The aging escort...

Marcus Aurelius's Avatar
TY Naomi.
I would say something witty here but, what's the point, you're retired?

TY my lady works.
Naomi4u's Avatar
713hobbyman's Avatar
Olivia, keep on doin' what you're doin' 'cause you're doin' it right. You're awesome!!
I'm curious what you 30 plus women think about injections like botox or juvederm? In recent years, these injections have become so popular. I'm going to be getting some injections around my mouth.

When I see a photo of someone with pristine skin like Olivia, I wonder how it's done? We all age, and nothing will stop that. Originally Posted by incognito isis
Honestly, it's staying out of the sun and drinking my weight in water. I've worn sunscreen since I was 14 on my face and on my exposed skin since I was about 30. I can't recommend Clinique's Cityblock enough. I don't know how they emulsify it, but it is sans oil; it has a light tint to it and keeps unintentional sun off my face. I walk or run outside so I wear a hat when I do.

I've had botox before, but when I had the photo in my avatar taken, I hadn't had it done in about a year. I just had some in my brow (When I furrow my brow you can see a line, but it isn't visible otherwise.) and I think it works well there. It didn't work well, and was just a waste of money, around my eyes. I don't have any lines around my eyes. I let the doctor talk me into it as a "preventative" measure. It didn't do didly to the muscles around my eyes.

No, nothing will stop the aging process, but I plan doing it as elegantly as possible.
I'm a firm believer in taking care of your skin when you're young. Sure, I could use some random cleanser and my face isn't going to breakout, but I try and think more for the long term...The key is to recognize your skin type, and find a product that caters to it and is a nice balance, doesn't necessarily have to be anti-aging, but in the long run it makes a difference. The better we treat our skin when we're younger, the better result when we're older, and I'm not solely referring to face creams/cleansers, sun damage is also something I avoid. While some young girls may think going to the sunbeds everyday is a good idea, by the time they're 40, their skin will most likely begin to resemble leather! Originally Posted by Valerie
Beyond hell yes! If I hadn’t taken care of my skin when I was young…….. I used to be a Clinique girl. Then as I got older I had to switch to Channel. Now that I take HGH injections – YEAH – I’m back to Clinique again.

Another thing I avoid is base makeup. I think it blocks the pores and is in general bad for the skin.

HGH is something else I recommend. It’s supposed to give you more energy, but I’ve not noticed an increase, and I’ve been taking it for about four years now.

..........................I could not handle fitness studios, but i found - don`t laugh at me - working out with DVDs a great idea for me. I can take them anywhere and do it when i feel need to. Fitness studios i always paid the fee and never had time to hit them :-).

ANd i never tan, its the worst for skin. Although i realize i do look stupid in summer with my white skin, but there i use self tanners :.-) Originally Posted by ninasastri
I’m addicted to Tracy Anderson (She trains Madonna.) I just love her videos. And I hate, but do it, Bikram yoga.

Ba, you look lovely with your creamy skin. Who cares what Hollywood or fashion magazines tell you. I don’t like the cult of skinny or tan. You look great.
btw: we are all " snobs" here, this is called diamond and tuxedoes for a reason. Look at all these fine dining restaurant recommendations. No one recommends somethung under 5 stars here. Originally Posted by ninasastri
I don't think just because people who enjoy, appreciate and are able to afford the finer things makes them a snob. Being a snob doesn't have anything to do with a person's taste or their surroundings. To me being a snob has to do with how you treat people. To look down on others and treat them with condescension is being a snob. Just because people share their experiences with a fantastic restaurant or an exotic destination doesn't make them snobby.
Olivia, keep on doin' what you're doin' 'cause you're doin' it right. You're awesome!! Originally Posted by 713hobbyman
true :-)))))))))))
I don't think just because people who enjoy, appreciate and are able to afford the finer things makes them a snob. Being a snob doesn't have anything to do with a person's taste or their surroundings. To me being a snob has to do with how you treat people. To look down on others and treat them with condescension is being a snob. Just because people share their experiences with a fantastic restaurant or an exotic destination doesn't make them snobby. Originally Posted by Ansley
I disagree, snobbery contains both of what i say and what you say. Condescending and looking down on others is something not necessarily a snobbish person has to do. For example a homeless person can also be condescending, or a hippie can be that, but being snobbish is exactly about the money and the distinction between people who cannot afford all of that. Sharing experiences with fantastic restaurants that are very pricey does not have probably not necessarily anything to do with the food they serve :-). Its a way of being braggadacious. Its the enviroment that matters.

That is the same when a woman gets complimented on her being smart and then she says oh she is flattered because she is considered being smart (as opposed to all the idiots out there :-)...)
Snobbery can be condescending, but it is not the essence of snobbery to be condescending. Can be a part of it.
here is a wiki link that explains the forms of snobbery that you explained and also the parts of snobbery that i explained.

For example the pure creation of a forum on eccie titled "diamonds and tuxedoes" is a form of snobbery. If you find that to be condescending, than this can be a part of it. So we agree on that subject. Also the entitlement of your quote of the "finer things in life" can be - strictly defined - a form of snobbery because you see these things as "finer" so superiour to other things. :-)

For me a snob is someone that bathes (or wishes to bathe) in luxury :-). And you are right , this CAN BE also condescending. But it does not have to be. But this is an interesting thought triggering discussion, thanks for bringing this into my mind, Ansley :-).
Well I know that, Valerie. My point was I will not use Botox on my skin or anything else that is too harsh. So as a cosmetologist, What would you recommend as far as anti-aging products (Besides Botox)? I just started using Dior products but I'm more Mac Cosmetics. Originally Posted by Naomi4u

I like this product line called "neoceuticals" . I usually don`t use other brands except cosmetic products like neostrata.
For anti ageing use anything containing a HIGH amount of Hyaluronic acid. Or AHAs for peeling effects.
That is for external if you don`t like anything internally. As for vitamins i recommend a brand called "Orthomol" . They have a high value of vitamins usually cancer patients use for recovery from chemotherapy. I am not sure if you get that stuff in the USA, but for me it used to work wonders also when i had a phase of burnout. Since that time i never stopped using orthomol vitamins
I don't think just because people who enjoy, appreciate and are able to afford the finer things makes them a snob. Being a snob doesn't have anything to do with a person's taste or their surroundings. To me being a snob has to do with how you treat people. To look down on others and treat them with condescension is being a snob. Just because people share their experiences with a fantastic restaurant or an exotic destination doesn't make them snobby. Originally Posted by Ansley

I totally agree. Having good taste, a sophisticated palate, and an appreciation for the finer things in life, does not make one a snob. Being judgemental and critical of people that don't have what you do, DOES make you a snob. Insulting people that don't do what you do, look how you look, or like what you like, makes you a snob. That isn't an admirable trait.
I totally agree. Having good taste, a sophisticated palate, and an appreciation for the finer things in life, does not make one a snob. Being judgemental and critical of people that don't have what you do, DOES make you a snob. Insulting people that don't do what you do, look how you look, or like what you like, makes you a snob. That isn't an admirable trait. Originally Posted by heidilynnla
saying what "good" taste is is already snobbish :-) ( do is sophisticated palate and finer things)
so then the majority of escorts are snobs? Because if you read thru homepages of many - if not all of them (that includes me btw) - of what they don`t like and how superiour they think they are? If that is how you see it , so it may be. Talk about that ivy league advertismenent and on the "quality before quantity" snobbery :-).
The most funny things for me are the escorts who have that kind of snobbery when interacting with others and then contradict themselves with their photos, their level of maturity and whatnot. That IS fun indeed. They don`t even add up to THEIR OWN standards.

I`d say being judgemental and critical of people and being condescending is not automatically snobbery. Its just that: condescending and judgemental.
WTF's Avatar
  • WTF
  • 05-20-2011, 06:29 AM
We are all snobs to someone.
We are all snobs to someone. Originally Posted by WTF
Naomi4u's Avatar
I disagree, snobbery contains both of what i say and what you say. Condescending and looking down on others is something not necessarily a snobbish person has to do. For example a homeless person can also be condescending, or a hippie can be that, but being snobbish is exactly about the money and the distinction between people who cannot afford all of that. Sharing experiences with fantastic restaurants that are very pricey does not have probably not necessarily anything to do with the food they serve :-). Its a way of being braggadacious. Its the enviroment that matters.

That is the same when a woman gets complimented on her being smart and then she says oh she is flattered because she is considered being smart (as opposed to all the idiots out there :-)...)
Snobbery can be condescending, but it is not the essence of snobbery to be condescending. Can be a part of it.
here is a wiki link that explains the forms of snobbery that you explained and also the parts of snobbery that i explained.

For example the pure creation of a forum on eccie titled "diamonds and tuxedoes" is a form of snobbery. If you find that to be condescending, than this can be a part of it. So we agree on that subject. Also the entitlement of your quote of the "finer things in life" can be - strictly defined - a form of snobbery because you see these things as "finer" so superiour to other things. :-)

For me a snob is someone that bathes (or wishes to bathe) in luxury :-). And you are right , this CAN BE also condescending. But it does not have to be. But this is an interesting thought triggering discussion, thanks for bringing this into my mind, Ansley :-). Originally Posted by ninasastri
saying what "good" taste is is already snobbish :-)
so then the majority of escorts are snobs? Because if you read thru homepages of many - if not all of them (that includes me btw) - of what they don`t like and how superiour they think they are? If that is how you see it , so it may be. Talk about that ivy league advertismenent and on the "quality before quantity" snobbery :-).
The most funny things for me are the escorts who have that kind of snobbery when interacting with others and then contradict themselves with their photos, their level of maturity and whatnot. That IS fun indeed. They don`t even add up to THEIR OWN standards.

I`d say being judgemental and critical of people and being condescending is not automatically snobbery. Its just that: condescending and judgemental. Originally Posted by ninasastri
sofiaofhouston's Avatar
Class cannot be bought. It's that simple. A "snob" is someone who tries to emulate class. The classically overdone! As for aging, we bring experience to the table, and the bed! We know how to read what a youngster does not by your body language, we know to mirror it to make you feel at ease. We know what we like and by "reading" your reactions know what you like......We know when you want "innocence" and how to play it. The most successful courtesans are rarely the young ones. Certainly not the HDH young ones. They come and go. If that makes me condescending, I'll take that label. I'm OK with who I am and that only comes after a certain age. It may be 25 for some or 35 for others. Maturity varies in a woman. The keyword being WOMAN.