Question about provider demographics.

Uhm, no.

Being able to afford the rate is like the proverbial foot in the door. You need it to progress through, but it doesn't guarantee anything. This isn't "the highest bidder wins." I don't negotiate either. Originally Posted by Eliza
Actually, it's worse than that. The lady sets her rate to attract the most customers. So it's not the highest bidder, but rather the highest break even point.
You screen according to the number of Ben Franklins available to be had. Originally Posted by charlestudor2005
I'm really sorry that is the mentality of the women that you see.

If a man contacts me it is fairly certain that he has no problem with my gift. Believe it or not I'm not worried about the money. I worry about if I would enjoy spending time with this person.
The lady sets her rate to attract the most customers. Originally Posted by charlestudor2005
If that was the case my rates would be a lot lower. I'm not interested in meeting the masses.
This forum is named "Diamonds and Tuxedos". The description reads: "Glamour, elegance, and sophistication. That's what it's all about here in ECCIE's newest forum which caters to those with expensive tastes, lavish lifestyles, and an appetite for upscale entertainment."

My questions for CharlesTudor and nevergaveitathought are:
a) Did you not understand that this forum was not about fucking $125 "hotties"?
b) Do you regularly walk into gay bars and berate the inhabitants for their lifestyle choices?
c) Do you have any concept whatsoever of manners?
Marcus Aurelius's Avatar
Obviously the forbidden topic has a lot of emotions behind it.
It appears to me that there is built up anger and or frustration on some people's part. The root causes are secondary to the fruit.
Marcus Aurelius's Avatar
This forum is named "Diamonds and Tuxedos". The description reads: "Glamour, elegance, and sophistication. That's what it's all about here in ECCIE's newest forum which caters to those with expensive tastes, lavish lifestyles, and an appetite for upscale entertainment."

My questions for CharlesTudor and nevergaveitathought are:
a) Did you not understand that this forum was not about fucking $125 "hotties"?
b) Do you regularly walk into gay bars and berate the inhabitants for their lifestyle choices?
c) Do you have any concept whatsoever of manners? Originally Posted by pjorourke
I never saw you as a father figure until now. LOL.
NinaMorgan's Avatar

This forum is named "Diamonds and Tuxedos". The description reads: "Glamour, elegance, and sophistication. That's what it's all about here in ECCIE's newest forum which caters to those with expensive tastes, lavish lifestyles, and an appetite for upscale entertainment."

My questions for CharlesTudor and nevergaveitathought are:
a) Did you not understand that this forum was not about fucking $125 "hotties"?
b) Do you regularly walk into gay bars and berate the inhabitants for their lifestyle choices?
c) Do you have any concept whatsoever of manners? Originally Posted by pjorourke
I never saw you as a father figure until now. LOL. Originally Posted by Marcus Aurelius
No, I'm just sick of this fucking argument. I've seen it WAY too many times over the last 10 years.
There are buffets and then there are buffets, I have seen buffets that cost $100 a head, and cook your Rib eye to order along with a bottle of wine, but then that food for the body, and not necessarily food for mental or physical perversion. I can appreaciate the situation where you have corporate executives or men with the means like say Tiger Woods, who pay the top dollar hottie, because she is supposedly a expert in everything that is naughty, looks like a million bucks, and knows how to keep her mouth shut along with being low volume, but to be honest those ladies are truely few and far between. I know quite a few top dollar guys that have been burned and highly disappointed by long term dates who were supposed to be top notch but turned out other wise. The average guys mentality in this so called hobby is along the lines of the Playboy mentality. Most guys are skimming accross the top of their household budgets trying to indulge their kinky fantasys with as I said Girls or women that they felt were untouchable at one time. Boards like Eccie provide a forum to see if other have had successful experiences with the local talent. I notice more and more lately that ladies who consider themselves top dollar are coming down on their fee level, and it is obvious due to the competition. At the end of the day you get back to the point made in the " Girl looking for a 500K Husband" most providers top dollar or not know they are sitting on a diminishing asset. The game being played for the most part is a young womans game, because for the most part youth is where the appeal and excitment is. So if a average hobbiest has the choice of a Knock down gorgeous 21 year old girl next door type, willing to provide full menu service for $175-$200/ hour, or a 35 year old High Dollar hottie that has kept her self up but is not the prize she once was asking $350, which choice shouls the guy make???
See my comments.

[/I]My questions for CharlesTudor and nevergaveitathought are:
a) Did you not understand that this forum was not about fucking $125 "hotties"? Actually, the thread starter wanted to know why there were so many providers in TX. Doesn't necessarily relate to the topic of the forum. $125 hookers can provide elegance, sophistication, etc., IMHO. The thread took a turn for the worse when LS attacked the poster who talked about $150-$200 fees. She apparently feels that she is "better than run-of-the-mill" providers since she charges more and goes for longer sessions. She tried to make herself "better" than others. I merely pointed out the business end of the day is just a "business." Actually, PJ, I never thought of you as a WK for all providers, but these questions make me wonder.
b) Do you regularly walk into gay bars and berate the inhabitants for their lifestyle choices? No. Actually, I'm gay friendly.
c) Do you have any concept whatsoever of manners? Yes, I do, as some of the ladies I've seen can testify. However, I recently had a very bad experience with a well-reviewed lady who I consider engaged in upselling me. Do I believe it's all about the money. I do now. And it's not my fault. It's the fault of that provider. Her sisters in the business have no one to blame but her for this attitude. Originally Posted by pjorourke
discreetgent's Avatar
This forum is named "Diamonds and Tuxedos". The description reads: "Glamour, elegance, and sophistication. That's what it's all about here in ECCIE's newest forum which caters to those with expensive tastes, lavish lifestyles, and an appetite for upscale entertainment."

My questions for CharlesTudor and nevergaveitathought are:
a) Did you not understand that this forum was not about fucking $125 "hotties"? Originally Posted by pjorourke
PJ, thats not quite fair; among other things Charles didn't even start this discussion and HDH and now D&T have always tended to have a wide range of viewpoints in it.
But you must admit, those are few and far between. And the more $$$ they offer, the fewer of them you would exclude. Originally Posted by charlestudor2005
A fairly reasonable response - I think that's a question of ratio in part.

I get very few inquiries, especially locally. Let's guess 5 inquiries a year in Toronto. I can name more then 5 people I wouldn't see, regardless of how much money they offered.

True the more $$$ is offered the more tempting. However, that still isn't enough. If I go into the shower after our date wanting to claw out of my own skin because I just slept with someone I can't respect....

An inner sense of happiness is priceless. My dignity isn't for sale. I think many people can say that, regardless of their profession.
discreetgent's Avatar
She apparently feels that she is "better than run-of-the-mill" providers since she charges more and goes for longer sessions. She tried to make herself "better" than others.
The comment was that not all gals do hour session, not sure how that translates to "better" than others.
As an added side, many ladies haven't reached the conclusion that their happiness is worth more then the fee they get. I came to this conclusion after watching a lady who couldn't say no to the $$$ and 10 years later drank too much, hated men, and was generally miserable. I learned watching her slow downfall and burn out.

Since I consider myself in this as long as I can get dates, I had to plan for longevity, meaning I won't see people who make me unhappy or uncomfortable, or that I just plain dislike.
Marcus Aurelius's Avatar
Yeah my bad.
I should have posted this on a Texas board I guess. I didn't intend for it to go where it did.
I think the best answer to the original question though came from Austin Liv.
I think I remember reading somewhere how Texas has more strip clubs than any other state (Oregon, god love you PDX, has the most boobie bars per capita). I think it's a safe bet to say that a large percentage of current escorts are former dancers. Stripping has become downright mainstream. As the phenomenon becomes more and more socially acceptable, the number of new dancers continues to increase. The money in the clubs, however, usually does not. Originally Posted by Austin Liv
It makes sense.