Falling for your provider

wcdann's Avatar
I believe it would be a bad idea any way you look at it but you also cant always control love. Even though I highly dont recomend it there will always be a few who watches julia roberts in pretty women one to many times lol. If your going to try it there would have to be total honesty, trust, open mindedness, comunication, and understanding. There cant be any un warrented jelousy either. If the provider is going to continue to work then it should be in a different town then her boy friend. I only say that because why ask her to change when that was her job when you met. I also feel in return he sould be able to continue to hobby when she is out of town providing i mean fair is fair. If this can not be handeled by both then it should not even be tried. Just enjoy the 1 or more hours you get to spend with each other and stay just friends.
when it comes to life...women in general including regular women are good at letting on a man's ego to get personal gain so when it comes to the hobby game it's extremely dangerous when it comes to matters of the heart. I see so many guys in the lifestyle gamed and when reality hits when she's not returning your calls cause you don't have they money to sponsor her anymore and reality hits it is a wake up call.
But then again you have the provider posting she's looking for an LTR. So, exactly how does one do this whilst filling the role of a provider? It reminds me of two unstoppable forces colliding. Who would want to get in the middle of that?
I would think about it only if they lived in another state Originally Posted by Sweet N Little

Hey I live in another state
relationships formed in the hobby are USUALLY doomed so don't do it don't even think about it....it is all based on a fantasy no matter how far they live...
Soonerman12's Avatar
relationships formed in the hobby are USUALLY doomed so don't do it don't even think about it....it is all based on a fantasy no matter how far they live... Originally Posted by Irish Vixen

I'd agree.. There is just too much going on in a situation like this. Things needs to stay professional.
Old-T's Avatar
  • Old-T
  • 12-10-2011, 10:02 AM
Every statistic says that MOST relationships, inside this world or outside, are doomed. 50% of marriages don't last. A much larger % of "relationships" don't last.

So while I agree most relationships here don't work, I'd argue that is not hugely different than any others.

All relationships should be gotten into with eyes open, and too often that isn't what happens. People get fixated on the physical attraction and initially overlook almost everything else, and when the "everything else" is finally noticed it may not be acceptable.

I'd never look for a relationship here, but if one arises on its own the same cautions apply as anywhere else.
Honestly the only way anything works is by change both parties involved would have to make changes you talk trust honesty. Don't forget honor theirs only one way that all works tighter. That's through change
Still Looking's Avatar
Over the years I have been taken by three. (All at different times!) Right now there are two. But I realize the relationship has a beginning and an end. Living for today is what’s important. Tomorrow may never come! Be nice to someone today. You might not have the chance tomorrow!

....Tomorrow may never come! Be nice to someone today. You might not have the chance tomorrow!
Originally Posted by Still Looking
Isn't that a Garth Brooks song?
Still Looking's Avatar
Isn't that a Garth Brooks song? Originally Posted by JDNorthface
If its NOT perhaps it should be! The world becomes a better place, one person at a time. So we can all make a difference!
I've fallen for clients and vice versa. While some people might say the 'money factor' may prevent love because it's supposed to be the convenience of paying for sex WITHOUT the emotion or the strings, you cannot help human emotion. I married one of my clients long ago. It didn't work out, unfortunately, but it was because he had lost his job and I had to continue working, and he became jealous. I can't say I blame him, after all, that was how we met, and I think he feared I may fall in love with someone else and dump HIM. And I've dated a few clients, one for four years.

To many escorts ,crossing the line is the ultimate taboo. For me, it isn't, because I can't lie to a man who is a civilian ( non-customer) ...I just can't. And most men outside the business wouldn't be very accepting of a woman who works this job for a living. Some of my provider friends were absolutely appalled when I told them I ended up dating ( and marrying) some clients. But most of these women already had husbands or boyfriends who were aware of their work, so they already had a significant other. Before I became a personal trainer I worked exclusively as a provider and it was hard to find time to meet other men outside the business.

After I had seen a client for some time and he was single, and I sensed that perhaps he was open to a relationship, I would cautiously broach the subject, and see where it went from there. Strangely though, if a customer came out and said " I'm falling in love with you, can we go out?" I don't think I would, because I always had to be the one to approach the subject first. It may have been a control factor.

Conversely, there were some clients I had to stop SEEING because they wanted to cross the line and I didn't. One client told me that he would always continue to see me UNTIL I FELL IN LOVE with him, and well, that was never going to happen. It would have been unfair to keep taking his money and keep leading him on in that respect even though I told him up front that when he asked me the first time if there was ever a chance I'd fall in love (I simply was not attracted to him, period), I said NO. I quit seeing him because as I said, it would be unfair to keep taking his money and him to keep hoping as often as he saw me, I'd fall in love.
Only if his/her truck is on blocks? Originally Posted by pyramider

bahahaha!!! FKN aweSOME!!! i love it!!

to answer the question though-i have 2 clients whom I see socially. one, has been a VERY good friend to me, in real life situations. in fact, if my apartment caught fire right now, i'd call him to cry about it. and THEN probably call everyone else. we've been seeing each other a couple of years. the other, is relatively new, but wants more of a friends-type situation, and we do go out and about. in fact, christmas shopping, followed by dinner the other day. while in any other situation, either of these would be perfect mates. however, even though we each share a special feeling, it would be more of a step-sibling kind of thing. lean on one another, but no legalities when it comes to the great sex
Still Looking's Avatar
I've fallen for clients and vice versa. While some people might say the 'money factor' may prevent love because it's supposed to be the convenience of paying for sex WITHOUT the emotion or the strings, you cannot help human emotion. I married one of my clients long ago. It didn't work out, unfortunately, but it was because he had lost his job and I had to continue working, and he became jealous. I can't say I blame him, after all, that was how we met, and I think he feared I may fall in love with someone else and dump HIM. And I've dated a few clients, one for four years.

To many escorts ,crossing the line is the ultimate taboo. For me, it isn't, because I can't lie to a man who is a civilian ( non-customer) ...I just can't. And most men outside the business wouldn't be very accepting of a woman who works this job for a living. Some of my provider friends were absolutely appalled when I told them I ended up dating ( and marrying) some clients. But most of these women already had husbands or boyfriends who were aware of their work, so they already had a significant other. Before I became a personal trainer I worked exclusively as a provider and it was hard to find time to meet other men outside the business.

After I had seen a client for some time and he was single, and I sensed that perhaps he was open to a relationship, I would cautiously broach the subject, and see where it went from there. Strangely though, if a customer came out and said " I'm falling in love with you, can we go out?" I don't think I would, because I always had to be the one to approach the subject first. It may have been a control factor.

Conversely, there were some clients I had to stop SEEING because they wanted to cross the line and I didn't. One client told me that he would always continue to see me UNTIL I FELL IN LOVE with him, and well, that was never going to happen. It would have been unfair to keep taking his money and keep leading him on in that respect even though I told him up front that when he asked me the first time if there was ever a chance I'd fall in love (I simply was not attracted to him, period), I said NO. I quit seeing him because as I said, it would be unfair to keep taking his money and him to keep hoping as often as he saw me, I'd fall in love. Originally Posted by alluringava
Money just can't buy love! It just happens!
Money just can't buy love! It just happens! Originally Posted by Still Looking
It'll get you a good baragaining position.