Make them believe, if not in magic, In money well spent.

Perceived expectations vs nurtured anticipation. Originally Posted by Marcus Aurelius
A curious thought.

Unfortunately, the SO doesn't need any such stimulus to get such a headache. Originally Posted by charlestudor2005
I'd have fun with it. Next time you're frisky, approach her with a bottle of Tylenol and ask - "Need some for your headache?"

If she says, "Oh but I don't' have a headache"

That's the time to suggest play and see what new excuse she comes up with. I mean if you aren't going to get anything, you might as well be entertained in the process. (Yeah, I'd actually do that to my SO lol)
ANONONE's Avatar
I'll let you know after I cash in my summer savings plan when you pass through the area later this year.

I'll let you know after I cash in my summer savings plan when you pass through the area later this year.

Originally Posted by ANONONE

Pressure much?

I'd have fun with it. Next time you're frisky, approach her with a bottle of Tylenol and ask - "Need some for your headache?"

If she says, "Oh but I don't' have a headache"

That's the time to suggest play and see what new excuse she comes up with. I mean if you aren't going to get anything, you might as well be entertained in the process. (Yeah, I'd actually do that to my SO lol) Originally Posted by Lauren Summerhill
Yeah, she has no sense of humor...when it comes to this. Otherwise, she is a wonderful person.
Nope. Not a bit. Worth every penny.

(Of course, in some isolated instances I felt that I wasted my money. But I'm speaking of the overall experience.)

Besides, I'm sure most of us would have just spent a portion of our discretionary funds on something else. For example, have you ever checked the cost of supplying a thirsty pair of diesel engines aboard a large pleasure boat. Holy mackerel!

And if a man spends his money on women, it stays right here in the good ol' USA. Much of the money spent on fueling private jets and marine diesel engines enriches the Iranian mullahs, the Saudi Royal Family, and the regimes of Vladimir Putin and Hugo Chavez.

Engaging in the P4P world is a patriotic act! Originally Posted by CaptainMidnight
You got me smiling. But then again, I don’t have a boat. Does feeding big, hungry dogs count?