Can you decipher what bitten said here SPEED do you possibly have the decoder ring!!?? I did understand the part where he said "makes no sense"...he's right about that!!

I made several comments about the impeachment. Go back and check it out. Originally Posted by SpeedRacerXXX
There is nothing to "check out" because a comment from you would amount to dancing on the head of a pin. This precious congress of yours has been nothing but a bunch of partisan hacks. A conplete partisan impeachment which bullosey said would be a bipartisan such thing happened. Can you tell us why SPEED??

I didn't catch what you thoughts were on the obstruction of congress charge...and I'm sure I won't.You didn't condone your precious congress for this impeachment nonsense...again you are the master at deflection...nice try though!!

The platform of bittens you endorse has nothing on there that isn't pure socialism.
SpeedRacerXXX's Avatar
There is nothing to "check out" because a comment from you would amount to dancing on the head of a pin. This precious congress of yours has been nothing but a bunch of partisan hacks. A conplete partisan impeachment which bullosey said would be a bipartisan such thing happened. Can you tell us why SPEED??

I didn't catch what you thoughts were on the obstruction of congress charge...and I'm sure I won't.You didn't condone your precious congress for this impeachment nonsense...again you are the master at deflection...nice try though!!

The platform of bittens you endorse has nothing on there that isn't pure socialism. Originally Posted by bb1961
So you are going to condemn me with no proof. Typical.

And please understand what socialism is before you call me a socialist.

"a political and economic theory of social organization which advocates that the means of production, distribution, and exchange should be owned or regulated by the community as a whole."
SpeedRacerXXX's Avatar
And this is the platform SPEED supports...but no one knows his political leanings. Originally Posted by bb1961
Damn you are beyond stupid.
Why_Yes_I_Do's Avatar
...I find it interesting reading how people feel about the upcoming elections. At this point in time in 2018 several people were willing to predict the outcome of the November election. Originally Posted by SpeedRacerXXX
Which SARS-Cov-2 out break was running roughshod on the world in 2018? I'm still sticking with GEPOTUS landslide victory this November, especially if the competition is Joe "Rapey Fingers" Biden (it won't be). However, I do recall predictions this far out and right up to election eve of 2016 that said:

Why_Yes_I_Do's Avatar
...understand what socialism is before you call me a socialist.
"a political and economic theory of social organization which advocates that the means of production, distribution, and exchange should be owned or regulated by the community as a whole." Originally Posted by SpeedRacerXXX

Math explains Socialism much more clearly.
Capitalism is roughly grouped in class levels (can argue exact #s if it makes you feel better):
10% lower (poverty), 80% middle (normal folk), 10% upper (elite)
Key aspect being you can start at the very bottom (poverty) and rise to the tippy top (elite), based upon your own, individual effort - and you don't need guns to do it.

Socialism is always grouped:
90% (owned) by the 10% elite and government
There is no movement anywhere within the continuum. You can vote in Socialism, but you always have to shoot your way out of it.

Did you happen to notice your own definition states " economic theory"? Because it's a fantasy. Get your boyz-n-gurls in Congress to allocate $2B for the "Free Trip to Nirvana" program that allows people a 1-way ticket to Venezuela or Wuhan, China to try out your vaunted "economic theory" in real life. All we ask in return is your trip report after 6 months of living in a theory.
  • oeb11
  • 04-14-2020, 09:15 AM
WYID - well written, good sir!
SpeedRacerXXX's Avatar
Which SARS-Cov-2 out break was running roughshod on the world in 2018? I'm still sticking with GEPOTUS landslide victory this November, especially if the competition is Joe "Rapey Fingers" Biden (it won't be). However, I do recall predictions this far out and right up to election eve of 2016 that said:

Originally Posted by Why_Yes_I_Do
Explained several times.

And 2018 polls/predictions were almost 100% correct.

Interested in knowing what your definition of a landslide victory is.

"One generally agreed-upon definition of an Electoral College landslide is a presidential election in which the winning candidate secures at least 375 or 70 percent of the electoral votes."

"One generally agreed-upon measure of a landslide election is when the winning candidate beats his opponent or opponents by at least 15 percentage points in a popular vote count."
SpeedRacerXXX's Avatar
Math explains Socialism much more clearly.
Capitalism is roughly grouped in class levels (can argue exact #s if it makes you feel better):
10% lower (poverty), 80% middle (normal folk), 10% upper (elite)
Key aspect being you can start at the very bottom (poverty) and rise to the tippy top (elite), based upon your own, individual effort - and you don't need guns to do it.

Socialism is always grouped:
90% (owned) by the 10% elite and government
There is no movement anywhere within the continuum. You can vote in Socialism, but you always have to shoot your way out of it.

Did you happen to notice your own definition states " economic theory"? Because it's a fantasy. Get your boyz-n-gurls in Congress to allocate $2B for the "Free Trip to Nirvana" program that allows people a 1-way ticket to Venezuela or Wuhan, China to try out your vaunted "economic theory" in real life. All we ask in return is your trip report after 6 months of living in a theory.
Originally Posted by Why_Yes_I_Do
Debate the definition all you like. We had Obama as POTUS for 8 years and no one can point to any of his policies that fell under the term "socialism". Social Security is socialism. Medicare for All is socialism.

China and Venezuela are socialism at work. Maybe if Gus Hall or Eugene Debs had ever been elected POTUS you would have a case for a leader taking us down the road to socialism/communism. Joe Biden will not.
Debate the definition all you like. We had Obama as POTUS for 8 years and no one can point to any of his policies that fell under the term "socialism". Social Security is socialism. Medicare for All is socialism.

China and Venezuela are socialism at work. Maybe if Gus Hall or Eugene Debs had ever been elected POTUS you would have a case for a leader taking us down the road to socialism/communism. Joe Biden will not. Originally Posted by SpeedRacerXXX
Obama admitted that his "Obamacare" plan was simply a step to full government(socialist) takeover of health care and 1/6th of the economy.
SpeedRacerXXX's Avatar
Obama admitted that his "Obamacare" plan was simply a step to full government(socialist) takeover of health care and 1/6th of the economy. Originally Posted by eccielover
I tried to find when and where Obama might have made such a statement but could not.

Medicare for All is socialism. Canada has it. The UK has it. WHen you look at all the countries in the world, the majority have universal health care. Only a handful of those countries would be considered socialistic. I will let elected politicians in this country decide what is the best way to go, but universal health care is but a small part of determining whether a country is socialistic or not.
I tried to find when and where Obama might have made such a statement but could not.

Medicare for All is socialism. Canada has it. The UK has it. WHen you look at all the countries in the world, the majority have universal health care. Only a handful of those countries would be considered socialistic. I will let elected politicians in this country decide what is the best way to go, but universal health care is but a small part of determining whether a country is socialistic or not. Originally Posted by SpeedRacerXXX
I'll have to go search out the quotes then if you don't remember them, but he several times discusses how Obamacare would be a progression to a more widespread government universal plan.

And obviously that's how you start the overall socialist takeover. Take specific segments of the econmony(1/6 at the time of Obamacare) and work it towards government control. To deny his long term goals were not that is not paying attention to what occurred during those times.
SpeedRacerXXX's Avatar
I'll have to go search out the quotes then if you don't remember them, but he several times discusses how Obamacare would be a progression to a more widespread government universal plan.

And obviously that's how you start the overall socialist takeover. Take specific segments of the econmony(1/6 at the time of Obamacare) and work it towards government control. To deny his long term goals were not that is not paying attention to what occurred during those times. Originally Posted by eccielover
I'll take your word for the first paragraph.

Totally disagree with the 2nd paragraph.
Why_Yes_I_Do's Avatar
...Joe Biden will not. Originally Posted by SpeedRacerXXX
That's the funny part about Joe "Hairy Legs" Biden, even if one is dumb enough to vote for him, nobody actually believes he will be the one running things. GheeZe! If even just for the sheer maddening laughs of it, try to imagine an hour long Biden State of the Union address...
  • oeb11
  • 04-14-2020, 12:02 PM
An hour long Biden State of the Union Address - Lord help protect America from such Lunacy.

Even Pelosi and Schumer would not be able to sit still!
Why_Yes_I_Do's Avatar
..."One generally agreed-upon definition of an Electoral College landslide is a presidential election in which the winning candidate secures at least 375 or 70 percent of the electoral votes."... Originally Posted by SpeedRacerXXX
While we can agree that the popular vote is NOT a metric for electing a President , some sources say: There is no legal or constitutional definition of what a landslide election is. Like your source, for example. Some people say: "It usually means exceeding expectations and being somewhat overwhelming". Like your source, for example - which raises the question, was the electoral vote count of Trump 304, Hillary 227, Other 7 (according to, when measured against the Five38 poll the day of the election, which projected Hillary at 302 vs Trump at 235 electoral votes "...exceeding expectations and being somewhat overwhelming".

I would say it was and believe that GEPOTUS would agree . Clearly Hillary might say it was soul crushing and wonder What Happened - endlessly. But I would counter argue that she has no soul.

BTW: One might also calculate ((227/304)*100) to yield a 75% margin of victory