Yes, you have warned me about a lady or two. And you were right. I actually made a private forum on my board(sgfe) for photographers only so we can vent privately about ladies who abuse our time.. I haven't made a list of my DNS yet because I'm the only one who is on there...Sorry that happened and I have definitely been there before. There are cities that I pretty much write off because of wasted time and money. I will check out your board and add any others I can think of.
But yes, I've had ladies flake after me driving a long way and getting a suite...Originally Posted by Megan Love
definitely not cool. the economics of escort photography are already terrible without having to eat a hotel room. Originally Posted by john_deereThat's what they don't get but if they are ncns'd then alerts are posted all over. I have a one burn rule. Burn my time or money once and that's soup for you lady lol.