Oh Fani - get ready for your mugshot

berryberry's Avatar
... Ya know something, mates... I gotta wonder IF
Trump will be allowed to sit in the courtroom
during the Evidentiary Hearing to view the evidence
against Fani. ...

... Trump sitting in the front row there, and
smirking as all the misdeeds and blatant corruption
are aired in full display... ...

Wouldn't THAT be Grand? ...

#### Salty Originally Posted by Salty Again
He is a concerned citizen Salty

berryberry's Avatar
Attorney David Shafer

"We have supplemented our motion to disqualify Fulton County District Attorney Fani Willis with exhibits showing how sworn statements by Special Prosecutor Nathan Wade in the disqualification matter conflict with sworn statements he gave in his divorce."

... See? ... Even the Washington Post will surely follow ME
when the Post needs FACTS and TRUTH...

#### Salty
berryberry's Avatar
Another leftists hero Fat Ass Fani going down

BREAKING: Fani Willis' good friend just testified that Fani's relationship with Nathan Wade started in 2019. This means Willis and Wade perjured themselves in their affidavit claiming their relationship started in 2022

This is bad for Fani Willis
berryberry's Avatar
Judge McAfee denies Fani Willis's bid to quash the subpoena of Nathan Wade. The judge says that now that there's sworn testimony he lied in an affidavit about when their relationship started, the court is going to need to hear directly from Wade.
berryberry's Avatar
MSNBC admits defeat, says Fani Willis will be disqualified because she allegedly “lied to the court.”

“This is epic, this is monumental... Fani Willis lied to the court, it’s game over for her. She will be disqualified.”

MSNBC was reacting to statements from Willis' former friend Robin Yeartie who said she has no doubt Willis and prosecutor Nathan Wade had a “romantic” relationship in 2019 & on.

This suggests Willis lied to the court when she claimed there was no romantic relationship in 2021 between the two.

“You have no doubt that their romantic relationship was in effect from 2019 until the last time you spoke with her?” attorney Ashleigh Merchant asked.

“No doubt,” Yeartie replied.

berryberry's Avatar
Leftist hero Fat Ass Fani loses her shit in court

The Judge issued a caution to Willis that he will strike her testimony if she continues to fail to answer specific questions

The judge has to take a break it is so bad

Watch her implode


Fani has shown what an absolute embarrassment she is. While it's embarrassing for the Country as well, it is good we're seeing this and the nature of those idiots persecuting Trump.
berryberry's Avatar
The leftists hero, Fat Ass Fani is so dumb, she unwittingly admitted to campaign finance violations on the stand


One of Fani’s Associates from the DA office or perhaps the Judge himself , should interrupt the proceedings and remove her from the witness Stand or strongly advise her to take the Fifth !

The more she talks the dumber she sounds and the deeper she perjures herself .
... Too right, Harley! ... When MSNBC's Caroline Polisi sayes
(as Berry mentioned) that it's Game Over - Fani's in trouble.

#### Salty
bambino's Avatar
Shouldn’t the IRS be paying a visit to Fani and Wade? They have more cash lying around than Tony Soprano.
Shouldn’t the IRS be paying a visit to Fani and Wade? They have more cash lying around than Tony Soprano. Originally Posted by bambino
The IRS may be the least of Fani's problems . A middle age , single , black ,frumpy woman who lives in Fulton County GA , and spends several hours on national TV , repeatedly bragging about the large amounts of cash ( $ 15,000) she keeps all the time , should probably stay off the streets or have 24 hour security !
bambino's Avatar
Kash - Fani Willis testimony is a total Gong Show- who carries around thousands in cash, pays their secret lover, lies about her relationship, takes multiple fantastic voyages, and allows russia gate scam artist direct access for a tell all book to glorify her bs work… and complains about being broke and lonely

This is the women who is responsible for unlawfully prosecuting @realDonaldTrump
bambino's Avatar
The IRS may be the least of Fani's problems . A middle age , single , black ,frumpy woman who lives in Fulton County GA , and spends several hours on national TV , repeatedly bragging about the large amounts of cash ( $ 15,000) she keeps all the time , should probably stay off the streets or have 24 hour security ! Originally Posted by harleyrocks
For sure. She’s let many criminals go free. Poetic justice.
berryberry's Avatar
Yes Harley. Leftist hero Fat Ass Fani’s entire demeanor today showed that she doesn’t respect the court or the rule of law because she thinks she doesn’t have to. Just like every other Democrat who knows they’re exempt from the law in our two-tiered justice system.

Now you know why the judges fought so hard to keep all the other Trump hearings off TV. All the leftist prosecutors are as corrupt and deranged as Fat Ass Fani is