Yssup Rider's Avatar
Obviously, you, you fucking turd burglar..why else would you even bother to comment? Originally Posted by Jewish Lawyer
Why did you bother?
burkalini's Avatar
Michael Moore Is a glutenous pig. The fat fuck should stuff a subway up his ass. I don't think he's ever been there unless they are running a meatball special. Maybe he should take a trip overseas to see the troops. I'm sure he will be very welcome
I B Hankering's Avatar
What part of lib-retard Rogen likening American Sniper to a Nazi propaganda film do you fail to comprehend, you Mussulman-luvin, Hitler worshipping, lying, hypocritical, racist, cum-gobbling golem fucktard, HDDB, DEM?

Yssup Rider's Avatar
The part where he likened it to a Tarantino film in which the Nazis showed a sniper movie? You seem to want to put your credibility on the line again in defense of the blog post you quoted, not what Rogen tweeted. That's typical of your intellectually a bankrupt postings.

Did you even see Inglorious Basterds, IBPullet? Of course you did!

So what's the fuckin big deal, you flag flying homo?

Then again, the Jews whip the Nazis in that flick, so there's a chance you might have found it a tad strong for your tender sensibilities.

JD Barleycorn's Avatar
Let's see you asked what my point was when I said I knew a lot of liberals and they all liked the movie. Here is my point, you made this stupid statement with nothing to back it up. So where is the link, where is the proof that liberals hate this move and hate it's box office. Every time someone brings up a topic, no matter how well presented you start posting about wanting a link to because up their argument. And here you are making a wildly generalized statement with absolutely no proof to back it up. Your hatred of just about everything has totally clouded your judgement and ability to reason and think. So I ask you again. WHERE IS THE LINK TO BACK UP YOUR STATEMENT THAT LIBERALS HATE THIS MOVIE AND HATE IT'S BOX OFFICE. Originally Posted by BigLouie
Care to share with us what would constitute "proof" for you. I know that you will just try to scurry away but please tell us would the words of two Hollywood liberals do it? How about three? Four?

Another thing for you to ponder BL, fake baby? Really?
rioseco's Avatar
I thought the Pat Tillman story was ten times better but our righties did not seem to embrace a man who actually gave his life.. Originally Posted by WTF

I am concerned about Mr.Tillman's loss of life. I am concerned that I know so little about the events surrounding his death. I believe he was a hero. I know he gave up an NFL career to serve and died in doing so.
Why is it his story is so obscure ?
I am led to believe that his story has been purposely suppressed. I don't know why it would be, or by whom ?
rioseco's Avatar
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=99k3u9ay1gs Originally Posted by Whirlaway

I viewed the movie yesterday afternoon. I watched FNC yesterday evening. No doubt the slobber from Moore is disgusting. The drool from Rogen is insulting and slanderous as well.
You can bet that if full jihad comes to America and their asses are on the line, they will pray for the help of our ("coward-back shooting-invading") life saving heroic servicemen and women.
I say fuck them both and don't pay to see or watch their work !
Yssup Rider's Avatar
You wouldn't know where to shit without FNC, rio.

Can you say target demographic?

Out of curiosity, what was your opinion before you turned on FNC?

Just as I thought.
rioseco's Avatar
You wouldn't know where to shit without FNC, rio.

Can you say target demographic?

Out of curiosity, what was your opinion before you turned on FNC?

Just as I thought. Originally Posted by Yssup Rider

Opinion of the film ?
Opinion of Moore and Rogen ?

Can you say.........Fuck you Yssup ?
I B Hankering's Avatar
The part where he likened it to a Tarantino film in which the Nazis showed a sniper movie? You seem to want to put your credibility on the line again in defense of the blog post you quoted, not what Rogen tweeted. That's typical of your intellectually a bankrupt postings.

Did you even see Inglorious Basterds, IBPullet? Of course you did!

So what's the fuckin big deal, you flag flying homo?

Then again, the Jews whip the Nazis in that flick, so there's a chance you might have found it a tad strong for your tender sensibilities.

Originally Posted by Yssup Rider
You're a lying SOB, you Mussulman-luvin, Hitler worshipping, lying, hypocritical, racist, cum-gobbling golem fucktard, HDDB, DEM.

Rogen compared American Sniper to Stolz der Nation (Nation’s Pride), a Nazi propaganda film, and your lies do not -- cannot -- change that fact, you Mussulman-luvin, Hitler worshipping, lying, hypocritical, racist, cum-gobbling golem fucktard, HDDB, DEM.

American Sniper kind of reminds me of the movie that's in the third act of Inglorious Basterds. Rogen

You're a faggot fucking Nazi disciple, you Mussulman-luvin, Hitler worshipping, lying, hypocritical, racist, cum-gobbling golem fucktard, HDDB, DEM:

Originally Posted by Yssup Rider
dirty dog's Avatar
We should have never been there to begin with and all this would have never happened. The majority of the 9/11 people involved were from Saudi Arabia. O we cannot invade them. Ok lets find some other fucked up country to send our boys and make a lot of money for certain contractors.
Sorry saw this scenario in SE Asia. Meet the new boss same as the old boss. Originally Posted by 12blue4u

Whether or not we should have been there is not pertinent to this discussion. Kyle volunteered to defend this country, he did his job, he did his job well, he did what he was ordered to do. There are a lot young men walking around today because he did his job. You dishonor him and every other serviceman/woman who fought and died in Iraq and Afghanistan with this comment. Lets be honest we should never have been in any of the wars even those whom people deem as being justified. A case could be made that the American people were lied to in order for the government to sway public opinion in WW1, WW2, Korea, Vietnam, Gulfwar etc. however, the soldier in these and any other war should be honored for answering the call.
Whether or not we should have been there is not pertinent to this discussion. Kyle volunteered to defend this country, he did his job, he did his job well, he did what he was ordered to do. There are a lot young men walking around today because he did his job. You dishonor him and every other serviceman/woman who fought and died in Iraq and Afghanistan with this comment. Lets be honest we should never have been in any of the wars even those whom people deem as being justified. A case could be made that the American people were lied to in order for the government to sway public opinion in WW1, WW2, Korea, Vietnam, Gulfwar etc. however, the soldier in these and any other war should be honored for answering the call. Originally Posted by dirty dog
LexusLover's Avatar
Michael Moore Is a glutenous pig. The fat fuck should stuff a subway up his ass. ..... Originally Posted by burkalini
Apparently someone stuck something up his ass overnight ... may be scope and ALL!


..... claiming TODAY he wasn't talking about the movie after all!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!..


IS WTF really Michael Moore ... or is it YOURONG?
JD Barleycorn's Avatar
If some people had actually saw the movie (or did very little research) Kyle joined the Navy before 9/11. So you can harp about the lies told by Bush if it makes you happy but that is not why Kyle joined.
Yssup Rider's Avatar
Opinion of the film ?
Opinion of Moore and Rogen ?

Can you say.........Fuck you Yssup ? Originally Posted by rioseco
Are you asking me for my opinion on the film and Moore and Rogen (one's a director and the other's an actor, right)?

Can you say: "Communication skills, rio?"

Clarify yourself, toejelly!