This is why they're really trying to stop Trump

  • oeb11
  • 07-09-2020, 03:16 PM
When you speak of a blathering vegetable replacing Chump are you talking about yourself ? Are you running for Pres in this election ?

I know Biden will replace him. That is a given now. And having a professional in the office even a little bit "Sleepy" one will be an improvement.

Chump is a Drama Queen,a Shit-starter,and a Chaos seeker.People are tired of all the bullshit.There is a small subset of Chumpettes like what is on this website that feel strong about some things and dig and research to refute or support their personal hot points,but most don't care.

Chump won't be re-elected and we will return to a more Normalized situation which the majority wants.

Democrats will regain the presidency and senate and retain the house.
There will be more balance though between the executive,judicial,and legislative branches.

Biden won't try to over-reach and moderate senate Dems will hold things down some.

There will not be a radical apocalypse such as you guys suggest.No civil war.But the "Times they are A-Changin' " and at some point we all must accept it.

And by the way I can afford to not live in Austin proper. Originally Posted by sportfisherman

You are parroting the "DPST and DNC Moderate" line - and it is a Lie
Uncle joe biden won't last a week aftr inauguration - his radical socialist VP will either 25th amendment hi or kill Joe. Radicals plan for the Oval office - and the house and Senate - and will pack teh supreme court - goodbye to represenatative democracy - hello United socialist States of Amerika .

They have already clarly stated the goal of a marxist revolution in america - OBLM is headed by marxist revolutionaries - and they want whitey blood and Whitey land.

Civil war is coming - SF - and you are being duped by the DNC and TDS / Trump hatred.
Why_Yes_I_Do's Avatar
..There will not be a radical apocalypse such as you guys suggest.No civil war.But the "Times they are A-Changin' " and at some point we all must accept it... Originally Posted by sportfisherman

We can check back on ya in November, to see how you feel about that line after Trump is elected and appoints 2 Supreme Court judges. As I recall, Hitlery and her Demonic-minions didn't handle it too well before. Still wondering "What Happened". The good news is that you can now accept Trump is your President, just in time for him to be your President again and no angst or civil war required.
sportfisherman's Avatar
I live a little outside Austin. You live on "Fantasy Island"?

Is Ricardo Montalban still running that place ? I think Tatoo died.

You see how you guys are actually the ones with TDS ?

I know you guys wanted an outsider and disruptor.That is why YOU elected Chump.

It ain't working so well for you or him right now is it.
Chump is riding herd right now on what is rapidly approaching a FAILED STATE.

Jethro, have you switched from the Beverly Hillbillies to Fantasy Island ?
  • oeb11
  • 07-09-2020, 03:52 PM
Ah - 'Elitism " toward the 'deplorables' - makes a DPST feel so good to insult and deprecate those beneath a DPST's station by right of ideology, doesn't it.

'I live in austin" - - fine enjoy the traffic and cruising on 6th street - under Trump you have freedom of speech, to bear arms, and to hold property, and move about without a passport and permission from AOC and Bernie.

Biden wins - OBLM comes for your home-whitey.

Sip chardonnay with H... while watching Austin burn . Quite a view.

and - of course - all the fault of the Deplorables.

Thank you - SF.
Lapdog's Avatar
We can check back on ya in November, to see how you feel about that line after Trump is elected and appoints 2 Supreme Court judges. As I recall, Hitlery and her Demonic-minions didn't handle it too well before. Still wondering "What Happened". The good news is that you can now accept Trump is your President, just in time for him to be your President again and no angst or civil war required. Originally Posted by Why_Yes_I_Do
Anyway, like I was saying, crow is the fruit of the skies. You can barbecue it, boil it, broil it, bake it, saute it. There's crow kabobs, crow creole, crow gumbo....
Lapdog's Avatar
George Washington: "I cannot tell a lie."
Donald trump: "I cannot tell the truth."
Trump supporters: "I cannot tell the difference."

bambino's Avatar
Pan fried, deep fried, stir fried. There's pineapple crow, lemon crow, coconut crow, pepper crow, crow soup, crow stew, crow salad, crow and potatoes, crow burger, crow sandwich. Come and get it, Bambi! Soup's on! Originally Posted by Lapdog
It was you Lapper that was served a big helping of crow in 2016. Get ready for another one. I’ll graciously serve you Lapper. It’s on me. Just like your life. It’s paid for by the taxpayers.
Lapdog's Avatar
That's yesterday's box score. You need to quit living in the past, Bambi. Soup's on, sucka! BAHAHAHAHAAAA
Why_Yes_I_Do's Avatar
...It ain't working so well for you or him right now is it.
Chump is riding herd right now on what is rapidly approaching a FAILED STATE... Originally Posted by sportfisherman

He is doing e-x-ac-t-l-y what we hoped he would do:
  • Creating the strongest economy ever
  • Putting America and Americas FIRST
  • Building that freakn wall
  • Lowest unemployment ever for most demographics
  • Appointing a record number Judges
  • Exposing the Demonicrats for the tards that they are
  • Driving the tards bat-chite crazy and living rent free in their empty skulls
  • He is so successful at it, that they(you) are now resorting to open rioting, vandalism and violence before they(you) go into the dustbin of history in flaming disgust and utter and humiliating defeat
This is only his first term, all done with you tards resisting/persisting/colluding and I LUV it!
Lapdog's Avatar
Your man had one goddam job to do and he either screwed the pooch or shit the bed every step of the way. That's exactly what you hoped? Well, congratulations! Personally, I'm a bit harder to please.
  • oeb11
  • 07-10-2020, 08:26 AM
DPST hatred and Panic is at alltime high.

They know Biden is incompetent - and only there becasse Clyburn backed him to prevent a Bernie nominiation.

Biden is senile and incompetent. He will not last a year in Office if elected - and will do more damage to america with his Socialist programs than Obama did in 8 years.
rexdutchman's Avatar
^^^AGREED and the best they can do is Joey and a scam ( covd 19 )
matchingmole's Avatar
George Washington: "I cannot tell a lie."
Donald Trump: "I cannot tell the truth."
Trump supporter: "I cannot tell the difference." Originally Posted by Lapdog
Biden supporter."I hope that gaff won't cost him the election",lol. Dumb on.
matchingmole's Avatar