Anyone who believes the election was stolen is a liar or stupid

I'd suggest that anyone who believes the election was fair and square watch the many hours of testimony given by citizen poll workers in the five swing states to their respective state legislators last January and February.

These eyewitnesses -- from various types of life experience and occupation -- had quite similar stories from different points of view about misconduct and tampering by Democrat workers.

Anyone with fair and critical thinking will realize there was a great deal wrong with the election and the tactics used by the Democrats were very successful.

So before you simply claim there was no fraud, watch the 40+ hours from these swing state jurisdictions and then lets talk about it. Originally Posted by eyefo
It's obvious the Election was tampered with, Democrats know it too. They just can't handle the fact that Biden was carried.
winn dixie's Avatar
I'd suggest that anyone who believes the election was fair and square watch the many hours of testimony given by citizen poll workers in the five swing states to their respective state legislators last January and February.

These eyewitnesses -- from various types of life experience and occupation -- had quite similar stories from different points of view about misconduct and tampering by Democrat workers.

Anyone with fair and critical thinking will realize there was a great deal wrong with the election and the tactics used by the Democrats were very successful.

So before you simply claim there was no fraud, watch the 40+ hours from these swing state jurisdictions and then lets talk about it. Originally Posted by eyefo
libs dont want to talk about this! They dont want any real discussion! They also dont want new laws for election integrity and security!
Lapdog's Avatar
It's obvious the Election was tampered with, Democrats know it too. They just can't handle the fact that Biden was carried. Originally Posted by Levianon17

And there's not a fucking thing you can do about it, except piss and moan like my ex-wife.
  • oeb11
  • 03-16-2021, 07:02 PM
Thank you - 'e' - a link would be helpful

and agreed - DPST criminals have no interst in seeing their voter fraud exposed - and are doing everything possible to institutionalize in America DPST control over elections to establish DPST hegemony permanently (HR-1)
Next come the AOC concentration camps and elimination of teh First Amendment

and when they try to eliminate the Second - and come to confiscate weapons in Middle America -

I see piles and piles of dead DPST's - and even the crows will refuse to eat those foul bodies.
And there's not a fucking thing you can do about it, except piss and moan like my ex-wife. Originally Posted by Lapdog
Iam sure you know all about pissing and moaning. You did it for four years during Trump's administration. The good thing about Biden is he's just a useful idiot and basically won't get anything done.
There is no proof. Over 60 court cases dumped. Just months of whining and moaning from the worst president ever in trump.

Here are the facts

Trump is the first one term president in 28 years, first ever to lose back to back popular votes, first republican to lose Georgia in decades, impeached twice, repubs lose the presidency, house and senate under his watch etc

Trump aka loser.
pfunkdenver's Avatar
It's obvious the Election was tampered with, Democrats know it too. They just can't handle the fact that Biden was carried. Originally Posted by Levianon17
It's NOT obvious. Sorry!

Until you, OEB, or someone else on this board, presents actual evidence of voter fraud, I'm not going to waste my time on it.
winn dixie's Avatar
It's NOT obvious. Sorry!

Until you, OEB, or someone else on this board, presents actual evidence of voter fraud, I'm not going to waste my time on it. Originally Posted by pfunkdenver
Yet there you go.

The election was stolen. In key precincts in battle ground states!
This is easy.

Present real evidence or at least admit you are lying.

If you aren't lying, you're past help.

I'll stop in occasionally to check on you people. Your zoo has glass walls so refrain from smearing them with your....secretions as well as excretions.
Originally Posted by VerySkeptical
It's NOT obvious. Sorry!

Until you, OEB, or someone else on this board, presents actual evidence of voter fraud, I'm not going to waste my time on it. Originally Posted by pfunkdenver
Your argument is disingenuous because no one on this board has access to this sort of shit to prove it.

Here's a counter argument - Ostriches don't exist. And if you say they do, you're a liar or an idiot. If they're real, bring one to my house. I'm not going to accept your bullshit photoshops or fake propaganda articles.
rexdutchman's Avatar
DPST's live by denial of evident facts and truth. All because orange man bad , not part of the state .
Pudding and chief gonna save us all BUT china first , illegals first corps first
Oh yea 3000 kid in dallas ( LSM 80% going to families WAHAT about the other 600 kids)
pfunkdenver's Avatar
Yet there you go.

The election was stolen. In key precincts in battle ground states! Originally Posted by winn dixie
Your argument is disingenuous because no one on this board has access to this sort of shit to prove it.

Here's a counter argument - Ostriches don't exist. And if you say they do, you're a liar or an idiot. If they're real, bring one to my house. I'm not going to accept your bullshit photoshops or fake propaganda articles. Originally Posted by GastonGlock
DPST's live by denial of evident facts and truth. All because orange man bad , not part of the state .
Pudding and chief gonna save us all BUT china first , illegals first corps first
Oh yea 3000 kid in dallas ( LSM 80% going to families WAHAT about the other 600 kids) Originally Posted by rexdutchman
I'm stunned. People who actually believe that Joe Biden, and the Democrats, stole the election.

No evidence, no witnesses, no proof. Wow!

Here I thought people who believed in alien abduction were crazy!

winn dixie's Avatar
I'm stunned. People who actually believe that Joe Biden, and the Democrats, stole the election.

No evidence, no witnesses, no proof. Wow!

Here I thought people who believed in alien abduction were crazy!

LOL!! Originally Posted by pfunkdenver
Aoc may be an alien?

I'm stunned. People who actually believe that Joe Biden, and the Democrats, stole the election.

No evidence, no witnesses, no proof. Wow!

Here I thought people who believed in alien abduction were crazy!

LOL!! Originally Posted by pfunkdenver
And now you've leveled up to putting words in my mouth.

Let me clarify my position - I don't think I've been part of a free and clear election my entire life. I think there's always cheating and both sides cheating. It's just a matter of who pulls ahead.
Jacuzzme's Avatar
A friend in Sydney was telling me how they were all amazed at how in your face the steal was, they (join the club) consider our elections a joke. The 3am biden vote dumps were in the middle of the afternoon there, so they got to laugh at the blatant fraud without staying up all night.

Aoc may be an alien?
I’d still hit it, only taking the duct tape off her mouth for bbbj.
Your argument is disingenuous because no one on this board has access to this sort of shit to prove it.

Here's a counter argument - Ostriches don't exist. And if you say they do, you're a liar or an idiot. If they're real, bring one to my house. I'm not going to accept your bullshit photoshops or fake propaganda articles. Originally Posted by GastonGlock
Disingenuous? Asking for evidence is disingenuous?
If you look at post #43 in this thread, I pointed out people on this board wouldn't be adding evidence or insight. Because like you pointed out, they don't have access. But the national level people do. And the second they found any evidence, it would be splashed in the conservative outlets. You claim everybody cheats. If that's the case, it should be easy to show evidence.

As far as your counter offer goes, you instantly assume there will be photoshopping and bullshit propaganda articles. The only thing you'll believe is if someone brings an ostrich to your house. How would you know it was a real ostrich if you won't believe pictures?
The nice thing about photoshop is it's detectable and propaganda can be checked out too.

So, back to the original premise.
Has anybody found any evidence of wide spread voter fraud?

Didn't think so.