P- Nation Provider

annie@christophers's Avatar
So where is p again?
That was confusing.
Alot coming oughta me.. j.s

In fucking texas yall got this . In
We got a saying....

Dont share.. j.s

Xxoo annie

Squeaky from asking
Sure that happened.. ??

I personally got no idea..
loverlove17's Avatar
What does any of this have to do with great providers from getting a shout-out
Champagne Brown's Avatar
Champagne Brown's Avatar
(A)Subject line(Topic) P- nation, so it was on topic?

(B)Or was the subject line Topic(shout out)

Answer(A) ding ding ding

I'm sorry if you feel like I ruined your thread..but I do feel like I was on topic, at least going by the subject line.. she was the topic

Someone asked where is she at, so responded, my bad..

It went downhill, after my reply, lol
annie@christophers's Avatar
loverlove17's Avatar
I would like to give a shout out to providers who are original and provides outstanding service. the MVP some would say. The first one I will say is Seeking P for a great year of providing service
any fella feel free to shout out your MVP Providers Originally Posted by loverlove17
How again is just about P if I said this champagne Brown
loverlove17's Avatar
(A)Subject line(Topic) P- nation, so it was on topic?

(B)Or was the subject line Topic(shout out)

Answer(A) ding ding ding

I'm sorry if you feel like I ruined your thread..but I do feel like I was on topic, at least going by the subject line.. she was the topic

Someone asked where is she at, so responded, my bad..

It went downhill, after my reply, lol Originally Posted by Champagne Brown
So I should have said mvp provider even though it said it in the first comment that is about the MVP provider and I just selected p as one of my MVP providers that sounds like you've been trying to do something else I don't know but it seems like she's on your mind
Champagne Brown's Avatar
Since I've been on here, they go by "subject line".. Not the body

So I was on topic,and all the other stuff you added on is your opinion that you're entitled to, but extra to me..
loverlove17's Avatar
Since I've been on here, they go by "subject line".. Not the body

So I was on topic,and all the other stuff you added on is your opinion that you're entitled to, but extra to me..
Originally Posted by Champagne Brown
that's not good that you don't read the fine print what if someone wrote you a contract about your soul and you signed it because you only read big money on the top of it.
you never judge a book by it's cover you judge it by the inside and because you didn't see how the thread was written to talk about MVP provider it shows that you have someone on your mind
Champagne Brown's Avatar
You need to stop faking that you care about outing when you don't..

If you care for the person that did it, it's ok.. If you don't then bash them(MM)..

I responded to a question where is P at(p is the guest of honor).. I said bancation..

Superhead hijacked, with other shenanigans.. Fact check!
Champagne Brown's Avatar
Also you had no issues with Superhead, hyjack thread, because it was agreeing with your views, and so poorly taking up for your cup of tea..
loverlove17's Avatar
You need to stop faking that you care about outing when you don't..

If you care for the person that did it, it's ok.. If you don't then bash them(MM)..

I responded to a question where is P at(p is the guest of honor).. I said bancation..

Superhead hijacked, with other shenanigans.. Fact check! Originally Posted by Champagne Brown
apparently you're big mad right now and I hope that you get some help with that because this thread is about MVP providers AKA phenomenal provider Nation AKA P Nation
You're bringing up a whole nother thread in this one which is based on phenomenal providers I don't understand how you can hijacking a thread that has nothing to do with you
loverlove17's Avatar
I would like to give a shout out to providers who are original and provides outstanding service. the MVP some would say. The first one I will say is Seeking P for a great year of providing service
any fella feel free to shout out your MVP Providers Originally Posted by loverlove17
Once again let me remind you Miss Brown that thread is about providers who provide outstanding service who go out there way to make sure a client feels that they had a wonderful time.if you're going to keep harping on a provider that is no longer on the website what is that saying about you. Looks like you're beating the dead horse because no one else but me is responding to you.
Champagne Brown's Avatar
I have a bad habit when postings start with bullshyt out the door that aren't facts, I don't read it..

If I was mad(With You), trust me dear you would definitely know it..

"Knights" like this I wish rain drops would fall..

Didn't read your 2 postings, because you're fraudulent!

Facts are she turned in two providers to government officials(me being one)..

Recently she outed again two more providers, me being one again..

I have the right to be mad about that,just like the guy that got his job played with(You can understand his misfortune), but you know what, nvm..

You're not well-rounded....
DallasRain's Avatar
Louisiana has some great women...yall all rock!

and I LUV Annie!!