PrePaid Session

burkalini's Avatar
OPs original post:

Sorry to disagree, that came up later in the thread.

As for your response. I had a provider call me from Houston, where she was stuck with no way home - 200 miles from her kids. I sent her the money to get home and to take care of things a few days. When I saw her 2 months later she repaid me 10 fold.

What goes around comes around. I may be a fool but I've sent money on numerous occasions to single moms in a bind (not expecting anything in return) What they do with it is their business. If they lied to me so be it - if I can, I will. Originally Posted by Louigi
Although we differ on opinions on any kind of prepay at least you go in not expecting anything in return. With that attitude it's hard to fault you. Hope your not taken advantage of because of your generosity
shorty's Avatar
Louigi. . . The only problem with that rationale is ladies will seek you out because of that. They network, know whose generous, and a push over when they get in a bind for money. I'm really surprised that you associate yourself with those types of ladies. However, if you don't care about the money, then more power to you.
My boy!!! So glad you're posting with the cool crew in National and not the reject section anymore lmao!! Welcome!! Originally Posted by London Rayne
Thanks - the guys in Corpus are cool but it's kind of quiet.

Yes - I've been taken advantage of but I believe I will be judged more on what I could have done and failed to do than what I did.
Old-T's Avatar
  • Old-T
  • 08-25-2011, 08:21 PM who treats me like a human being, not an acrobatic monkey. Originally Posted by London Rayne
I always thought all the ladies be treated that way all the time.
London Rayne's Avatar
No, listen to Burk and Shorty. Damn, did I just say that ha ha. You give the way I give...not expecting a payback, but many women in this biz will see you as a sucker and take advantage of you. Use your heart to discern which ones are truly in need before you give.
Louigi. . . The only problem with that rationale is ladies will seek you out because of that. They network, know whose generous, and a push over when they get in a bind for money. I'm really surprised that you associate yourself with those types of ladies. However, if you don't care about the money, then more power to you. Originally Posted by shorty
Not sure what you mean "these types of ladies." Many times these are ladies who some asshole knocked up and ran - though no fault of their own they were born poor, but they're not living on welfare. I guess you've never struggled to make ends meet, I have. I perhaps have a little extra empathy because of those struggles.
shorty's Avatar
No, listen to Burk and Shorty. Damn, did I just say that ha ha. You give the way I give...not expecting a payback, but many women in this biz will see you as a sucker and take advantage of you. Use your heart to discern which ones are truly in need before you give. Originally Posted by London Rayne

So True! Only give to the truly needy (i.e. kiddo sick, lady been in hospital, death in family, or natural disaster) once you have confirmed her reasoning.
Still Looking's Avatar
Ok I'll try not to be a biatch for 48 hours. Starting now... Originally Posted by Naomi4u
And through out the land it became silent!

London Rayne's Avatar
And through out the land it became silent!

Originally Posted by Still Looking
That biaatch is making money, that's why lol!
You give the way I give...not expecting a payback, but many women in this biz will see you as a sucker and take advantage of you. Use your heart to discern which ones are truly in need before you give. Originally Posted by London Rayne
Two months ago, a friend (just someone I can talk to) got fired. She has two kids, rent was due, no money - I trust her - paid her rent. Maybe one day she will have the money to repay me - if not, I have a friend I can talk to.
Still Looking's Avatar
I like you too babe, but don't lie to me! Just tell me you'll try not to be such a BIG bitch...that you'll be a smaller bitch, or that you'll only let SOME of the bitch out of the cage, you know. Be realistic. Originally Posted by Tiffani Jameson
I think I just fell in LOVE!
London Rayne's Avatar
Two months ago, a friend (just someone I can talk to) got fired. She has two kids, rent was due, no money - I trust her - paid her rent. Maybe one day she will have the money to repay me - if not, I have a friend I can talk to. Originally Posted by Louigi
You're just a sweetheart honey, and as long as your heart tells you it's the right thing to do, you can sleep at night.
Still Looking's Avatar
That biaatch is making money, that's why lol! Originally Posted by London Rayne
We all figured that, but let us have that little moment of joy! LOL
burkalini's Avatar
Ok I'll try not to be a biatch for 48 hours. Starting now... Originally Posted by Naomi4u

Ran a feasibilty study with a double blind. Fighting all gravitational forces for 48 hours has a 2.1 percent chance of success. However we still sometimes buy lotto tickets so I gues anything is possible.
London Rayne's Avatar
I give it 3 hours tops haaaaaaaaaaaaaa!