truth in reviews???

hookem69horns's Avatar
Victoria Jolie is a one of many great examples of people who appreciate honesty! I gave her a Yes recommendation and she still contacted me asking if there was anything she could have done better or what I did or did not like. The girl gets utmost props from me for having a great attitude, I will most def be seeing her again! Originally Posted by mojojo213
First ... you are my new hero! She has been on my Must See List since day one! Just wished she made it to Dallas, or I'd make it her way.

On the Reviews ... personally, I think we should all be honest, period.

I even suggested having a Open Review Forum but was slammed from here to yesterday. I understand some would perceive it to be detrimental to a Provider if she wrote a negative review about a Client, but is it really negative, or one persons thoughts on how something that never happened happened? I mean, we are all adults here, and frankly most of us have dealt with negative people at work, or someone saying "no" to us at least a few times in our lives. The key? Communication. Do we really have to get mean and hateful in a Review? There are always ways of saying things in such a manner that are not offensive ...

For me? I want feedback from a Provider after I've seen her ... just as Ms. Jolie wanted, I want to know if I could have done this or that better, if I said or didn't say something ... I will always be most respectful of her, and if I offended her in any way I'd want to know ... hell, maybe she is candid and says I am too fat, or don't have enough hair, or maybe she really wanted me to do this, or that, to her ... or maybe she really liked my personality, or they way I dressed, or what I did ... to me, those things are very important, and I suspect I am in the majority, but many won't admit it.

I'm sure there will be plenty that disagree with me, and some that don't, and still others that agree but prefer to not get involved but in the end ... I think the Provider-Client relationship should definitely include open lines of communication after a consulting session that never happened ... the more you trust and respect someone, the greater the experiences.
anaximander's Avatar
Lol I'd tease mercilessly any hobbiest
who fessed to like being cornholed.
Just one door down from the ladyboys
as I see it- ha ha ha- tff.

The review I posted is pretty complete.
I have a slight foot kink but I ain't
gonna tell everything. Intimacy dictates
some level of bcd privacy.

Don't knock it till I try it?
Sewer rat may taste like pumpkin pie
but I'll never fucking know.

A provider review of clients would be fine
with me. Might make for better playtime
as the provider could be more secure
and even eager regarding a prospect.

The creeps and human debris could be
quickly identified and rejected summarily.

Clear the field of the clowns.
badhusband's Avatar
While I NEVER participated in some of the services quoted here, now, I've always been honest in my reviews. Love Ya Dallas!


I have been contemplating this issue for awhile now...

When you write a review,how honest are you? Do you honestly actually list fetish activities you have participated in or do you hide them out of fear of being ridiculed??
99% of the sessions I do will include strap on play/prostate massages/men wearing ladies undergarments/etc.......but VERY few or almost none will list these type activities in the review.

I think it would be cool to let clients know what "really" happened,so they can see what a provider is "really" all about!

YOUR OPINION PLEASE Originally Posted by DallasRain
Just reading this thread got me so worked up, I had to play hookie from my real job today! I almost missed the point of the thread with all this strap on play talk and positions being tossed around! DAMN! If I could write a review Dallas of what I've done in a doubles session, I doubt that prostate play is happening, strap ons in all sizes are being utilized and extr partners is just a cherry on top...!
You have it going on for sure!

Dallas is the queen of dom and damn good at it!
DallasRain's Avatar
thanks BAD & Miss J
yall make me sooooooooooo happy!!!!{smooches}

I think most guys are more "honest" in their ROS part

Awesome subject. Yeah, it would be nice if they would put the truly kinky stuff. It seems when I even mention that I have a strap-on that men are like "ew gross", but then I get pm's about it lol

I love the kinky, open-minded guys. It's always a treat to have that kinda fun every once in a while.
Ms. Athena's Avatar
Thanks Dallas, for bringing this subject to a head. Even as a newbie I have noticed that the men do tend to leave out the heavier kink and but at least explain to me why they do this. But as we are ALL here for something lacking in our lives and we are ALL here to meet our OTHER needs, whether it just be straight sex or kink sex......WTF Who are we to judge others on their sex levels?? I enjoy allowing a man to explore his hidden fantasies and fetishes......If we ALL werent willing to think and look outside the BOX, would ANY of us be here having this discussion?? Kink is Kool
The idea comes down to trust. I have been with Dee and I have trust in her. I am sure the first time you would not allow me to tie you to the bed and have my way with you. After several visits a trust evolves that would allow it. Each time I visit with Dee we go a little further. The next time I will bring a blindfold and have my way with her........
DallasRain's Avatar
great thoughts ladies!!!

I say ...YES break outta that box! lol

{Tucson,cant wait till next time}
hookem69horns's Avatar
great thoughts ladies!!!

I say ...YES break outta that box! lol

{Tucson,cant wait till next time} Originally Posted by DallasRain

You are sooooooo much fun!!!!!
  • Jets
  • 12-18-2011, 11:25 AM
When I first got started I left out the more extreme stuff - but lately I've (mostly) been fessing up in ROS. Kinda a turn on reliving it through writing the review - and I've gotten more comfortable with my kinks as I realize I'm not that unusual (have you seen how many fisting videos are out there and large/huge dildoes are for sale? Someone must be buying them! I used to find it hard to find providers who offered these services - but noticed in the past couple of years it is becoming more prevalent. Still - even when providers list TFB or fetish play - more times than not after we get done they tell me "that was the first time I've done that!" For the most part for most toy play is limited to small toys and most providers don't have the equip to move it on UP. I bring my own - which always seems appreciated. I also bring lube and gloves. I'm still seeking someone who is really experienced in this scene and will just take control of the situation, push my buttons and test my limits. That is my fantasy - but the search for that is pretty darn fun too!
I can tell you this. If I ever find the provider that is patient enough to start of with an average to above average strapon and then within the date work me up to the "is that a baseball bat in my ass" stage not only will I right an honest review I would shout it from the roofs. My only concern is that it would hurt my chances with the young pretty girl providers who are probably freaked out by that but I still want to visit them as well. What's a guy to do??
I am A DOMME/GFE, so. the guys already know that I do kinky and am fetish friendly.
...and have been for a couple of DECADES.
DallasRain's Avatar
I can tell you this. If I ever find the provider that is patient enough to start of with an average to above average strapon and then within the date work me up to the "is that a baseball bat in my ass" stage not only will I right an honest review I would shout it from the roofs. My only concern is that it would hurt my chances with the young pretty girl providers who are probably freaked out by that but I still want to visit them as well. What's a guy to do?? Originally Posted by BigMatt
larry696's Avatar
good question, if i was to have a fetish or kink session i would probably be honest about it. Maybe not go into every detail but just to let others know what the provider would do. I really could care less if I was ridiculed for it here, I have never met another poster and probably would prefer to keep anon. anyway so no harm with relasing the details i guess