WLM Rally To Be Hosted in Sept at Texas A&M

The group initially seeking permission to "rally or protest" or whatever they want to call it was really dumb for doing that, and for not cancelling after the disaster in Charlottesville.
. Originally Posted by LexusLover
I disagree lexus, that they were dumb for NOT cancelling their event.. IMO to have done so would have been to give INTO the leftist's fearmongering..

The President called them out today, stating that Nazism, white supremacy, the KKK and ALL hate groups were repugnant and contrary to what America stands for. Originally Posted by Jackie S
Pity he didn't add CAIR, BLM and the Black panthers to that list!

Of course, this is not good enough for the Main Stream Media and the LIberal/Socialist/Democrats. The president waited a day or two to get the facts correct, and came out and took a very strong stand.. Originally Posted by Jackie S
Yet i don't remember the media ONCE condemning obama for not only flat out naming the racist groups, but flat out INVITING both Cair and BLM to the white house..

The university just said, oh hell no. There will no be a WLM rally. Event cancelled Originally Posted by BigLouie
I hope they get sued for violating that group's 1st amendment rights.
Yssup Rider's Avatar
so you agree that the ALT LEFT communist agenda are allowed to do whatever is necessary, by any means, to forward their goals?

Yes or No Originally Posted by The_Waco_Kid
That's not even English.

LexusLover's Avatar
Once the school administration gives permission to speak it is problematic to withdraw that permission based on the objections and/or threats of an opposition group unless all groups are denied permission on a "public safety" basis, but the government is tasked with the responsibility of protecting a person's right to speak.

There is a long history of SCOTUS decisions of "pre-speech" regulation, and the ACLU has been consistent and successful in attacking that type of decision....regardless of the content of the speech or the organization doing the "speaking" (which includes protesting).

That's why Dallas police officers were killed when BLM was marching ... they were protecting the BLM right to exercise their freedom to march.
Yssup Rider's Avatar
So what's your point, LLEPHANTMAN? You butt hurt that your Nazi all-stars won't be at your favorite college campus?

I'm delighted to bar this nasty fucker and his minions from every corner of Texas. Except of course, your basement.
Yssup Rider's Avatar
I disagree lexus, that they were dumb for NOT cancelling their event.. IMO to have done so would have been to give INTO the leftist's fearmongering..

Pity he didn't add CAIR, BLM and the Black panthers to that list!

Yet i don't remember the media ONCE condemning obama for not only flat out naming the racist groups, but flat out INVITING both Cair and BLM to the white house..

I hope they get sued for violating that group's 1st amendment rights. Originally Posted by garhkal
So you support the KKK, alt-right, white supremacists and neo Nazis, jerkall.

You've posted at least three line by line defenses of their actions.

If you've denounced them or condemned their actions in Charlottesville, please provide me the links.


Once the school administration gives permission to speak it is problematic to withdraw that permission based on the objections and/or threats of an opposition group unless all groups are denied permission on a "public safety" basis, but the government is tasked with the responsibility of protecting a person's right to speak. Originally Posted by LexusLover
Then why do we consistently SEE Libtard controlled colleges doing just that. Asking someone to come speak (or giving permission for it cause some STUDENT GROUP asked them). THEN cause of getting threats from other students, Cancelling it.. YET THAT ONLY happens to conservative speakers??
Where's the official alt right webpage/convention/organization?
Seems like they are being defined by the media and alt left. Like the TEA party was.
Yssup Rider's Avatar
Then why do we consistently SEE Libtard controlled colleges doing just that. Asking someone to come speak (or giving permission for it cause some STUDENT GROUP asked them). THEN cause of getting threats from other students, Cancelling it.. YET THAT ONLY happens to conservative speakers?? Originally Posted by garhkal
Please name a RWW-controlled college, jerkoff.

Cal-Berkeley cancelled an appearance by that notorious right winger Bill Maher.

You need to start researching your weak bullshit, hillbilly. You reveal your ignorance with every post.
Would you be the one who purchase that old house and tored it down rebuild bigger one? The one that used to pick yellow-orange berry from in the condo area walking toward park place. ...spying scarface - AL PACHINO went back to as far as government housing
LexusLover's Avatar
Then why do we consistently SEE Libtard controlled colleges doing just that. Asking someone to come speak (or giving permission for it cause some STUDENT GROUP asked them). THEN cause of getting threats from other students, Cancelling it.. YET THAT ONLY happens to conservative speakers?? Originally Posted by garhkal
You were actually making my point ... for the most part the day to day operations of colleges (some more Liberal than others) are driven by a more liberal mindset. The more than likely share the same anti-Trump bias to some degree as the student body. If they don't pacify the majority of the students on campus they will start losing enrollment, which drives their economy.

Filling classrooms = increased income. Increased income means improved facilities, new technology, and better qualified staff. In many of these colleges (like A&M) the alumni association plays a large roll in the decision making at the administration level.

Look what happened to Bernie Sander's wife and her failed attempt to "run a college"! She lost enrollment and then lost funding she had depended upon for future operations.
you heard of being on a really big boat crusing around the world few month in this country then the next ... just working on projects ... then i would not be driving around town
Would you be the one who purchase that old house and tored it down rebuild bigger one? The one that used to pick yellow-orange berry from in the condo area walking toward park place. ...spying scarface - AL PACHINO went back to as far as government housing Originally Posted by T_H_O_R

the LION KING SCAR ... LEO operation sink vessel "LIBERTY" TITANIC ... KATE by the Ocean - CAMERON, LOUSIANNA ... operation sink rig/frame/pin? " AVARTAR - all he did was uninstall the freshwater washing water so deckhand have to go get water manually " ... the throttle/forward/reverse cable was already replace with brand new cable and tested the trip before to make sure everything is working perfectly

people control technology LIFE IN JAIL ... DOMESTIC TERRORISM
the LION KING SCAR ... LEO operation sink vessel "LIBERTY" TITANIC ... KATE by the Ocean - CAMERON, LOUSIANNA ... operation sink rig/frame/pin? " AVARTAR - all he did was uninstall the freshwater washing water so deckhand have to go get water manually " ... the throttle/forward/reverse cable was already replace with brand new cable and tested the trip before to make sure everything is working perfectly

people control technology LIFE IN JAIL ... DOMESTIC TERRORISM Originally Posted by T_H_O_R

as in NARUTO - it was a setup for all the spy and people listening ... btw who took the money and spend it ?
dilbert firestorm's Avatar
Filling classrooms = increased income. Increased income means improved facilities, new technology, and better qualified staff. In many of these colleges (like A&M) the alumni association plays a large roll in the decision making at the administration level. Originally Posted by LexusLover
this is actually not true when it comes to college infrastructure. I don't know what's the situation with other college's infrastructures.

LSU has a huge repair backlog in their facilities. they just rather build new buildings than fix things. they money comes from rich donors.
dilbert firestorm's Avatar
you heard of being on a really big boat crusing around the world few month in this country then the next ... just working on projects ... then i would not be driving around town Originally Posted by T_H_O_R
thor, keep your shit in your own thread. please!!!