Another case of FAKE NEW??Hummmm

  • oeb11
  • 02-02-2019, 12:34 PM
Can One who "knows his stuff" recognize himself /herself in a mirror/photograph?
Evidently not!
Fake self-recognition - Not News -

One claims to be a capitalist thinking One will be in the Nomenklatura of the DPST Rule
Mistake - white males -and capitalist females - will be first in the DPST Camps and Ovens.
themystic's Avatar
Can One who "knows his stuff" recognize himself /herself in a mirror/photograph?
Evidently not!
Fake self-recognition - Not News -

One claims to be a capitalist thinking One will be in the Nomenklatura of the DPST Rule
Mistake - white males -and capitalist females - will be first in the DPST Camps and Ovens. Originally Posted by oeb11
youre way to paranoid oeb, your boy trump is the most dangerous threat to freedom we have ever experienced. it wouldn't bother me for him to be removed from power with ANY method. voting is only one method
  • oeb11
  • 02-02-2019, 02:01 PM
Threat to Freedom?
Your beloved DPST party will fund the Radical Islamic Terrorists to destroy Israel and every Jewish person in this world - but that racism is just fine with TM!

They will Tax every penny from every solvent individual to re-distribute to Illegal aliens in return for votes.
They will put every white male in their Arbeit Macht Frei camps and Ovens
And You TM - as a "Capitalist" are in line to be first among the AOC Camp internees!
Time to get fitted for striped pajamas.
themystic's Avatar
Threat to Freedom?
Your beloved DPST party will fund the Radical Islamic Terrorists to destroy Israel and every Jewish person in this world - but that racism is just fine with TM!

They will Tax every penny from every solvent individual to re-distribute to Illegal aliens in return for votes.
They will put every white male in their Arbeit Macht Frei camps and Ovens
And You TM - as a "Capitalist" are in line to be first among the AOC Camp internees!
Time to get fitted for striped pajamas. Originally Posted by oeb11
Don't be so scared oeb. There are plenty of Capitalist alpha males like me that will look out for beta males like yourself. Just because your a snowflake doesn't mean I don't have compassion for you

Fuck Israel. They can fight their own battles. We don't owe them shit. The little sissy Jaren just wants their money
I B Hankering's Avatar
Says he was accosted by two racists, but he's never out of camera view for more than 60 seconds -- and the cameras show that no such attack occurred.

Claims he was identified as a homosexual actor in a black TV series that a white racist would never watch let alone follow close enough to be able to recognize him on the street and know that he was a homosexual.

He had a Subway sandwich in one hand and his cell phone in the other ... arrives at his building where the camera shows that he still has both items intact.

This guy has made it well known previously that he is anti-Trump, and this allegation is nothing but a new way to press his lib-retard agenda against Trump.
And Chicago is now M.A.G.A country. SMFH
themystic's Avatar
Says he was accosted by two racists, but he's never out of camera view for more than 60 seconds -- and the cameras show that no such attack occurred.

Claims he was identified as a homosexual actor in a black TV series that a white racist would never watch let alone follow close enough to be able to recognize him on the street and know that he was a homosexual.

He had a Subway sandwich in one hand and his cell phone in the other ... arrives at his building where the camera shows that he still has both items intact.

This guy has made it well known previously that he is anti-Trump, and this allegation is nothing but a new way to press his lib-retard agenda against Trump.
Originally Posted by I B Hankering
Here's Trumps comments. Plus we all know Trump can keep Americans safe. Look at our border crisis and Chicago killings and violence. Crime has skyrocketed since he took office. Its sad that you don't care about America IB. We never had those problems under Obama
Here's Trumps comments. Plus we all know Trump can keep Americans safe. Look at our border crisis and Chicago killings and violence. Crime has skyrocketed since he took office. Its sad that you don't care about America IB. We never had those problems under Obama Originally Posted by themystic
With every post you prove and solidify your intellectual capacity
I B Hankering's Avatar
Here's Trumps comments. Plus we all know Trump can keep Americans safe. Look at our border crisis and Chicago killings and violence. Crime has skyrocketed since he took office. Its sad that you don't care about America IB. We never had those problems under Obama
Originally Posted by themystic
Says he was accosted by two racists, but he's never out of camera view for more than 60 seconds -- and the cameras show that no such attack occurred.

Claims he was identified as a homosexual actor in a black TV series that a white racist would never watch let alone follow close enough to be able to recognize him on the street and know that he was a homosexual.

He had a Subway sandwich in one hand and his cell phone in the other ... arrives at his building where the camera shows that he still has both items intact.

This guy has made it well known previously that he is anti-Trump, and this allegation is nothing but a new way to press his lib-retard agenda against Trump.

The Chicago police have not been able to corroborate a damn thing he claims.
dilbert firestorm's Avatar
awww. the Queen of the Snowflakes is having a breakdown. Originally Posted by themystic

queen of snowflakes? that describes Hillary Clinton to a T!
  • oeb11
  • 02-03-2019, 09:12 AM
Apropos DF
Thank You!
themystic's Avatar
Apropos DF
Thank You! Originally Posted by oeb11
to late. Austin Ellen already has the title. Queen of the Snowflakes
Don't cry sugar, I'll share that title with you!! Woman to woman,ya know!!!
LexusLover's Avatar
Don't cry sugar, I'll share that title with you!! Woman to woman,ya know!!! Originally Posted by Austin Ellen
I think you inadvertently insulted the gender.

I know it wasn't intentional.

But that probably explains the attitude toward Melanie ... jealous ... just dreaming of Trump putting it to him~! errr .... whatever it is.
themystic's Avatar
I think you inadvertently insulted the gender.

I know it wasn't intentional.

But that probably explains the attitude toward Melanie ... jealous ... just dreaming of Trump putting it to him~! errr .... whatever it is. Originally Posted by LexusLover
I've transcended gender Professor. Does that make me Transgender? You know everything