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Trump brings media blitz to NBC, ‘steamrolls’ Meredith Vieira on birther issue
I B Hankering's Avatar
I listened to this interview earlier, CNN's Malveaux does not acknowledge Trump's answers and keeps trying to push her own agenda. I'm not agreeing with Trump, but what has happened to journalistic impartiality? IMO, Vieira comes across as a less biased journalist.

Trump: Obama's citizenship may be 'scam'
Thu, 07 Apr 2011 17:34:07 GMT
Donald Trump and CNN's Suzanne Malveaux spar over the question of President Obama's citizenship.

I couldn't get this CNN link to work:

. . . but it does work here:

Trump has still not dealt with your observation that he could have been born in any country, and would still have been a US citizen by virtue of his mother's citizenship.

I'm surprised the press hasn't picked up on this...
I B Hankering's Avatar

Trump has still not dealt with your observation that he could have been born in any country, and would still have been a US citizen by virtue of his mother's citizenship.

I'm surprised the press hasn't picked up on this... Originally Posted by charlestudor2005
Yes. And another thing, Trump questions why the certification document has no serial number, when it obviously does.
Yes. And another thing, Trump questions why the certification document has no serial number, when it obviously does. Originally Posted by I B Hankering
Yeah, he's obviously mis-spending his money...but, I guess he can afford a high priced "detective" that only feeds him what he wants to hear.
There are two different scenarios that would come very close to securing Obama's 2012 re-election campaign.

1. If Palin is the Republican nominee for President!
2. If Trump is the Republican nominee for President!
Why the fuck are we even discussing a raving megalomaniac with a really bad haircut? As Altcomedy said, the man is a media whore who's major goal in life is to feed his ego, attract attention and sell his brand. His absurd airplane is evidence enough - it screams 'look at me!' 'pay attention to me!'. If the CEO/chairman of ExxonMobil can travel in a Grumman or Lear Jet, why does Trump need a 727 for other than ego reasons? If the U.S. wasn't such a celebrity-driven culture where the line between show business and reality has been almost completely erased, we wouldn't even be having this discussion. I doubt that he's seriously running for president as a Republican since he has frequently donated to liberal and Democratic causes in the past. However, his public blustering and posing are ways to insure that he stays in the news. That's also why he's latched on to the birther movement: it's the hotest of the hot buttons and is guaranteed to get him on tv somewhere. Surely we can do better than this.

In regard to what makes a good POTUS - a good CEO is not the answer. The president doesn't actually do all that much managing. What he does is set policy and direction, and do what needs to be done to insure that that policy is implemented and effective. Not in CEO terms of increases widget production, but in terms of bending Congress and the people to his direction. He is (or should be) first and foremost a leader. Something we are sorely lacking at this time. Look at the great presidents in the last 100 years. Roosevelt saw what the country needed, saw what the people needed, put policies in place, and then led the country in that direction, even when they didn't want to go (e.g., into WWII). Reagan didn't manage - he articulated a clear vision and led the country in that direction. LBJ forced through the Civil Rights Acts in the face of stiff opposition. And similarly for Truman and Eisenhower. And there is always Churchill's example - he kept the Brits in the war by force of will. The problem with Obama is that he's long on articulating, but desperately short on leading, which is a lot harder. (Leadership, to me, was defined at Ft. Benning as getting a bunch of people to willingly do what they don't really want to do because it has to be done.) So, a good corporate CEO can switch from company to company and even field to field, but it doesn't necessarily qualify him to be president.
In regard to what makes a good POTUS - a good CEO is not the answer. The president doesn't actually do all that much managing. What he does is set policy and direction, and do what needs to be done to insure that that policy is implemented and effective. Originally Posted by davec.0121
What the hell do you think a CEO does?
Rudyard K's Avatar
What the hell do you think a CEO does? Originally Posted by pjorourke
I just assumed he didn't know.
Well he is from Houston. Thats WTF country.
Well he is from Houston. Thats WTF country. Originally Posted by pjorourke
Nope, it's Coog Country!

Eat 'em up!
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  • 04-09-2011, 08:46 AM
What the hell do you think a CEO does? Originally Posted by pjorourke
I CEO does not have half the company resisting wtf he is trying to do at any one time. Big difference there fella's.

Trump will not get nominated. He does not have the patience nor skin thickness that job requires. .
Trump's Election Slogan Heard Today:


Speaking of Trump, what does the group think of his prospects for Prez in 2012?

IMO, the really funny part would be listening to the Lefties whine about his "lack of experience". Originally Posted by pjorourke
Trump has been pointedly noted for his lack of ethics, so I guess that makes him a viable candidate?
Trump has been pointedly noted for his lack of ethics, so I guess that makes him a viable candidate? Originally Posted by Leah Ireland
Lack of ethics???? Aren't we talking about politicians?