"Never forget"

Why_Yes_I_Do's Avatar
... I agree that we likely agree a lot. ... Originally Posted by reddog1951
Well... yes, but uhm... no. I think we all agree that the people running the current system are corrupted as hell. I think we also agree that the Federal, i.e. central (obviously some State and local), government is bloated, corrupt and self serving. But then you careen off course.

Here's the deal. Many of us saw this 4+ years ago. That is why We The People voted in an outsider, a change agent, a brawler. Someone who did not need corporate donations. Someone who was NOT part of the problem - such as Joe Biden. Someone that had made their own fortune. Someone that was not beholding to the system of corrupt government and influence peddling for self profit. Someone who views America as the exceptional country that it should be again.

What was the net result? The system became enraged and full of fear that their gravy train would crash and it is fighting for it's very existence. On the upside, the visceral reaction from the existing system became visible for all to plainly see. This is why so many more peoples are dissatisfied in how things are being run. Pity that they do not understand it, but that can be attributed to the mind control of a corrupt media to dull their senses.

There is a change agent in the house that is making headway in busting it all up. Not a small task, no magic wand. It is a most arduous and dangerous task. You can tell by the over the top and coordinated reaction, that he is being effective and exactly the reason we wanted and needed him in the first place. They are scared and throwing all manner of lies, temper tantrums, finger pointing, subterfuge, blame and simply made up BS out there, in coordinated unison to preserve their self-serving and corrupt way of life.

With a second term Trump will get results beyond our expectations. It will break the spine of the corrupt hydra. Many of them will be exposed for all to see. As someone once said - they will rightfully be afraid to be walking on the streets - and they dang well should be. We have a choice and it really is this simple:
  • Vote for someone that has been part of the corruption for 45+ years and was clearly a big part of the problem the whole time. Notwithstanding he currently has the mental acuity of a Zucchini.
  • Vote for someone that has not and can break up the corruption and self-serving scum that only serve to enrich themselves by enslaving others and pocketing the profits from insider trading and corrupt deals
We The People exercised our 1st amendment right and spoke clearly that the system must be changed in 2016. Recall, when Trump talked about 'draining the swamp' he never associated any particular political party as the culprits. We The People want them all out and held to account. The people running the corrupt system are fighting for their very lives with everything they got. Yet, they have no earthly idea that their failed efforts, along with their mindless minions (oft times paid agitators), will result in their demise and their tombstones will be their only lasting legacy. May they all rot in hell (oops, sorry. Forgot you don't believe in that last sentence entirely)
Why_Yes_I_Do's Avatar
...One of the most horrific videos I've ever seen is of ISIS be-heading a whole group of people at one time. No resistance from the condemned; they simply accepted their fate and were slaughtered brutally... Originally Posted by reddog1951
Obama referred to ISIS as the JV team and was likely running arms to them even. Anyone remember Benghazi?

Trump referred to them as scum and made it his mission to eliminate their caliphate. When he had achieved 90% success, he said; don't stop, I want 100% and he achieved it.
Well... yes, but uhm... no. I think we all agree that the people running the current system are corrupted as hell. I think we also agree that the Federal, i.e. central (obviously some State and local), government is bloated, corrupt and self serving. But then you careen off course.

Here's the deal. Many of us saw this 4+ years ago. That is why We The People voted in an outsider, a change agent, a brawler. Someone who did not need corporate donations. Someone who was NOT part of the problem - such as Joe Biden. Someone that had made their own fortune. Someone that was not beholding to the system of corrupt government and influence peddling for self profit. Someone who views America as the exceptional country that it should be again.

What was the net result? The system became enraged and full of fear that their gravy train would crash and it is fighting for it's very existence. On the upside, the visceral reaction from the existing system became visible for all to plainly see. This is why so many more peoples are dissatisfied in how things are being run. Pity that they do not understand it, but that can be attributed to the mind control of a corrupt media to dull their senses.

There is a change agent in the house that is making headway in busting it all up. Not a small task, no magic wand. It is a most arduous and dangerous task. You can tell by the over the top and coordinated reaction, that he is being effective and exactly the reason we wanted and needed him in the first place. They are scared and throwing all manner of lies, temper tantrums, finger pointing, subterfuge, blame and simply made up BS out there, in coordinated unison to preserve their self-serving and corrupt way of life.

With a second term Trump will get results beyond our expectations. It will break the spine of the corrupt hydra. Many of them will be exposed for all to see. As someone once said - they will rightfully be afraid to be walking on the streets - and they dang well should be. We have a choice and it really is this simple:
  • Vote for someone that has been part of the corruption for 45+ years and was clearly a big part of the problem the whole time. Notwithstanding he currently has the mental acuity of a Zucchini.
  • Vote for someone that has not and can break up the corruption and self-serving scum that only serve to enrich themselves by enslaving others and pocketing the profits from insider trading and corrupt deals
We The People exercised our 1st amendment right and spoke clearly that the system must be changed in 2016. Recall, when Trump talked about 'draining the swamp' he never associated any particular political party as the culprits. We The People want them all out and held to account. The people running the corrupt system are fighting for their very lives with everything they got. Yet, they have no earthly idea that their failed efforts, along with their mindless minions (oft times paid agitators), will result in their demise and their tombstones will be their only lasting legacy. May they all rot in hell (oops, sorry. Forgot you don't believe in that last sentence entirely) Originally Posted by Why_Yes_I_Do
Trump isn't going to get a damn thing done in a second term, he never got anything done in the first term. "Drain the swamp"....he just became part of it especially with his series of pardons and commutations that proves that corruption and fraud are both acceptable in his world.

The people running the corrupt system are hardly fighting for their lives given the events of the last paragraph, if anything Trump's just getting better acquainted with the good ole boys network. Corrupt-in-chief if he's lucky enough to get enough voters (be that of the electoral college) to get reelected, if he hasn't fed up enough people with his minimizing corona to try to get votes, his mood swings, his ego, his poor manner of treating guys like John Lewis and vets like John McCain, and whatever childish antics roll out at the spur of the moment. Is there ever a bad day for Trump to put his foot in his mouth?

I voted for him last time just to give a shrewd businessman a chance to bust things up over a known middle of the road politician, but he's not going to get the wall built and never was going to get the mexicans to pay for it, never was and never will drain the swamp, just put all the swamp creatures on steroids. He just talked a mean game to get the votes of the blue collar guys who build and maintain this country

Trump has been nothing but a national embarrassment since the time he set foot into the political arena, and he still has a few months to prove to the public that nothing has changed....what's the next stop for the Trump bus, go out to arlington national cemetery and shit on some graves?
With all due respect Why_Yes_I_Do, I thought we were making progress toward a rational, civilized and respectful discussion, but your latest "rant" causes me to question that possibility.

I'll grant that Trump is a brawler, but again in my OPINION, , not stating as fact, a brawler can be dangerous in terms of foreign relations especially regarding conflict escalation due to testosterone storm (has cost me many poker losses, when finesse or fold would have been wiser LOL). Not sure I believe the hype (again opion, not stated as fact) that he is wealth is self made. Funded by his father to a great extent, failed ventures in Atlantic City, and "secured", significant tax abatements for many of his projects. Yeah, thats big business, I get that, but that actually means the public (government, state, whatever the preferred term) helped finance those ventures by foregoing lost revenues. Philosophically, not much different than giving a public scholarship to a bright freshman in college (old days, now a loan), except that the are/were expected to perform by maintaining a good GPA, or repay.

Again, in my OPINION not fully supported by fact, he probably dodged the draft. I may have done the same at that time had I not drawn a good draft number, but even so, would never DISHONOR one that put his life on the line for our country as did McCain and other example of disregard for a few other members of the military....fortunately I was lucky. Sorry, but I find it that such a person (you may include me if you wish) to be proud and boastful to be Commander in Chief highy hypocritical and shouts to character.

Finally, I clearly stated that I dislike analogies as almost always imperfect, yet you still felt the need to point out the imperfection.

My request is simple. If we want to opine, that's good, but can't we clarify opinion as such and have a respectful and intellectual discussion, not a rant or name calling labels-fest?
Why_Yes_I_Do's Avatar
With all due respect Why_Yes_I_Do, I thought we were making progress toward a rational, civilized and respectful discussion, but your latest "rant" causes me to question that possibility.... Originally Posted by reddog1951
Oh, I gave you far too much credit. Misplaced optimism on my part, perhaps? In your considered opinion, the system appears to be working like a well oiled machine without a smidgen of corruption?!? Hmmm... you sound like just another tombstone to me that I'll not even bother to read. Not a concern, they'll buy 'em in bulk and pocket the savings. My request is simple; mind if they stuff you and SK in the same hole? Would save them a bit of time and space.

P.S. McCain was a lieing PoS, one of the most corrupt and dirty dealing hacks.
I doubt the worms would be able to digest him.
reddog....if Trump dodged the draft it wasn't anything that other guys did. Like Dubya fighting the war from Texas.

Personally I feel differently about dodgers of WWII than dodgers of Vietnam. McCain just chose to serve his country at a time when the country didn't serve our enlisted men by getting involved in some other countrys civil war/proxy war against communism created by war profiteers.

Ali was correct when he said "No vietcong ever called me a n-----." Over 57,000 dead and how many crippled should have said the same thing. McNamara sold out and became a traitor yes man and helped create all that carnage to protect his $25,000 a year job he had then.

No shame in admitting you may have dodged that war, that was fought before I was eligible but I had brothers that came close to going. I would have dodged it....wasn't our war, government had no right to draft us as mercenaries. Same for Korea.
Again I ask for discussion and not ranting disrespect. I don't recall ever saying that the system works like a well oiled machine without corruption. My point is McCain manned-up as did many others, and I respect that and think we should all . Same goes for mideast and other veterans. Regarding SK, not sure which hole she prefers to be stuffed, bu I'm open to options. In case that flew over anyone's head, that was a poor attempt at humor
Again I ask for discussion and not ranting disrespect. I don't recall ever saying that the system works like a well oiled machine without corruption. My point is McCain manned-up as did many others, and I respect that and think we should all . Same goes for mideast and other veterans. Regarding SK, not sure which hole she prefers to be stuffed, bu I'm open to options. In case that flew over anyone's head, that was a poor attempt at humor Originally Posted by reddog1951
There's no stuffing me in a pigeonhole, I'm a mix of republican and democrat but mainly libertarian and agnostic.

I support the amendments to the constitution and the bill of rights more than some do on this board and clearly more than some think I do. I just don't spin gun rights into some paranoid delusion that the govt is out to take all the guns and turn us into chained together communist garden workers when there's 60 million more guns than people in this country and rich people and politicians are motivated by money and sex and doing pretty much whatever they want regardless who owns all them guns.

Also, it's not a free country, it's a moral country. Just ask anybody that trolls around this website setting up sexpeditions, needing references and getting the standard two-call system to the incall.
Sorry sk, no disrespect intended. My comment was meant as a joke about
"holes" in relation to this being a provider site. Should have clarified my poor sense of humor.
Sorry sk, no disrespect intended. My comment was meant as a joke about
"holes" in relation to this being a provider site. Should have clarified my poor sense of humor. Originally Posted by reddog1951
No disrespect taken....some people, not you, seem to see me in a different way than I really am, namely racist and marxist which I am neither. I tend to think about equal rights but I use racial slurs based on individual's actions not painting the whole race.

Don't believe in marxism but neither am i impressed by some money hoarding CEO/owner worth billions that exploits workers and then donates millions or billions of dollars to complete strangers and charities trying to look like some great humanitarian.

It's all good.
HedonistForever's Avatar
There's no stuffing me in a pigeonhole, I'm a mix of republican and democrat but mainly libertarian and agnostic.

I support the amendments to the constitution and the bill of rights more than some do on this board and clearly more than some think I do. I just don't spin gun rights into some paranoid delusion that the govt is out to take all the guns and turn us into chained together communist garden workers when there's 60 million more guns than people in this country and rich people and politicians are motivated by money and sex and doing pretty much whatever they want regardless who owns all them guns.

Also, it's not a free country, it's a moral country. Just ask anybody that trolls around this website setting up sexpeditions, needing references and getting the standard two-call system to the incall. Originally Posted by sexykarma

Off the main topic to be sure but your last line brought back a recent memory I had never experienced before. After 14 glorious years here in South Florida where we had our own little membership community with parties, mixers where we could meet our future dates for drinks and conversation for a $20 admission, it was shuttered and I ended up here. Back then, I compensated one person, the person I met after making the date with her.

Here I was told I would have to put the money in one person's hand and I would be given instructions on how to find my way to the person I was to meet. Incredulously I asked "Are you serious"? Do people actually fall for that? I thought, if that's the "standard", my dating days are over but then Covid hit and they were over anyway.

OK, sorry for the interruption, I had to vent. We now return you to the topic at hand what ever that is.

Signed Disappointed in South Florida
Why_Yes_I_Do's Avatar
reddog....if Trump dodged the draft ... Originally Posted by sexykarma

You were going to tell us about Joe Finger-Bang Biden's military service. Right? Were you also going to tell us about Joe Babysitter-Banging Biden's affair with a married babysitter? Or were you just going to skip that and reflect on Joe-mentia crashing Jezebel-Jill's husband's Corvette?
Why_Yes_I_Do's Avatar
...I just don't spin gun rights into some paranoid delusion that the govt is out to take all the guns ... Originally Posted by sexykarma

Or you could take Lieing Joe's word for it when he says Bingo, we're going to take them. Failing that, you could take his alleged gun-czar's word when Robert Francis says; Hell yeah we're going to take them. Not so sure how you spun those into a conspiracy theory. Us normal folk call them direct quotes.
Or you could take Lieing Joe's word for it when he says Bingo, we're going to take them. Failing that, you could take his alleged gun-czar's word when Robert Francis says; Hell yeah we're going to take them. Not so sure how you spun those into a conspiracy theory. Us normal folk call them direct quotes. Originally Posted by Why_Yes_I_Do
All the gun nuts act like their doors are going to be kicked in and their hoard of guns are going to be whisked away.

They simply don't need anybody's guns to do what they're already doing. The masses keep their guns and keep going back to work on Monday morning, the rich guys and politicians keep looking for ways to build wealth using whatever scams and loopholes, kickbacks, under the table contracts, and outright bribes....whatever they can get away with. They're just looking for the next conquest whether it's a piece of ass or a suitcase full of cash. Greed has no limit, and they're doing it all whether you got guns or not.

Money and sex are the two biggest motivations on the planet and the top two motives in murder investigations. Spouses getting killed over life insurance, spouse doesn't want to lose money in a divorce settlement or pay alimony, love triangles, somebody finds someone new and the old one gotta go. Follow the money is the first rule.

What all the gun nuts and conspiracy theorists don't understand is that the current system of capitalism and corruption doesn't have to change into some gunstealing socialist/marxist/dictatorship to accomplish their motives. The simplest and easiest course is to maintain the present course, there's no need to shake up a system that clearly works for them. The average blue collar Joes go to work for decades because they have to pay life expenses while the Bernie Madoffs in society look for the next scam or angle or ponzi scheme to get rich on. THEY DON'T WANT OR NEED YOUR GUNS!
SpeedRacerXXX's Avatar
Again I ask for discussion and not ranting disrespect. I don't recall ever saying that the system works like a well oiled machine without corruption. My point is McCain manned-up as did many others, and I respect that and think we should all . Same goes for mideast and other veterans. Regarding SK, not sure which hole she prefers to be stuffed, bu I'm open to options. In case that flew over anyone's head, that was a poor attempt at humor Originally Posted by reddog1951
I was drafted in December 1968. Served 21 months, luckily stateside. I most certainly did not want to go into the army but I did when told to. It just so happens I had bone spurs and I think I still do because my understanding is they don't go away without surgery. Anyway, when they flare up the pain is tough to take and make simple walking rather painful. But flare-ups are not common and don't last long. In my opinion, they should not be a reason for draft deferment. But I was not the son of a millionaire.

I respect the hell out of anyone who served in a combat zone.