we have been here before: to mask or not to mask

  • Tiny
  • 08-06-2020, 10:05 AM
I linked here to a study in a prestigious medical journal, Lancet, that showed hospitalized Covid patients who took hydroxychloroquine (HCQ) had a much higher probability of dying than those who didn't. The authors later determined they'd used bogus data, and the paper was withdrawn. And Why_Yes_I_Do and eccielover gleefully sent me running with my tail between my legs, ashamed and humiliated. As such, I'm reluctant to weigh in.

HOWEVER, here's the latest "study of studies" or meta study on HCQ. They concluded that there's no benefit to using HCQ to treat Covid 19 and there's no benefit to taking it as a preventative measure. And there are significant side effects:


On the other hand, here's a single study, that concluded HCQ works in a hospital setting. I've read elsewhere that the patients in this study weren't as sick as those in some others, so that now some believe HCQ may have some benefits early but not after you're really, really sick:


I wouldn't take the stuff myself, I'd prefer they give me something like Remdesivir or Dexamethasone, which are known to work.
  • Tiny
  • 08-06-2020, 10:07 AM
A-N-D if your interest in dealing with COVID and a myriad of similar diseases is genuine, I'll share one other article that provides tremendous insights on how best to avoid it in the first darned place. Pro Tip: It ain't got jack shit to do with masks Originally Posted by Why_Yes_I_Do
OK, if you want us to beg, I'll beg. PLEASE, can we see the article that provides tremendous insights. There's no link.
Why_Yes_I_Do's Avatar
OK, if you want us to beg, I'll beg. PLEASE, can we see the article that provides tremendous insights. There's no link. Originally Posted by Tiny
It's too controversial and relies on prevention via fortification and involves knowing a lil sumpn-sumpn about trashy subjects like science and biology. On the other hand, it does not include hope casting for something that does not exist or rely on subservience to an unseen Master forcing compliance on YOU.

Plus, you can get it on-line or even in your local grocery store - so clearly it's likely to be hokum and junk science. A-N-D, if you use your head for more than a hat rack - it's generally safe. Oh, one other caveat, it requires the user to have something of a clue, decent reading comprehension and a willingness to do some research - as such, very dangerous juju for many.

But in the spirit of being in just such a mood. Enjoy:
The MATH+ Protocol for Prevention and Treatment of Covid-19

Please note that the author of this article is not a physician or medical professional. The article reviews a set of recommendations from physicians. However, consult your health care provider before following this or any other medical recommendations....

IMHO, it hits the mark pretty well
sportfisherman's Avatar
I totally agree with the above ;

1.The author is Not a physician or Even a medical professional.

2.Consult your Health Care Provider before following this.

That would be a Licensed Physician who is Legally,Morally,Ethically,and Medically responsible to you the patient.
  • oeb11
  • 08-06-2020, 12:22 PM
For once sailor is correct.
however - the Medicare for All he supports of the DPST's - means no care for Nobody.

Their plan will make medical care subservient to a rigid budget imposed on the medical profession and the hospital care system - and will cause hundreds of thousands more deaths than wuhan virus ever will.

The 'Death committees " will murder anyone 'not contributory' to the Marxist cause - just as National Socialism and its eugenics for a master Race did in the 1930's

Be careful what you want to buy from snake oil salesman Bernie.
Why_Yes_I_Do's Avatar
....HOWEVER, here's the latest "study of studies" or meta study on HCQ. They concluded that there's no benefit to using HCQ to treat Covid 19 and there's no benefit to taking it as a preventative measure. And there are significant side effects:
... Originally Posted by Tiny
Will read the whole article later. At first blush, it seems focused on HCQ and Azythromyacine (sp?) and a lot on late stage conditions, which IMHO es el stupido. But I shall churn through it soon enough. But I had a couple questions first:
  • Can you pronounce any of the names of the co-authors?
  • Did you read the first couple comments posted at the link?
I suspect that by now you should know that Zinc is the third ingredient and is super-double-duper important for initial stages and especially for prevention. If you do manage to stumble through the MATH+ protocol I posted earlier, you may find that Quercetin , aka bioflavonoid, is key to be able to absorb Zinc effectively.

Or you could just wear a dumb-assed piece of paper or underwear material mask that is ineffective and not designed for the task at hand. I'm going to focus on race tuning the best bio-engine ever developed into a hot-lapping SoB. of a machine and put a piece of underwear on my face when I go to the grocery store.

BTW: true story happened recently. A friend who is a middle-fifty year old Doctor (Perdiatrician) came down with the Wuhan-flue. I asked them what they were taking and if it involved HCQ etc., figuring they would utilize the best science and technology available on themselves. They went with Ibuprofen from the grocery store shelf for 2 or 3 days - and lived to tell about it. Though they did cut down to 25 pushups a day instead of the usual 50 for about 3 days.
Why_Yes_I_Do's Avatar
I should have posted that disclaimer. Oh wait, I frick'n did.

To abuse an Enzo Ferrari quote: That which is your life does not concern me.

I totally agree with the above ;

1.The author is Not a physician or Even a medical professional.

2.Consult your Health Care Provider before following this.

That would be a Licensed Physician who is Legally,Morally,Ethically,and Medically responsible to you the patient. Originally Posted by sportfisherman
Not to mention that the study cited by Why_Yes _I_Do is from 2005, is addressed to effects on the SARS virus, not Covid19 (although they are related), but most importantly studies in vitro (test tube) effects that don't necessarily translate to real patients for a variety of reasons such as dosage, tissue availability, natural inhibitors, etc.
Why_Yes_I_Do's Avatar
....The 'Death committees " will murder anyone 'not contributory' to the Marxist cause - just as National Socialism and its eugenics for a master Race did in the 1930's... Originally Posted by oeb11

Margaret Sanger did her level best to contribute to the enhancement of the Master race by culling the "defects"' and "weeds". Her work carries on to this very day. In other words: Adolph was a total piker compared to her.
Why_Yes_I_Do's Avatar
So a study on treating SARS-COVID, from which SARS-COVID19 shares, I dunno, the only real difference I am seeing is that it prefers the human ACE-2 membrane and has an injected HIV component to it, was run during the time that Dr. Fauci was running that group and sat idle for 15 years, seems irrelevant to you. OK. Curious also that Fauci was involved with HIV, though not at much of a technical level, that was actually the Frenchy Doc. mentioned.

Not to mention that the study cited by Why_Yes _I_Do is from 2005, is addressed to effects on the SARS virus, not Covid19 (although they are related), but most importantly studies in vitro (test tube) effects that don't necessarily translate to real patients for a variety of reasons such as dosage, tissue availability, natural inhibitors, etc. Originally Posted by reddog1951
sportfisherman's Avatar
You are so right ; you Dunno !!
sportfisherman's Avatar
The medical profession and hospital care system is already on a rigid budget and subservient to the Insurance Companies.

The only change and effect of Medicare for All would be on Insurance Companies.

It would not impact the actual delivery of the care.
It would do away with the 100 billion or more Ins Co. profit they make to Administer your care.
  • oeb11
  • 08-06-2020, 03:39 PM
if you think bernie and the government will operate an efficient system geared to patient care - You are truly Effing Clueless,
Ever heard of the VAH system???
That is - at best - and it won't be best- is What Bernie plans.

No Cae for nobody - but Bernie andhis nomenklatura get special services unavailable to non-nomenklaura.

i urge you to sign up. bernie is guaranteed to lower the average American lifespan by at least 5-10 years.

Thank you - clueless sailor.
Sorry oeb11, but your post is unintelligible. I believe sportfisherman is correct. Medicare for all relates to the financing of Healthcare, not the delivery system itself as you allude by comparing to the VA system. Most, but admittedly not all, current providers are happy to take Medicare payment. In my career, it was basically fair. The savings to be realized are from cutting out the insurance middleman. Personally, I don't think it has to be a government system. It could be private, but with rules to open networks competently to any able, willing provder and rules mandating offering coverage to any individual willing to pay for the offered coverage.
dilbert firestorm's Avatar
BTW: true story happened recently. A friend who is a middle-fifty year old Doctor (Perdiatrician) came down with the Wuhan-flue. I asked them what they were taking and if it involved HCQ etc., figuring they would utilize the best science and technology available on themselves. They went with Ibuprofen from the grocery store shelf for 2 or 3 days - and lived to tell about it. Though they did cut down to 25 pushups a day instead of the usual 50 for about 3 days. Originally Posted by Why_Yes_I_Do

push ups? they have to be bullshitting you.

OTC ibuprofen? hmm interesting. their flu must've been mild.