how important are teeth?

Next Best Thing's Avatar
I cant. I also cant blow up balloons.
You guys can thank my mama for all the speed she did while pregnant with me. And then the lack of health care my step daddy promised. Originally Posted by PhoenixFux
Sounds hideous.
annie@christophers's Avatar
do you need them to have somewhat straight chompers , ?

or will you date

the snaggletooth skanks

as long as its cheap?

discuss Originally Posted by JONBALLS
I'd advise to keep them.. lol
Xxoo annie
Frank Fucks It Right's Avatar
I cant. I also cant blow up balloons.
You guys can thank my mama for all the speed she did while pregnant with me. And then the lack of health care my step daddy promised. Originally Posted by PhoenixFux
Fuck that is disturbing.

PhoenixFux's Avatar
Sounds hideous. Originally Posted by Next Best Thing
Without a doubt. Probably the main reason why I hate living back in the area. If you guys ever wonder what could happen to a girl to turn her into a hooker, especially such a depraved one like me, here you have it
Next Best Thing's Avatar
Without a doubt. Probably the main reason why I hate living back in the area. If you guys ever wonder what could happen to a girl to turn her into a hooker, especially such a depraved one like me, here you have it Originally Posted by PhoenixFux
rooster's Avatar
Interesting. Originally Posted by Next Best Thing
It is. And I’ll bet many of us have some fucked up shit in our pasts that has raised hell with our lives ever since. Relative to this topic, I myself had to spend tens of thousands on my teeth to correct problems caused by years of neglect from my parents in childhood. My parents didn’t do speed. But they didn’t take me to the dentist either.

Gotta be said though: if ya do what it takes to take care of yourself, be it dentures or whatever, that’s okay. But if ya just let this shit fester and let yer damn teeth rot in your mouth without doin nuthin... welllll...there’s cucks on here what will still go for it. But I’m bailing. I’m probably OVER sensitive cuz of my past. But a clean mouth is an absolute MUST for me.

Being a dentist, I see a lot of gross shit. Rotting teeth and gum disease smell terrible, but to me it smells like money. Phoenix probably made the right choice. And if she's as good as most of you guys say, she'll have money for dental implants very soon.
Being a dentist, I see a lot of gross shit. Rotting teeth and gum disease smell terrible, but to me it smells like money. Phoenix probably made the right choice. And if she's as good as most of you guys say, she'll have money for dental implants very soon. Originally Posted by doctorsteve
It's better when the teeth aren't there to rot
I don't think anyone should be bashing Phoenix, especially for problems she had no control over. Her hygiene is very good and has no reason to be self-conscious.
Carlos Danger's Avatar
Being a dentist. Originally Posted by doctorsteve
Was the screen name dentiststeve already taken? Well at least you ain’t a chiropractor, veterinarian, or PhD of diversity and inclusion whew
Next Best Thing's Avatar
Does or does not this prostitute have dentures or anything else in her yap which simulates natural teeth.
Frank Fucks It Right's Avatar
Call me ignorant, many a mother does meth while she is pregnant with a baby but unless I have missed something babies are not born with a full set of teeth. I understand that these things can rot your teeth when used but in the womb babies don't have teeth.

Seems to me a simple issue of not brushing and flossing one's teeth, end of story.

DoctorSteve......two words, Dental Tourism. In Spain a straumann bone level implant with abutment and crown, the full procedure and all accompanying appointments, including plasma for healing and grafts as necessary.....1200 euros total.
Missburger's Avatar
Dr Steve work out something with Phoenix

I’m sure u can discount her
She had teeth/dentures in her mouth when I saw her.

DoctorSteve......two words, Dental Tourism. In Spain a straumann bone level implant with abutment and crown, the full procedure and all accompanying appointments, including plasma for healing and grafts as necessary.....1200 euros total. Originally Posted by Frank Fucks It Right
That is a steal. Over here, $3500 minimum. One dick in East Aurora charging over $7K