What's up with guys asking for face pics??

I can understand how getting repeated requests for something that you won't do could be annoying. I haven't walked in your shoes, so I don't know how often it happens. Regardless, like I said, I don't begrudge an escort or any business getting annoyed. I do think it's something that should be expected and is an understandable request given that many escorts will send you a face picture. So, I do blame any escort who would respond rudely to this request.

I think your restaurant analogy is off. It's not like a vegan going to a steak restaurant and asking to be served a vegan meal. It's like a vegan calling up a restaurant that doesn't have its menu published and asking if they serve vegan meals. You ask why someone who places importance on facial appearance would contact a provider who's hiding her face. Simple, because he might think she has a beautiful face and want to see her. A vegan knows the steak restaurant is not for him. A guy contacting a provider with no face pic doesn't know that she's not for him until he sees her face. Of course, the escort might prefer to lose the potential business rather than share a face pic and that's perfectly OK. Originally Posted by Waldo P. Emerson-Jones
But when a lady is blocking her face, there is your "menu" right there telling you she doesn't want to show her face. This is about insinuation and common sense. You can ask the restaurant if they serve Vegan meals, but why would you bother if they are a steak house? Wouldn't you simply insinuate that isn't really their cup of tea? Wouldn't you just go to a vegan restaurant if you really wanted a vegan meal?? Sure, it wouldn't hurt to ask, but after awhile if the restaurant continued to get bombarded with vegan requests, when that is not what they do, it would eventually get annoying to them. The insinuation is that if the lady is blocking her face, she doesn't want to show it. After awhile, one would get annoyed being always asked to provide something that is obvious they don't really wanna show.
Waldo P. Emerson-Jones's Avatar
I think we're going to have to agree to disagree. Enjoyed the give and take and wishing you a happy holiday weekend.
Eccie Addict's Avatar
We are being asked to trust a lady that we will find her attractive and being told at the same time that they dont trust anyone lol
We are being asked to trust a lady that we will find her attractive and being told at the same time that they dont trust anyone lol Originally Posted by Eccie Addict
We do put alot of trust in you guys. Namely, we trust you with our lives. We trust you will treat us right. Much trust is placed in your hands.
Still Looking's Avatar
I just want to trust they'll show up!
Long live capitalism, the free-market system, and the law of supply and demand !! The rest will work itself out.

Some ladies will voluntarily show their faces, some won't. Some guys will bite without face pics, some won't. Some guys will ask for face pics, if those aren't volunteered, some won't. Some ladies will supply face pics, when asked, some won't. Some match-ups will happen, some won't.

No big deal.

By the way, I know the OP, Samantha Thom, personally and her facial appearance is definitely NOT the reason she withholds her face from her pictures. She is facially VERY attractive !! In my opinion, her face is every bit as attractive as what you DO see in her pictures. This is true of all three of my favorite ladies, Samantha Thom, Isabella Rose, and Miss Parker. They all have beautiful faces and they all withhold their faces from their pictures for privacy / anonymity reasons.

So, I guess I just don't buy the hypothesis that "no face in the pics" = Butterface. My hunch is that this correlation occurs in FAR less than half the cases.

as long as your not jacked up...then im good with just a neck down shot. but like others stated....reviews must match the rest of the body if you know what i mean. I agree though about family, friends, church member, getting a hold and putting two and two together. many of us have lots of time to search what we want. lol
Nosweat, when did you make national 18 year/under semifinal?? Last year? LOL! I'm afraid you're too young. Sorrrrrryyyyy!!! Kidding!

To conclude this topic, I'm not mad anymore if someone asks me for a face picture, I'll just politely say no like I did before (without the emotional outrage LOL) and won't go through with the appointment. Correspondence is a part of screening and if something doesn't feel right during the beginning correspondence, then either party has the right to not go forward. It's ok. We don't have to see EVERYONE that contacts us. Actually that applies to everything in business, you don't have to sell to everyone. Only those who have the wants/needs for your goods/services. :-) Originally Posted by samantha thom
I don't ask for face pics, but I understand why someone would ask. I also understand why you wouldn't want to post your face or send face pics. So, I'm not a face-pic advocate, but stopping the process after the question seems harsh to me.

Would it make a difference if the person asked politely (e.g. "I hope it doesn't hurt to ask...?" or "I hope you don't mind that I ask..."). Could asking be considered strike 1 or 2, but not strike 3? My only point is that 1-strike-and-your-out seems a bit quick, but that's just an opinion, and I'm not in your shoes.
Cpalmson's Avatar
Excellent! Guess we will never know how fine that azz is, unfortunately!
So lets get started, shall we?

The guys anonymity is equally important as the ladies, take it or leave it but its the truth. The only closed-mindedness is from ladies whole don't realize this...or worse, give a damn about it. Most of the guys have children, most have families, most have regular jobs. We understand this to the nth degree. Whats your point? Do YOU not understand this?

Both parties anonymity is equally important. Most guys here have just as much to lose as the lady does, if something goes south.

Holler back when you have an understanding of that concept, we can continue this topic then. Originally Posted by Chica Chaser
Actually, given what you said about family/jobs, guys have way more to lose if anonymity is lost and something goes south.
gimme_that's Avatar
I'm not mad anymore if someone asks me for a face picture, I'll just politely say no........... and won't go through with the appointment. Originally Posted by samantha thom
You should post a disclaimer on your website that says you will seize all conversations about appointment if a photo is asked for. A large amount of ladies who don't show face pics will in fact show them or feel more comfortable after screening. You say your not mad about it.......but you are aannoyed enough to cancel the proposed date. We are just telling you to sort of expect guys will asks from time to time.......its not uncommon because so many ladies do accommodate this.
Eccie Addict's Avatar
We do put alot of trust in you guys. Namely, we trust you with our lives. We trust you will treat us right. Much trust is placed in your hands. Originally Posted by incognito isis
Trust us, with your lives but not with a face pic.... lol
Still Looking's Avatar
This thread seems to have veered off into an issue about trust. Trust is NOT the issue. "Privacy" is the issue meaning animosity. Gals want to advertise to get the maximum amount of business. Guys want to see everything eliminating surprise and disappointment. This will always be a struggle. Once again, if a gal doesn't want to reveal her face that’s great. But if "WE" show up and your face looks like Bill Murry... were walking. Then when we walk you get pissed off. Same struggle different circumstances. And so it continues!
rogerdodger's Avatar
Am I the only one that gets annoyed when guys ask me for face pictures?? If I wanted for my face to be seen, I would have posted face pics on my showcase, no? Originally Posted by samantha thom
i understand completely.

do i trust you are pretty ? are you attractive to me ? those are the 2 questions i ask myself when i look through a showcase. no face pics are not an immediate no ... but your reviews better be exactly what i want, and glowing description of your pretty face.

i'd rather have a pretty face and a '6' body and '10' attitude than an unattractive face.
Eccie Addict's Avatar
This thread seems to have veered off into an issue about trust. Trust is NOT the issue. "Privacy" is the issue meaning animosity. Gals want to advertise to get the maximum amount of business. Guys want to see everything eliminating surprise and disappointment. This will always be a struggle. Once again, if a gal doesn't want to reveal her face that’s great. But if "WE" show up and your face looks like Bill Murry... were walking. Then when we walk you get pissed off. Same struggle different circumstances. And so it continues! Originally Posted by Still Looking
They don't trust others with their privacy, which is totaly understandable. Trust is absolutely part of this.

I've read very little of this thread, so forgive me if this is in some way redundant. I saw the original post and in a few days it was on page 5. I would politely say to those that ask for a face picture, “I’m sorry; I’m just not comfortable with that”. On a personal note, given the opportunity, I would book with you in a heartbeat, sight unseen, if you would take the same leap of faith.
