So that Pence has a good shot in 2024, if he wants it, unlike Gore after Clinton's bullshit and Biden with Obaminable's Bullshit.
Can't get much worse. He posts about shit he knows NOTHING ABOUT!

Eg....."Leading Civil Rights Lawyer"!!!!!!! Originally Posted by LexusLover
I Know. The Media owns the Liberal mind. That's why no matter what Trump does Liberals will find something negative about it. Trump isn't perfect, no President is, but Liberals act like everything he does is catastrophic to the point he is Hitler reincarnate. Liberals are stupid and the ones that post in this forum prove it.
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