Stacy Abrams Says…..”6 Week Fetal Heartbeat Is Manufactured”

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  • 09-28-2022, 01:13 PM

Early fetal heartbeat is a real sound, not an electrical impulse. Originally Posted by ICU 812
Early fetal heartbeat is not made from a heart with any valves.

For pro life proponents to try and pass this off as a heartbeat as we know it is a total crock of shit. That is wtf being done.

Stacey Abraham only repeated what the medical community has stated publicly.

I've posted as much in this thread.

Lustylad even thinks it is a distinction without a difference!

Which is exactly wtf pro lifers want people to believe....that a functional heartbeat is a distinction without difference from a 6 week old blob of cell.

That is as silly as pro choice arguing that a 9 month old isn't a child!
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  • 09-28-2022, 01:16 PM
Organs continue to develop way longer than that. Originally Posted by Jacuzzme
From the looks of things...brain development stopped long ago for many of our posters!
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From the looks of things...brain development stopped long ago for many of our posters! Originally Posted by WTF
Yeah, yours. Show me a doctor who agrees with this.

”There is no such thing as a heartbeat at six weeks. It is a manufactured sound designed to convince people that men have the right to take control of a woman's body.”
ICU 812's Avatar
Not getting the focus on valves.

The fetal heart does not, and cannot, circulate blood till close to birth regardless of the complete development of valves . . .if circulation is the point of the focus on valves.

If a completely functional heart is an important criterion, that doesn't come till very late in the third trimester. Is that the point?

So, what is so important about a completely functional heart? Or is it just the valves that are so important?
Jacuzzme's Avatar
If I take the valves out of a Ford 302 it’s still a Ford 302.
That is exactly what doctor's say.

There are no valves, no heart. The real question is why it is called a heartbeat.

Can you explain how a heart that is nor formed can beat?

Electronic pulses from cells are not a heartbeat. There is not heart. Would you want Doctor lustylad to give you a transplant with a couple of cells for your heart? Has he convinced you it is a distinction without a difference? Originally Posted by WTF
A fully developed human heart has four chambers. At six weeks the heart is not fully developed. There are two tubes that represent the early stages of the heart valves that supply the developing embryo with oxygenated blood from the mother. It's not a true heart beat but rather cardiac activity which can be seen and sometimes heard through Ultra Sound. At ten weeks The fetus has a much more developed heart with all four chambers which supply oxygenated blood throughout the developing fetus independent of his/her mother. At this stage there is a true heartbeat which is easily heard through ultra sound. The stage of development doesn't make a person any less viable. The unborn have a right to be born. Abortion can never end a pregnancy only birth ends the pregnancy. Abortion is murder.
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  • 09-28-2022, 06:10 PM
If I take the valves out of a Ford 302 it’s still a Ford 302. Originally Posted by Jacuzzme
Except not only does it not have has no engine!

Is that still a Ford 302?
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  • 09-28-2022, 06:21 PM
Abortion can never end a pregnancy only birth ends the pregnancy. Abortion is murder. Originally Posted by Levianon17
A much more respectful argument. One I do not agree with but at least you're not hiding behind all this fetal heartbeat bullshit.
A much more respectful argument. One I do not agree with but at least you're not hiding behind all this fetal heartbeat bullshit. Originally Posted by WTF
I simply posted what is actually taking place during the early stages of fetal development. Abortion is also a Satanic Ritual. The Church of Satan advocates Abortion on Religious grounds. Fetal development is not a factor either. In fact the closer to term the better with Satanist it enhances their religious ceremonial right of passage, these people are sick. There's a lot of danger in this world not just for the living but the unborn as well.
Yssup Rider's Avatar
Holy shit.

You need to back off of that crazy shit man. We’re serious and sensitive whoremongers in here.

Living proof that no logical, respectful debate doesn’t eventually spin off into BSC land.
Holy shit.

You need to back off of that crazy shit man. We’re serious and sensitive whoremongers in here.

Living proof that no logical, respectful debate doesn’t eventually spin off into BSC land. Originally Posted by Yssup Rider
Now you know why Roe vs Wade was such a valuable asset. While the average Liberal was trying to proclaim Abortion was a right the Church of Satan was hiding under the umbrella of the Law so they could perform their murderous rituals. Now that Roe vs Wade has been overturned they want to sue the Government under the guise of Religious freedom.
The Abortion Fanatics are about as close to a “religion” as you can get.

Their holy scepter is the forceps, and they worship at the alter of the Stirrup chair.

Their holy sacrifice is the millions of discarded babies.
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  • 09-29-2022, 11:43 AM
No babies we harmed in the making of this thread...

.....well except for a few of you titty baby's feelings!
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  • 09-29-2022, 11:46 AM
Church of Satan!

Where you come up with this shit?
Church of Satan!

Where you come up with this shit? Originally Posted by WTF
I didn't make it up. There are people out there including many Politicians that worship Satan. Issues concerning Abortion, Transgender and even that useless vaccine it's all Satanic.